Chp.15 The Summoning Treasure: Mahoraga Pt.1

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As we left off, Sukuna has defeated and kill Jogo and giving him respect, Sukuna was still standing on the meteor as a building began to collapse....he stood there at still, and notices someone behind him, and yet bowing to him somewhat....

Sukuna: And who are you?

???: I've come to welcome you, master Sukuna.

Sukuna gives a slight turn to see the person bowing to him, and there, it's the person who ordered Haruta to kill all of Ichiji's associates earlier, Uraume, and Sukuna was suddenly surprise to see him....her....they?? I don't know the author of the series didn't confirm if Uraume is a boy or girl so i don't know....anyways, Sukuna was surprise to see Uraume...

Sukuna: Uraume!

Uraume: It's been a long time, master.

Meanwhile, before Sukuna and Jogo's fight, somewhere in Shibuya, Megumi was having a hard time fighting off against Toji of how strong he is and the fact he started to notice he doesn't have any curse energy at all. He used everything against him, yet nothing, not even his hell dogs was a work against Toji. So only one thing left to fight him was physically. But suddenly....Toji stopped for a sec as he observed Megumi, his son, of how skilled of a fighter he is and how strong he is as well. He asked him if his last name was "Zenin"...Megumi was confused, but still answered "No". And that answer gave Toji such relief that his onw son is not an actual Zenin member, so with that said....he kill's himself by stabbing straight to his head...and drops to the ground. After that, Megumi goes to check on him and to see his face suddenly change back as the Seance technique ended and the grandson's body is back to normal, but yet dead as well....and to top it off...Megumi does not know that the man he was fighting was his own father all this time....

Megumi: What the hell was that about? ...*Never mind that, I need to make a haste to, I should make sure Maki and the others are safe first...-

As Megumi makes his way, he then was attacked from behind, slice up as he looks and notices it was Haruta...

Haruta: Haha! Found one.

Megumi: Ngh!!

Haruta again swings his sword, this time Megumi dodges it and jumps away from it as he was more injured than his fight against Toji...

Megumi Mind: Sh-Shit...where is he come from...I don't have them for this............but, in my ten Shadows technique, only Teo demon dogs are granted to the user at first. The other shikigami aren't granted to the user until they finish subjugating them. The user must continue subjugating each one, to increase the shikigami available to them, until they finally able to command all ten shikigami.

Haruta; So, you done? You seem strong, just like that woman from earlier, even though you're young. You seem beat up, yet you give me no openings to get close. Though, with the beating and the blood, I won't even have to do anything.

Megumi can't keep his strength up with all the blood he's loosing as he drops down to the ground....

Megumi Mind: The thing is...this subjugation can be done with multiple people. Though conducting the subjugation with multiple people voids it afterward. Which means the ritual becomes pointless to the sorcerer themselves. Still, even if it is pointless, there are ways to use it.

Megumi gets up...and does a standing pose, facing towards Haruta...

Haruta: Oh? What's this? You seem to be standing weird.

Megumi: ...While the shikigami can't be used without first subjugating it, the user can summon them as many times as necessary for the purpose of subjugating them.

Haruta: What are you babbling on about?? And what's this Shikigami you're talking...wait! Don't tell me-

Suddenly, some of the lights around the buildings shut off...

Megumi: In all sorcerer history, there never been anyone who managed to subjugate this one.

Megumi began to remember back then in Jujutsu. He remembered Gojo saying why both the Gojo clan and Zenin clan are in bad terms due to an "Edo era" or "Keicho era". The heads of the clan at that time got serious during a spectated match and both died. One was someone like Gojo, who possessed both the six eyes and the limitless technique. And the other, used the same technique like Megumi's: the ten shadows technique...

Megumi: *That doesn't mean I can actually become a sorcerer capable of beating Gojo. I imagine the head of the clan used this in much the same way back then.* .....With this treasure, I summon....

Back with Sukuna, he then felt  aprésense from far, the presence he felt is similar, he knew who it was, and seemed alert about it.

Uraume: Lord Sukuna??

Sukuna: Urgent business.

Uraume: I see.

Sukuna: It won't be much longer now, before I'm completely free. Do not neglect your preparation. See you later, Uraume.

Uraume: I'll be waiting for you.

Back with Megumi, all the lights around the building are shut, everything completely dark. Megumi began to summon whatever he has up in his sleeve. There, wolves began to howl as some shadow shikigami appear...and one giant Shikigami, covered in somewhat cocoon as Haruta saw it...

Haruta Mind: He tricked me! He's doing a subjugation ritual and forcing me to participate in the damn thing with him!

Megumi: Eight-Grip sword...Divergent Sila Divine General....Mahoraga.

There, Mahoraga has awaken by Megumi as he frees himself from his cocoon...

Megumi: *Sorry, Itadori....* ...Hey, bastard. I'll be the one dying first. Give it your best shot.

Once Mahoraga has awaken, the first thing he did was swing a vicious back hand to Megumi, sending him crashing towards a wall...and end up killing him somehow as he lays there and Haruta to now deal with Mahoraga as he began to approach to him...

Haruta: W-Wait..Wait wait wait wait! Oh fuck you! Wake up you shitty sorcerer!!!

Mahoraga emits blades from his arm and strikes at Haruta...
But instead he strike through the ground as Baruta then was saved from Sukuna surprisingly. And not just that, Sukuna then was standing near Megumi's body there, looking at him and the shikigami he summoned....

Sukuna Mind: Suspended animation...interesting. So saving this piece of shit was the right call. He probably sucked this thing into the subjugation ritual along with him. Once this loser dies, the ritual will be complete, and then Megumi Fushiguro will die as well.

Sukuna planes his hand onto Megumi and to heal him using Reverse cursed energy...

Sukuna: Don't die yet. There are things I want you to do for me before that.

Haruta: U-Umm..-

Sukuna: Quiet. Do me a favor and-

(YN): Sukuna!!

Sukuna: Hm?

Sukuna looks to his left, and there, he spots (YN).

Sukuna: Oh? Well Well, if it isn't the cursed pariste himself. How was the vacation?

(YN): Get away from Megumi!

Venom: And the what the hell is that?!?!

(YN): What is?!

(YN) notices the Shikigami, Mahoraga...

(YN): The hell? A shikigami?!

Suddenly, Sukuna has got an idea...and a way to mess with (YN)...

Sukuna: What you're seeing here is Megumi's Shikigami, Mahoraga. One of the Zenin Clan's most intimidating Shikigamis. Little downside about it: No one, and I mean no one of the Zenin clan, not even Megumi here, can tame this Shikigami. He's basically a wild uncontrollable beast.

(YN): ..Why are you telling me all this?

Sukuna: ...Cause since Megumi did a ritual spell on this piece of trash here to kill him, that would mean the ritual would be complete...and your friend dies too.

(YN): What?! N-no way!

Sukuna: Trust me, I had no intention saving this worthless trash here, but I have a reason why. Anyways, I'll now get to the point. In order for your friend to live, this Shikigami here needs to be defeated as an outsider and nullify His subjugation ritual. about you give me a little help?

(YN):'re fucking with me, right?

Sukuna: It's either that, or your friend here dies. So you're in one ultimatum right here. You either help me, or Megumi dies.

(YN): .....

(YN) has to make a tough choice, the fact he doesn't even wanna work nor team up with Sukuna, of how cold hearted and evil he is for the actions he has caused in the past and his life....but then again, his school mates his friend, Megumi is in a situation too the fact he won't be able to live until Mahoraga is defeated.
He gave a little guilt upset face, and gave his response....

(YN): ...I am so going to regret this fully.

Sukuna: Is that a yes??

(YN): ...Fine! But in return...bring Itadori back

Sukuna: *chuckles* Whatever makes you happy.

Venom: (YN)! Are you serious?!

(YN): I have no choice. Can't leave Megumi like this, nor Yuji. If he's telling the truth about this...then so be it.

Venom: ...

(YN) walks up to Sukuna, as he stood there and starring at him...

Sukuna: Ready, partner?

(YN): Shut up.

Sukuna: *chuckling*

The two notice Mahoraga coming towards them as the two stood in a fighting stance...

Sukuna: Now then, time to have a little taste.


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