Chp.20 We Are The Exception

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As we left off, both Mahito ran pass through each other, as one of them goes after Nobara...and as he was inches away to touch her face, a loud clap was heard, and Nobara suddenly vanished away, and (YN) to appear right where Nobara was standing, starring at Mahito with his hand clenched, ready to punch him.

Mahito: YOU?!?


(YN) swings and land a brutal Black Flash punch to Mahito's face, sending him away flying away to the original Mahito, and to crash to each other as the copy merge back to Mahito again...

Mahito: Where the hell-!!

Itadori: Move!!

Itadori swings a backhand to Mahito sending him crashing to the wall...Nobara was standing still and yet was left confused on what just happen, and someone approaches to her...

???: Hey, you alright??

Nobara: Y-Yea, I'm fine...say, you look a lot like...

Arata: Akira has told me much about you, I'm her brother, Arata Nitta.

Nobara: O-Oh! Arata...What happen??

Arata: Take a look over who saved you.

Nobara looks over to the person that swapped spots with...her eyes slowly wide to see the person slowly turn and look at her....that person was none other than her boyfriend, (YN).

Nobara: (YN)!!

(YN): Nobara!!

The two rush to each other and to give each other one big hug as (YN) swings her around. The two were chuckling together and so gals to see each other again.

(YN): I told you I'll find you.

Nobara: And you sure did.

They both gave each other a kiss, and Itadori to join in the reunion...

(YN): Itadori.!

Itadori: (YN).!

They both gave a handshake and a quick hug...

(YN): Glad you're okay.

Itadori: Same here man. But, how did you swapped places with Nobara?? Unless...


Todo: The bells of the Gion monastery in India...

Todo: Echoes with the warning that all things impermanent. The blossoms of the sala trees teach us through their hues that what flourishes must fade. However! ....We are the exception!

Itadori: Todo!

Todo: Brother! I am glad you're okay.

Itadori: And I'm so glad to see you here.

Todo: Same here. Now all three of us brothers, are once again together!

Arata: ...They're brothers?? ...But, they don't even look alike.

Nobara: Just roll with it...

Meanwhile, Mahito gets up and recovers from the punch from (YN), wipes the blood off and to stare down and be annoyed...

Mahito: Nrgh!! *They ruined it! HE, ruined it. That bastard, (YN)! This isn't how it was suppose to go!*

Back with the others...(YN) was checking on Nobara as she told him about her battle against Mahito...

(YN): He didn't hurt you, right?

Nobara: Just a scratch on the shoulder, but I'm okay babe.

(YN): Oh good. I-

Venom: Nobara!

Venom pops out with excitement...

Venom: You're okay! I'm so happy you're okay!

Arata: AH! The hell is that?!

Nobara: V-Venom!?!

Itadori: But, how??

(YN): Take a wiiild guess. The parasite here-

Venom: Hey!

(YN): Was alive the entire time, the audacity to surprise me once I just arrived here in Shibuya.

Venom: But everything turn out okay at the end. As I once again reunited with my best pal here.

(YN): ...You're still not getting chocolates.

Venom: Fuck you!!

Todo: Enough. You call talk about this later, right now, my brothers and I are about to start our battle!

Itadori: ...I don't...think I can keep on fighting...

Nobara: Huh??

(YN): Yuji??

Itadori: ...For a second there, I...I thought I was gonna loose Kugisaki, just like Nanami.

Arata: What?!

(YN): Mr.Nanami?!? You mean...

Itadori: ...I was too late to save him, and not just that...Sukuna killed so many outside...and to think I could save them...but I couldn't. I'm just a murderer, to think I was my conviction was just an excuse for myself...I just...can't...forgive myself for what happened..

(YN): .....Yuji-


They heard and see Mahito charging over to them with his arm turned to a blade and to go after Yuji. Todo uses boogie to save Yuji and swap places with him as Nobara hits and shoots nails to him, he deflect them, but was also a distraction for (YN) rush and throw a punch to his face and sending him flying away...

Mahito: Damn you!!!

Back with the others...

Todo: Brother, listen close: A man as great as you shouldn't let yourself grow so small. We are jujutsu sorcerers. Me, you, our other brother, Kugisaki, Mr.Nanami. All of our Allie's are jujutsu sorcerers!  So as long we continue to live, our dead comrades have not been truly been defeated! This is no matter of sins and punishment. The moment we chose to live as Jujutsu Spencers, our lives were no longer bound by such karma. Attempting to find meaning in the depths of the fallen can, at times, defile the memories of those we've lost! But even so, what have they entrusted you with?

Itadori: ...

(YN): ....

Todo: There's no need to find your answer to that now. But until you do, you cannot stop moving forward. That is the one punishment imposed on those who live as Jujutsu sorcerers. *...Theres no need to tell my brother about that right now.*

With Todo's wisdom of speech, it gave Yuji a proper hope to not give up the battle yet, even if he fails to save the people he care, like Nanami, he needs to keep going, and that goes for (YN) too since he somewhat in the same position as Yuji...
Arata then approaches to Yuji and to use his technique to heal him...

Arata: Hold still, I'm gonna heal your wounds.

Itadori: Okay.

Todo: You do that. In the meantime, me and my brother here will take care of the curse spirit over there.

(YN): Sounds good to me.

Nobara: I'll join too.

(YN): Nobara...

Nobara: It's been a year now, I can't just have a "welcome back" only, I wanna help you out. Besides, the two of us want to beat the living shit out of him for torturing Itadori, right?

(YN): ...Heh, alright then.

He gives Nobara a kiss...

(YN): Just stay close.

Nobara: Yeah.

Both Nobara and (YN) got into battle positions as Todo as well as he takes off his jacket and joins with them as the three stare down at Mahito. Mahito grew a bit annoyed, but at the same time he smiles and grins and to rush over to them as he emits his arms into sharp blades...

Mahito: ILL KILL ALL OF YOU! Starting with you, (YN)!


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