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As we left off, Choso found about having another younger brother, turning out to be Yuji Itadori, and yet "Geto" tried to make him kill him, so as of now, knowing Yuji is his blood brother, he will do his best to be the big brother Yuji always wanted. Choso aims his hands towards "Geto" as his hands began to steam up and turning red due of how much blood he's charging up...

Noritoshi: Blood Manipulation?! And so much pressure!!

Choso shoots blood piercing towards Uraume as she blocks it but to be hit by it and affecting her...

Uraume Mind: So this is Blood Piercing!? So fast!

Choso agains uses blood piercing, this time swings his hands to slice the floor around "Geto", and emit blood out from the ground and to sent "Geto" flying up as he was still standing on the ground that was force to be launched up. Choso leaps up after "Geto" as "Geto" fled away using a curse spotted eagle Ray fish, flying around in mid air as Choso again started shouting blood piercing towards "Geto" "Geto" nucleuses a giant shikigami curse to fall towards Choso as Choso shoots the shikigami curse, slicing it in half and trying to hit "Geto" alongside, but fails as he again avoids it. "Geto" goes dashing towards Choso and crash lands on the floor near him. Choso emits blood blades to attack, as the smoke clears, "Geto" was no where to be found, until he appears behind Choso and lands a punch to him and sending him falling off. Choso then uses his blood to stop the falling and boost him back up to "Geto" and began to throw punches to him, yet to miss the fact that"Geto" was dodging them with ease. "Geto" lands a kick to Choso and to then fall back down...

"Geto": Don't push yourself. Don't wanna get yourself tired.

Choso: So what? Is that any reason not to risk my life for the younger brother right in front of me?!

"Geto": Hehe.

As Choso continues to fight "Geto", we go Back with Yuji and the others...

Nobara: So, just two are strangers, right?

Itadori: Worse than that, he nearly killed me once already.

Panda: First it was Todo. And now are you sure you aren't emitting dangerous pheromones or something?

Noritoshi: Still, thanks to him, the fight has grown chaotic. We're taking advantage of this.

Itadori: Right.

Panda: I still have two cores, so I'll lead in the front. If we all attack him together, it should at least create an opening. We must do everything we can to steal back the prison realm.

With that said, Yuji, Nobara, Panda, Noritoshi and the rest charge after "Geto" to take the prison realm back...but then, they stopped and spotted Uraume.

Uraume: Ice Formation: Frost calm.

Uraume uses her technique, which has to do with Ice, she gives a soft blow as and crates a huge iceberg, capturing and freezing everyone...

Noritoshi Mind: An ice cursed technique?! And one with high level?!

Panda Mind: If I move, I'll shatter my body!

Choso: Tsk!

"Geto": Don't kill them. I need messengers.

Uraume: Is that any reason to leave them all alive?

Uraume heals her wounds from her hand using reverse cursed technique...

Choso: This ice isn't enough! Flowing Res Scale.

Choso tries using his blood to raise the temper to melt the ice around him, but Uraume stops him as she points her finger and extends an ice blade out to try stabbing him. Until suddenly, Yuji comes to the rescue, braking Choso free and avoiding Uraume away. Itadori was the only one who wasn't frozen as solid, and made him think it must've been Sukuna to avoid being Frozen...

Itadori: You alright? More importantly, are you our Ally??

Choso: No!

Itadori: Huh??

Choso: ...Im your older brother.

Itadori: Can you please take this more seriously?!

Choso: Oh come on now, can't be that hard to say it. Why don't you try saying it, for starters? Call me "Big Brother" or "Onii-Chan".

Both Nobara and Momo rush and to launch their attack...

Momo: Tool Manipulation: Wind Scythe!

Nobara: HairPin!

Momo launches a strong wind attack and Nobara shooting her nails towards "Geto" and Uraume as they deflected their attacks with her bear hands...

Momo: Shit! *Its depressing that they partied our attacks with our attacks*

Nobara: Itadori! We're the only ones we can move! We need to buy time for Utahime to finish her preparation-

Suddenly, Uraume blows her ice technique again, and this time to freeze them up again...

Nobara: Sh-Shit!!

Uraume: You.

Uraume was standing in front of Nobara and to face her hand to try and kill her with her ice...

Itadori: Kugisaki!!!

Suddenly, a loud impact was heard from far as "Geto" turns and notices someone dashing towards this way...

"Geto": Well, he's coming.

Uraume: Who-


(YN) comes dashing and goes straight to Uraume, Uraume points her finger and emits out an ice blade, and to stab straight through (YN)'s mouth and reach through his head behind...

Nobara: (YN)!!

Uraume: How fool of you-


Uraume: What?!

The attacked didn't do much to (YN) as he grabs Uraume's face, and brutally slamming her to the floor, then tossing her up and to swing a vicious punch towards her gut and sending flying and crashes to the floor near "Geto"...

"Geto": Why, it's so nice to see you again, (YN).

(YN): You!

(YN) goes sprinting to "Geto" as he then shoots out multiplier curse centipedes straight to (YN), (YN) emits his venom claws on both hands and slicing them up, "Geto" charges to him as those curse centipedes were a distraction to not pay attention to him. So he goes for a punch, but (YN) already knew he was coming from behind as he claps his hands and to re appear behind him...

"Geto": What-

(YN) swings a nasty back hand to "Geto" sending him flying as he flips and recovers and lands and to feel speechless about what happen...

"Geto" Mind: What was that about? As soon I was gonna land a hit on (YN), he clapped his hands, vanished and re-appear behind me...just what did he do? Or...what did Venom do?

Back to (YN)...

(YN) Mind: So, guess this isn't the actual Suguru Geto then. Which means whatever is inside of him...must be the one that gave me Venom.

Uraume: You!

He turns and stares at Uraume...

Uraume: From what I can see from must be (YN), special grade from Jujutsu, that Geto talked about, am I right?

(YN): .....

Uraume: Nrgh! Answer me god damn-

In a brink of an eye, (YN) one step blitz rush straight to Uraume, landing a vicious punch to the get, stares at her and says...

(YN): Shut up, weak-ass.

Sending Uraume dragging away from that punch to "Geto"...

"Geto": Next time, don't underestimate him. He's different than the other special grades from his classmates.

Uraume: ....

(YN) turns his focus to Nobara and the others...

(YN): Nobara! Guys! I'll get you out of here!

As (YN) brakes the ice with his bear hands to free Nobara and his friends, Uraume again uses her ice technique...her ice began to spread all over the ground and a giant iceberg was made out from the ground and to break in pieces, and several ice boulders started falling down like meteors and going straight to (YN) and other others...

(YN): Shit-!

Suddenly, the ice meteors were suddenly deflected away from someone appeared in the scene, and a curse shikigami floating around this person....

???: Long time no see, Geto. Now, could I get my answer to my question back then we met? And this questions goes to all the men out there as well....what kind of woman is your type?

"Geto": Yuki Tsukumo!


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