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From the following call (YN) has got from Nobara, he was been told that the incident of Shibuya was already going to happen later. And not just that, one of Kyoto's students, Muta Kokichi (Mechamaru), unfortunately was known as a "mole", meaning he betrayed everyone in Jujutsu and Kyoto due cause he had a Binding Vow with Mahito, promising to give them information as a mole in exchange for a healthy body. One of the conditions Kokichi had was for Mahito's group to not hurt anyone from Kyoto Jujutsu High.
At first, Muta managed to go take advantage against Mahito as he was able to fight him off and having his body healed up, and using his ultimate power: Mechamaru Mode: Absolute.

The way Muta uses the robot is that Absolute is fueled by Kokichi's entire life's worth of cursed energy; seventeen years, five months, and six days. The highest area of concentration in the suit is inside the head, making it simple for Mahito to sense where Kokichi is piloting it from. Thanks to Mahito using Idle Transfiguration on Mutant to become healthy, he's able to use this Goliath robot against Mahito. So far, Mutant was taking the high advantage against Mahito, and to think he would see his friends, even Miwa...
but unfortunately Mahito claims that he exploded himself at the same time Simple Domain did and deactivated his domain to lure Kokichi into a false sense of security. It was apparently all according to plan and nothing was close about it. Mahito does admit he's impressed with Simple Domain and expresses his gratitude for getting to warm up before the big main event in Shibuya.
With their final preparations finished, Geto announces they adjusted the terms of the commissioned curtains his curse users will be using. There should be no issue endowing them with the ability to use them either. Just over a week later, the fateful day in Shibuya finally arrives.

-OCTOBER 31, 2018-

The next day afterwards...after 7pm in the night, October 31, 2018, roughly up to 400 meters of radius veil barrier has been lowered and to surround and centered around Tokyo Department stores, Tokyo Outlet. With the veil being lowered already, it is now to say that inside the veil, the citizens now can't leave the barrier at all, and are stuck inside the 400 meter radius veil barrier around Tokyo, Shibuya. Meanwhile, outside the veil, at the Metro Shibuya Station Exit #13, we see Nanami, Megumi, Ino Takumi, and Kyotaka Ichiji, as he explains about the veil that's been lowered in the center of Shibuya...

Ichiji: It's a veil that traps only people inside, and only regular people are able to enter. Sorcerers and assistant supervisors are able to come and go.

Nanami: And the signal?

Ichiji: Remains blocked unfortunately. Please use assistant supervisors like us to exit the veil and communicate us.

Nanami: Shit, I just came back from Africa, and it's starting already a big problem.

Ino: Yo, Fushiguro! Did you know? That when a sorcerer has more affects with a barrier in existing veil? Basically you can apply to them with only curse energy and occurs people, curses and curse objects too. But with signal is a no no.

Megumi: Oh, yeah I knew that.

Nanami: Ino, he's a very talented man, so keep this in your act in check, will ya?

Ino: What do you mean Nanami, I'm not acting!

Nanami: ...Moving on, Ichiji, has anyone told Gojo?

Meanwhile, at the Shibuya Mark City Restaurant Avenue Entrance (Outside the Veil), we see Maki, Nobara, Akari Nitta, and one of the Zenin Clan, Naobito Zenin...

Nobara: Seriously?? No ones here?? At the scramble crossing near the station in Shibuya on Halloween??

Akari: It would seem something must've happen. Everyone who can running up to to escape the veil, said the same thing. They all said "Bring Satoru Gojo". Why?

Naobito: Hmm, there is no way any non-sorcerers can possibly know his name. Maybe they're being forced to say it. Can't break the veil, huh?

Akira: We're having a hard time unfortunately. The veil isn't actually preventing any sorcerers from entering or leaving, we just can't break it by force yet. It'll be much faster to find the one who lowered it and take out the curse user.

Maki: Then it's our duty to help out with that.

Akira: No, you three are going to wait here on stand by.

Meanwhile again, at the JR Shibuya Station South Entrance (Outside The Veil), we then see Panda and Atsuya Kusakabe...

Atsuya: They hold an advanced barrier and to call out Saturo Gojo by name. Probably the same culprits that were responsible for the attack of the exchange event. So since they decided to sent Saturo Gojo into that veil in Shibuya, then we will be on standby on the veil. We won't be able to contact once we're inside the veil after all.

Panda: Minimize casualties? They're talking about sorcerer causalities, aren't they? They don't care about any casualties among regular human, do they?

Atsuya: Don't get bristly with me. Unlike last years Night Parade of Hundred Demons on Christmas. Besides, I took a peek inside the veil earlier. People are panicking sure, but there aren't any curse spirits or curse users going around killing them. So they're trapped. But honestly I don't wanna go back in. So for now, we wait.

And finally, at the Aoyama cemetery, Yuji is with Mei Mei, and alongside with her little brother, Ui Ui...

Yuji, Mei Mei and Ui Ui were planning to head over to Gojo and give him backup, but before they do so, they must roam around Shibuya first. they were informed that another veil was lowered somewhere in Shibuya station as well, which means not one, but two veils in Shibuya are lowered, so they head over to the second veil that's lowered snd investigate who is lowering the veils in Shibuya...

Back in the main veil, some people were still panicking about being trapped in the veil, but some are just not worried at all, but the only thing they are worried and concern was their phones not having any signal at all. The other people tried to call out Gojo to arrive in the veil...
And so, they got what they want. Satoru Gojo, the strongest sorcerer has arrived inside the veil...

Gojo: Sorry I took long. Now then...what's all the ruckus?

Gojo heads down to the train station, once he does, he arrived and noticed a bunch of packed people waiting for three bus to arrive, and yet is concerned on what is going on.

Gojo: From what I heard, they are going after someone, and I know who I'll play along.

Gojo leaps off and to float down all the way to the Shin-Toshin Line platform train tracks of Tokyo Metro, Shibuya station B5F...once he arrives in the ground, he spots three enemies, two curse spirits, and one Curse womb, meaning half human and half cursed. The two curse are known to be familiar: Jogo and Hanami, the other, the curse womb, is new to "Geto" group, his name is Choso...

Gojo: Heh, I see you're fully prepared.

Jogo: You've really came, hehe.

Gojo: This time you won't have any excuses when I beat you again this time.

Jogo: And have you given any thought? To give the first excuse when you get beaten by the three of us?

Hanami grew roots surrounding the fits for Gojo to not leave the battle field on the tracks...

Gojo: *sighs* You don't need to do this, I ain't running away. I mean if I did, you would try to kill every human here, right?

Jogo: Would we kill them then if we run away? The correct answer you run or not!

Suddenly, the gates of the station open as the crowded people began to fall off down to the tracks...

Gojo: Get back folks. *I see, they sealed the exits off earlier so I won't see the people from the other side.

Jogo and Hanami began running through the people as Choso focused on Gojo...

Choso: Blood Manipulation: Slice and Exorcism.

Choso's curse technique is blood manipulation, which he can control and manipulate his blood beyond its normal capabilities. With that said, Choso shoots a powerful blood beam towards Gojo, as Gojo uses Infinity and ricochets Choso's blood above him...suddenly, with him focusing on using Infinity, Both Jogo and Hanami apparatus on both sides on Gojo...

Jogo/Hanami: Domain Amplification!

They both swing their punches towards Gojo's infinity and focus on their curse energy to break it through, once they do, they manage to do so, but unfortunately weren't quick enough as Gojo leaps up and avoids the hit..

Gojo: Makes sense, for you guys. To think you would ally with curse users. *Domain Amplification, it's the same principle as the new shadow school's simple domain. They develops themselves with a domain, with that reduces it's hit affect and sure neutralize any technique they use, unless if they pull it off right, they would allow their attacks to hit me.*

Jogo: Hehe, what's the matter? Didn't you agree you won't run away? Do I have to kill more of these humans to make you understand?

Gojo: ...Nah, how Doty I'm shock.

Jogo: Oh really? Here comes the excuses.

Gojo: Not at all...

Gojo's tone sounded serious, and yet isn't playing any more he now takes this serious, as he pulls down his blindfold and to reveal his eyes...

Gojo: I'm saying I'm actually shock you EVER think you can beat me with that bullshit.

Jogo: ....

Gojo: You there, with the branch eyes, the last time I met you is when you try taking (YN) away during our second school exchange event. And yet, you still underestimate the hell out of me....So I'll kill you first.

Hanami: ...


Gojo began walking towards Jogo and Hanami like nothing, as the two were sweating in fear the fact Gojo isn't nor doesn't feel threatened by them at all...

Gojo: Well then? Bring it. Like y'all said, not to run at all, right? So I'm not running, never will.

Jogo: Get him!!

Hanami: Right!

As Jogo makes the first move, Gojo quickly grabs his whole arm and puts it on a submission move, tossing him around while avoiding Hanami's attacks. After that, he looks at Jogo while slowly hurting his arm...

Gojo: Need a hand?

Gojo brutally rips off Jogo's arm off and to again dodged Hanami's kick, and to land a kick towards her and sending her flying away to the other side of the tracks...

Hanami Mind: I see. He's only targeting Jogo. So his earlier declaration was just independent. I also see he's stopped using his limitless technique. Has he given up using that technique and to only focus on combat attack using only curse energy manipulation? If that's the case, then there is no need for me to slither my roots through the crowd against him!

Jogo: AAAAH!!!

Jogo was then tossed through the wall by Gojo as he recovers and rr grows his arm back and runs away. Gojo arrived at the other side and notice Hanami using her roots, spreading them...

Jogo: Hanami! Do not dismiss your Domain Amplification!

Hanami's roots were spreading, going after Shoko as he easily dodges them with such ease and arrived towards her and to grab onto her roots attach to her eyes.

Gojo: Gotcha. So, this is where you're weak, right?

He pulls Hanami's branches out from her eyes as blood began spilling all over inside her eyes with her branches being pulled out...

Gojo: I see, you can't use Domain Amplification and curse energy at the same time.

Jogo Mind: I'm only safe cause I'm using Domain Amplification to protect myself! Damn it Satoru Gojo, is there anything your capable of?!

Gojo then uses Infinity again to Ricochet the blood off from him behind as he looks at Choso doing it so...

Gojo Mind: That guy...he's no curse spirit nor human. From what I can sense from him, he's probably one of the incarnated death painting wombs. He's annoying though.

Both Jogo and Hanami again use Domain Amplification against Gojo, this time with full force...yet it's not working at all and not even breaking Gojo's infinity at all...

Gojo: Y'all sure about this? The more you two try to neutralize my technique with your Domain Amplification, the stronger I force to maintain my technique. I don't think a slight of asparagus has that kind of energy to withstand that, do you?

Jogo: NNNGH!!!

Hanami: NNRGH!!

Both Jogo and Hanami were struggling against Gojo's Infintiy with their Domain Amplification as his Infinity grew stronger and much more force as it started backing them away...Gojo then turns his attention to Hanami, as his Infinity began to push her towards the wall, with such force it started to squeez her body towards the wall...

Gojo: Hehe.

Hanami: N-NGG!!! GH!!!

Jogo: Satoru Gojo! Look what I have here!

Jogo was trying to get Gojo's attention by trying to threaten to kill the people in the station, but isn't working as Gojo was fully focus on Hanami, and yet his Infinity started crushing her to the wall more and more....and then, with a steinf force of pressure, it caused Hanami to explode into pieces, no remains of her at Gojo killed here for good.

Jogo: H-Hanami...?!

Gojo stood quiet after killing Hanami...and to give a slight side eye dead look to Jogo...

Gojo: Next.


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