Chp.9 Red Scale

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Meanwhile, at the Shibuya station Interior, We take a look at Choso, who happens to wonder around the area of the station to look for Yuji and kill him for killing his two brothers back then with Nobara. Choso stopped for a sec to look around. Then, he suddenly heard footsteps coming towards his way, up in the escalators, someone was coming down, and yet someone did. It was Yuji, as he comes falling and landing on his feet...

Choso: Yuji Itadori! *My brother's killer!*

Choso's scars reacted and changed into his own blood as he claps both his hand and charging up his blood manipulation technique...

Choso: Convergence!

Choso shots out a powerful blood beam towards Yuji. Convergence is a blood manipulation technique skill that involves applying pressure to blood in order to compress to its limit.  The blood compressed with Convergence is then released through a single point. The initial speed of this blood enchanted with cursed energy, or as you would like to call it in a secret art of blood manipulation: Blood Piercing. The blood beam hits Yuji straight to his arms as he tried blocking it and knew it could easily shoot it through him, so he ricochets it away from him and runs off from Choso's blood piercing. Yuji charges at Choso and land a a punch to his side and pushed him away with that punch.

Choso Mind: *A double impact? What an odd technique.*

Yuji observes hid arms and can see them having gaping holes from Choso's piecing blood, but fights the pain off. Choso says...

Choso: I have something to ask you. Did my little brothers leave any last words behind before you killed them?

Yuji: Brothers? I don't even know them..-

Choso: The ones you killed them! With that girl, Nobara Kugisaki!

Yuji: ...Them?? ...Well, no not really, but...they did cry.

Choso: !!!

Yuji responded with such guilt tone the fact he even felt bad for killing them, and not even kncoking those two curse users were Choso's brothers, but Choso took it as a threat as he grew more angry from Yuji's response...

Choso: Eso! Kechizu! Watch over me...this is your older brother!

Choso exploded a ton of blood from behind and charged more of them both his hands. Yuji knew it wasn't good, so he tackles and drop him down and I knocking out the blood that Choso's been charging. Yuji throws a punch but Choso dodges it as he kicks Yuji off from him. Yuji looks up and to notice a bunch of blood knives floating above him and to dash towards him, he quickly moves out of the way to avoid being stabbed. Choso then merged those blood knives into one giant blood puddle and blasting it to Yuji and landing a hit to him. Choso reverts his blood back to him and saves to Yuji and lands a direct hit to his gut, and a kick sending him flying away. Choso again claps his hands together and aiming it towards Yuji and goes for another Blood Piercing...

Yuji Mind: Shit...he got distance on me again. That blood beam is too fast. I have a 50/50 chance to dodge that, and if my intuition is off and hits my head, I'm dead. the very least, I should dictate when he fires at me.

Yuji leaps up...

Choso Mind: He's playing with me. Fine, I'll play along.

And once Yuji lands on foot again, Choso shoots his Blood pierce to Yuji, and Yuji so lucky to tuck his head down and dodge the blood pierce. As he does, Yuji goes charging to Choso as Choso vegans shooting his blood piercing at Yuji. Yuji was avoiding it left and right and got up close to Choso and was about to land a hit...until...

Choso: Supernova.

Choso already had theee blood liquids floating behind Yuji without him noticing, and self explode behind him and Choso to create a blood knife and stabbing both Yuji's feet...

Yuji: AAGH!!!

Yuji quickly lands a kick to Choso's head and then another kick after, pushing him away. Choso again ready blood Piercing...

Yuji Mind: Shit, this guys hella strong.

Mechamaru: Yuji! Yuji, hey, can you hear me? What's the situation?

Yuji suddenly hears Mechamaru through the device again...

Yuji: Mechamaru! Where have you've been all this time??

Mechamaru: Conserving curse energy, there's still much I need to do....your enemy, Choso, blood manipulation huh?

Yuji: You know him??

Mechamaru: It's the same curse technique as Kamo.

Yuji notices Choso shot his blood piercing again as Yuji takes cover...

Yuji: Kamo?? You mean that dude with his eyes shut? From Kyoto?

Mechamaru: Yes.

Yuji: Any weakness?

Mechamaru: That, I don't know. Blood manipulation is treasured as one of the Kamo clan's heritage techniques. The reason for that is convergence. Which compress blood with high pressure, piercing blood and blood blade are both durable. It gives it a well balance to respond in close mid and long range. Since Choso won't bleed out, he has no openings.

Yuji: Thanks for the critical intel.

Mechamaru: I may not know his weakness, but I do have an idea. Run to the restroom.

Yuji: To the restroom?? Why??

Mechamaru: I'll explain later, go now. There may be a 10% chance it'll work. Sorry but if it fails, brace yourself.

Yuji: Well aren't you nice. Okay then.

Yuji takes the chance and makes a run for it to the restroom and makes it inside...

Choso: That idiot. *That only leads through the restrooms and elevator. No matter where you run, I'll track you down like a rat.*

Once Choso got close to the entrance of the restrooms, he began to heard metal braking, as if whatever Yuji is doing inside is breaking stuff.

Choso: What is that sound? *This is the guy that beat and killed both my brothers. Those two wouldn't loose to an idiot. But, what's that second voice he's talking to? Somethings not right, I have to stay alert*

Suddenly, he heard Mechamaru's voice from inside calling for him...

Mechamaru. What's wrong? Scare to come in?

Choso: What?!

Mechamaru: You're a coward, just like your brothers.

Choso: Nrgh!! I'll kill you!!

Choso rushes inside and to arrive at the boys restroom, and once he does, he notices the restroom's ceiling sprinklers were off and started to rain water from them...and there, he sees Mechamaru's device on the wall...

Mechamaru: All three of you are so full of love with each other. Yet, so easy to manipulate.

Choso: Nrgh!!!

Choso shoots his blood piercing, destroying Mechamaru's headphone device, and there...Yuji appears behind Choso, charges up his curse energy and lands a punch towards his back and sending him crashing to a wall, and Choso to recover from that punch...

Choso: It's all over for you. You have no where to run now.

As Choso was about to use blood convergence...he blofee once he summon his blood technique out....his blood immediately dissolved...

Choso Mind: Convergence dissolved?!

In order to enhance the affects of the blood manipulation technique, users constantly have to coagulation properties of their blood turned off. As a result, Choso's blood dissolves in water more easily than others. On top of that, one expose to water, the pressure causes the red cells to expand, and rupture their cells. This left him unable to control blood cells that can price 45% of his blood, and broke his convergence. In that situation, it was impossible for Choso to use blood manipulation outside of his own body. Six he uses another technique in combat...

Choso mind: Flowing Red Scale: Stack.

Choso lacked in combat experience, so he couldn't comprehend what's happening to him that moment. He just accepted the new reality and conducted his blood manipulation within his body.

Yuji Mind: I don't understand the reasoning. There wasn't any opportunity for me to ask. But, I do know one thing: ...He's in my turf now.

With Yuji and Choso dealing with each other in the station. Meanwhile, back at the city, at the Shibuya tower, we again take a look back at (YN), who seems to be covered in curse blood after he took down all of the transfigured curse spirits that were inside the tower building, and not leaving one alive at all.

(YN): Phew, that's the last of them.

He started cleaning himself up while walking down the street and to look around the streets, the buildings and the houses here in Shibuya...

(YN): Looks like Shibuya isn't looking good so far already. But, that's weird. Where's Gojo?? He should taken care of this with no problem, yet it's already a mess. Whatever is going on, I hope Nobara, Yuji, Megumi, and the rest of them are holding it up okay. Hopefully Yuta is doing okay by himself too. Now that there isn't much of those transfigured curse spirits anymore, I need to make a way over to-

Venom pops out from (YN)..

Venom: Head to Nobara. She must be feeling lonely without us! We need to get to her, ASAP!

(YN): That's what I'm doing. I need to get to

(YN) suddenly stood dead he slowly turns his head towards Venom...and giving him this uneasy look, as if he saw a ghost...or as if he thought he died....

Venom: What? Do I have something in my face??

(YN): Y-Yo..Y-You...Y-Youre...V-Venom!!?! Y-You're...alive!?!?

Venom: O-Oh.! Uuhhhh....surprise? Hehe..


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