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Viswank sat infront of his laptop with a cup of strong coffee in the mid hours of morning. Kalki who sat opposite to him was busy with the newspapers. "HYDERABAD ATMBANK ROBBERIES, .. POLICE AILS TO FIND THE THEIF EVEN AFTER ONE WHOLE WEEK OF THE LAST ROB"., news headings stated.

"We have a good news kalkai..", Viswank drew her attention from the daily.  "Location of the black box is found" . He turned the laptop towards her, . It shown a place near Vizag.


Saakshi stepped down from the black Benz, facing a two storeyed house.
"Roy and Prithviraj gifted this house for me a month before they passed. But I never stay here. Am still at the Roy Mansion remensing their presence. However a guard is supposed to protect his master , rather than resting at his home right" . His pain was visible even in the sarcasm. She looked at him, but remained with a cold face.

"When can I move to my house uncle... Or can I even...ever..? "
He remained silent.
"Oh.. how can I forget... That's not my home now right.."
With another sarcastic smirk, she got inside the house.


"Hello, Devaraj.. black box is found. I am gonna send you the location now"
Kalki cancelled the call. Soon she shared the location and moved from the office balcony after making sure that no one was noticing her.
But, a pair of eyes did watched her every moves from behind. Viswank texted to Saaho , ' Job done. Devaraj will come to you soon '  . He kept back his phone in pocket and sipped the remaining coffee.


***Bgm here***

Devaraj was sitting on a chair , beside the coffee  table of some restaurant. The whole place were covered by his men. He glanced at the phone, which displayed Sidhanth's picture, sent by Shinde before he died. After examining the picture, he looked at the person sitting opposite to him, wearing a round framed sunglasses, with high attitude on face. 

The picture matches with him very well. Devaraj decided to spoke up.
"So Mr..?", He stopped abruptly asking for his name.

"Saaho...., peru Saaho"

"Yeah.. Saaho, look I am not here for any fight, let's be friends. I only want that black box. I won't harm you. Even we can go for partnership too. "

Saaho smirked. "And why should I accept this offer.."

"Because you are too way intelligent. And I need that brain of yours. It will be useful for me.... For us. "

"How... Explain..!"

"Look Saaho... You can't reach Waaji , without somebody's help from there. And I am damn sure, you don't know anyone there. Else you would have flied to Waaji a week before. And alone with the black box you can't get anything."

"Well...What will you give me then.. I mean How much ?"

"15 crores. That's my offer."

Saaho stood up bursting into laughter. Devaraj and others looked at him confused. Saaho went to one of the men standing at the end. "Bro.. tell me what's your value for serving him.. "

The man looked at Devaraj and said ,"5 lakhs per month"  . Saaho nodded and then went to the one standing next to Devaraj.
"What about you bro..."

"1.5 crores per annum. "

"Humm" , after giving a slight pat on his shoulders, he went to his seat facing Devaraj.

"Devaraj Sir... Every thing has a value,   if it's 5 lakhs for your men, then it's 1.5 crores to your bodyguard. So... How much would be mine, who stole the black box , which has money about 4 lakh crores,  from your own bank with tight security... "

Devaraj looked straight to the eyes of the man standing infront of him. He was not someone who is intelligent. He is clever... Or cunning will be the apt word. A man who knows to keep the ball in his court , a man who can control the whole play.

"What you want.. tell me... "

"That's it... " . He sat down on his chair with a smile. "Sir... Now I will give you the offer .. the deal is 50-50. Take me to Waaji, I will give you half the money in the locker. "

"Cunning as fox..!!" , Devaraj smirked. "Ok the deal is fine. But , I have another job for you"

"Is it coming under this deal... Or anything new..."

"You will get paid for that seperately. "

"What's it.."

"I want to kill someone.. "

Saaho leaned forward. "Excuse me... I am a theif, not a murderer. "

"You don't want to kill directly. I will kill him, but I need your help... "


"Roy Nandan's son, the heir of Roy Group. "

Saaho looked straight at his. His face had a smirk, which was unnoticed by Devaraj. 'how can I help you to kill me Devaraj' , his mind echoed. And a slight laughter came out of his mouth.

"Why that laugh Saaho... Don't you find it's so easy... No it's not... He is very brilliant. As clever as you... Viswank Roy... The moment he stepped in to Roy Group, my existence is in trouble. Its my routine to remove every obstacle coming in my way.."

Saaho played with the coffee cup placed on the table. Viswank , was his own brother. He won't let anyone touch his brother .
"So... Your aim is the throne of Roy Group, not the money I suppose.. "

Devaraj remained a stern face.

"Whatever, it's none of my business. I will help you. But... Don't try to cheat me, it won't go good. "

"Never, the one who stand by side will be always under my protection. Get ready we will leave now.."


Devaraj stood confused.

"I won't come with you. Can't risk myself under trouble. I need a private jet. And only the pilot and I will be inside it. "

Devaraj was more impressed. This man won't leave any loop holes . He nodded in confirmation and arranged everything as he said.

After Devaraj went back, he called Viswank.
"Brother... Seems like you are threatening him so much..." , Sidhanth said with a sarcastic smile.

"Why Saaho.. "

"Because, he just gave me a deal for helping him to murder you.."

Viswank laughed hard.
"Brother... I know, you won't ever let anyone touch even my hair. So.. when will you come back..?"

"Tomorrow morning, I will be at Waaji."

"Ok.. take care Saaho."

"Hmm... Ah Viswank... "


"Sa... Saakshi..?"

"She is staying at our house. I have arranged guards for her safety. Also Anu is there staying with her. "

"Anu... Anuradha..? Your would be wife aa...??" , Sidhanth was trying his best to tease him.

"Shut up Saaho. There is nothing like that. Why are you always teasing me with her name. I know.. I have a crush on her. But that doesn't mean you can tease me always. I am cutting the call. Bye."

Viswank disconnected the call the next second, and stood with a smile.


Anuradha was preparing dinner for both of them. Saakshi who was tired after the journey and fever, slept the whole day . Anu , being herself a doctor gave her medicines and took care of her. 

It was nearly 7 in the evening when Saakshi woke up. She came down to the kitchen, finding Anu cooking something really delicious.
"Hey... You woke up... How are you feeling now...?"

Anuradha touched her forehead and found no traces of fever.

"I am fine Anu... By the way, thank you   for helping me."

"Offo... Why are you saying thanks and all. Do you know, me, Saaho and Viswank studied together from childhood. Even we took different courses for college, our friendship didn't changed yet now. And you are Sidhanth's wife... Means you are like my own sister. How can I not take care of you... "

Saakshi smiled at her cuteness. Soon she helped Anu with dinner. 
At the dining table , they were chit chatting and Anuradha's phone rang.

"Hello, Viswank... How are you..?"

"Hi Anu. I am good. Where is Saakshi..?"

"She is here, I will give the phone, wait a sec.."

Anu handed over the phone Saakshi.
"Viswank... "

"Saakshi, how are you.. your fever is ok right.. "

"Hm.. yes.. "

"Ok.. if you need anything tell Anu . Or call me . Don't hesitate. "

"Hm... Ah.. Viswank, Sidhanth..?"

"He will be at Waaji in morning. Don't worry. I don't see any danger as Devaraj himself has appointed Sid to kill me.." , Viswank chuckled.


"Yes.. don't worry. Nothing will happen. Take rest... Good night"

"Good night.."

Late at the night, Saakshi was standing near the balcony watching the moon.
So as Sidhanth , in India. 
Both remensing their lovely memories. And the coming days which are going to be very hard.

     Sorry sorry....🙉🙉🙉🙉🙉
I was not busy last days..but I was not in a good mood to write something. Sorry for that.
Better I don't say about next update 😂😂😂😂

Have a nice day...
Smile always...
With love,

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