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Sidhanth was brushing his hair looking at the mirror , humming something. His attention was diverted to the ringing phone kept on the table. Looking at the caller ID, he couldn't hid his smile.

"Sidhanth.. I want to say something.."

" 'I love you' right... I know Darling you love me alot..."

"Not that Sidhanth.."

"Oh.. you wanna meet me now.. sorry bangaram, I am busy right now.."

"Sidhaaaanth.....!! Will you allow me to speak atleast.."

"Oops... Sorry... "

"Sidhanth you should shift to Khurana Mansion"


"Yes... Do as I say... No more questions.."

Sidhanth heard the men taking his name. It's not the time to discuss more.. He cancelled the call and went with them to meet Devaraj.


Right after Viswank went , her thoughts shifted to her husband's surprise entry at the middle of night. She smiled to herself, but soon his words stuck his mind.
'i am staying 3 houses away from here'

No, he should stay at Khurana's. Else their plan won't work. Else.. they won't get their money back. Without wasting much time, she dialed his number.


"Saaho... I have a plan.." , Devaraj kept the coffee cup he was having on the table. Saaho interrupted him, gesturing to stop.

"You bought me here... I will have my plan.. and I will execute it. You just sit and watch the game. "

Devaraj smirked seeing the confidence of the young blood sitting infront of him. He nodded agreeing.

"So first... I need to shift to this mansion.. " , Saaho stood up from his seat and stood with crossed arms along his chest.

"But why... You wanted your privacy and that's why you decided to stay somewhere else right..."

Saaho smirked.. "Actually.. I didn't liked that place at all. When you have a whole twelve storeyed mansion, why should I adjust in that small house. So I decided I will stay here.."

"Ok... " , Devaraj turned to one of his men and asked to show the guest room. But again, Saaho neglected it.

"Uh ah, no ... I will select my room. Do you have any bedrooms at the topmost floor. I want to see the whole Waaji sitting in my room."
Sidhanth remembered Saakshi mentioning about such a room before the call hung.

Devaraj agreed to give him the room . The elevator stopped at the 12th floor. One lady, guided him to the door and passed the key. He opened it and entered. That was not at all a single bedroom. The maid left him alone. Sidhanth closed the door . The seemed like a whole single storeyed house. It had two couches and a wide TV infront of it. A king sized circle shaped bed , to one corner. And the wall of the bedside was complete glass. Small plants were planted here and there. A wide balcony, with a swing. Another corner had a small kitchen with essentials. Two big shelves with lots of books. A study table at the end most corner. A huge wardrobe and what not.... A complete luxurious room. 

He walked towards the bed glancing at every paintings that hung on the wall. Enjoying each picture, his eyes stuck on one photograph hung on the wall just above the bed. He chocked a breath , watching the most unexpected.


Saakshi was doing something on her laptop. Anuradha was still not back from hospital  . The door bell rang , and she went to the door to open it.
She smiled watching her husband at the doorstep.  But he seemed lost. Without even looking at for once, he got in and seated at the couch. Saakshi couldn't figure out what happened to him in the last one hour. He was very happy when she called him in morning. Closing the door behind, she went towards him.

He nodded in negation. "I shifted to Khurana Mansion, to the same room you asked me to. "
She looked away without meeting his gaze. He continued.. "And you know what.. I found something very interesting there... A photograph was hung on the wall above the bed. Probably that room belonged to that person earlier."

Saakshi was sweating profusely. How could she even forget about the picture. Sidhanth stood up from the couch and neared her.
"What happened Saakshi... You seems tensed. I think you know whose photograph was that... Didn't you..?"

"I will give you some coffee.." , she turned to the kitchen, but only to get pulled back by him. He pinned her to the wall. His eyes was red due to anger... More of anger it shown betrayal, defeat...

"Don't try to change the topic Saakshi... Open your mouth and spit out the truth... WHO. ARE. YOU... "

"Si... Sidhanth... I--"

"Don't try to lie... Why Devaraj is trying to kill you..? Tell me.. I need an answer now... SAAKSHI. KHURANA.."

She closed her eyes, tightened her fist, bit her lips.... Trying to digest what she heard... Her name... Her identity is revealed ...at the unpleasant manner.

"Why did you do this to me... I never asked about you... anything... But this.. you broke my trust... Why couldn't you say you are Prithviraj's daughter... Why couldn't you just say DAMNIT!!!"

He saw the picture , her picture... How could her picture be here... He checked the wardrobe , there were some clothes, ofcourse women's. Running his hands between them, he found another photoframe... Saakshi sitting between Roy and Prithviraj. He searched more... only to get a file.. and the name specified "Saakshi Khurana", with a passport size photo.  He closed the wardrobe in frustration.

Just then Devaraj entered the room. "How is your new room Saaho..?"
Without waiting for his reply, Devaraj's eyes stuck on her picture.
"Why is this photo still here... I will get it off right now.."

"No need sir.. let it be.. By the way.. who is this..?"

Devaraj let out an evil laugh. "This.... This is my baby sister... Poor girl,...was a throne in my way. I just cut it off .. now she is no more....."

Saaho clenched his fist, suppressing his anger.

"Saakshi... I need an answer... Why you did this to me. Am I not this important in your life, to know your real identity even... "

She lost it there. Tears didn't stop. Her emotions were taking over her will. She slide down to the floor, hugging her knees. Whatever be the matter, her tears can't be avoided by him. He sat on his knees beside her. She fall on his chest , clutching his shirt and crying hard. "I.. am ...Sorry..."

Another twist is revealed 😛
What you think about her story..
And what about Sidhanth,
he is broken...

Anyways keep reading...😁
Love always..
Smile always...

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