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ETF office

Goswami, Danny and Saakshi were sitting around the table . Sidhanth came and stood leaning over the table facing them.

"Three robberies, three consecutive Saturdays... That means, we can expect another robbery on coming Saturday too. Before that we should find about the robber. "

"Yeah... Sidhanth is right. But what can we do to get atleast a glimpse of that thief. Danny and Goswami has already checked the CCTV footages . But they found nothing suspicious. "

Sidhanth smiled a bit and looked at Saakshi.
"Did you watched it,?"

She nodded a no.

"Then let's watch... together... Danny play the CCTV footages of those three ATMs together on the screen, from 10 to 1 am. "

"Together sir...??" , asked Goswami.

"Yes... Together . On a single screen. Then detect those faces which are common in three footages."

His idea was convinced by everyone. Saakshi nodded at Danny to proceed.
Goswami and Danny were concentrating on the footages, while Saakshi was busy thinking something.
Sidhanth noticed her absent mind and went towards her , only after taking two cups of coffee with him.
He sat on the table just infront of her and offered one cup.

She took it and muttered a "thank you" before tasting it.

"It's coffee .. you don't like coffee right.." , she asked after taking a bit.

"But you love coffee , and now you need a coffee....and a coffee partner.." , he said with a wink.

She nodded looking at somewhere. While she was having the coffee, Sidhanth was busy noticing her lips, that had which had some form of coffee , and how she licked it with her tounge. Her eyes were wandering over the projector that displayed footages. It looked heavenly.


She turned to him only to see him smiling at her. She gestured 'what' with her eyes . He gently touched the corner of her lips and cleaned the bit of coffee. She closed her eyes sensing his touch. He smiled seeing the his effect on her. She opened her eyes as he took off her fingers from her. They shared an eye-lock for a few moments, which was later disturbed by the 'coughing' sound of Goswami to take there attention.

"Sir...we got him "

Sidhanth and Saakshi stood up . She went towards the projector for a clear view, while he leaned backwards, resting on the table, facing the projector with crossed arms.

"This... This man seems familier ", Saakshi broke the silence and tried to remember.

"Sidhanth.. he... He is the one right... We saw today morning... at the park.."

He nodded. Sidhanth has already recoganised him seeing the footage glimpse.

"Means ... He is the...robber ... Sidhanth we should arrest him very soon... "

She took her gun and headed towards the door. She stopped feeling his grip on her wrist.

"For what will you arrest him Saakshi...We don't have any evidence. These footages are not enough. "

Saakshi caught his point. She was distributed over something, which was clearly written on her face. Sidhanth recoganised this.

"You both go and try to find his details. "
They both went outside the cabin leaving both of them alone.
He kept his hands on her shoulder.

"What happened Saakshi.. your mind is somewhere else..."


She took a step forward, but was blocked by him.

"Saakshi .. look at my face..."

She did.

"And tell me what happened..."

Her eyes welled up. She shifted her gaze to somewhere else.

"Ok .. if you can't share with me, then it's fine. But come let's go home..."

"No Sidhanth I am fine.."

"No you are not... Don't make me shout ... You are coming with me and that's it.."

He dragged her hand and left to home.
The whole drive was silent. He could see her tears while sitting in the car.

The moment they reached the front door of their appartment she ran towards her room, throwing her bag and ID; and fell on the bed crying.
Sidhanth never expected to see her in this state.  He drank some water and stepped to her room. But he feeling her ID card under his feet, he stopped and looked at it.

He got inside the room and saw her crying. He gently patted over head .


She didn't moved. He pulled her up without caring her resistance.
He forcefully cupped her cheeks and made her face him.

"Birthday babies don't cry.."

For a moment she stopped her hiccups and looked at him.
"Happy birthday... Saakshi..."

He saw her date of birth on the ID card which he took from the floor.
Tears flow down through her cheeks. He rubbed it and pulled her for a tight hug. Her brain wanted to pull back. But her heart needed someone near her to lean on. And she did.

It was raining heavily in the evening. She was sitting on the balcony of the visiting room, watching the rain. He came with two cups of Tea. She insisted him to have tea, as she was fine with anything. He sat on the balloon chair opposite to her handing over her tea.

"I never saw my mom. She died the same day, same moment after giving birth to me. Today while returning from the bank to our office, I saw a mother and daughter.. happily wandering around the streets. That girl had a lot of toys with her. And she was clinging to her mother. How ill fortune I am,  came to the world after killing mother. "

Her face was blank.. tears had already dried up.

"Hm... Losing mother infront of your eyes at the age of 10 is more painful Saakshi... "

She looked at him for the first time since that hug they shared an hour before.  He glanced at the rain.. without meeting her eyes.

Bgm here

Time passed... Darkness was slowly engulfing . The door bell rang. Sidhanth chose to open it.

The light went off suddenly.
"Saakshi ...."

"Sidhanth... Just stay there...  I am coming with the candle.."

She somehow reached the room door and got in.

"Saakshi... I got the candles...come out.."

She came out from her room.  What she saw was...

She took gentle steps towards the cake.

"Shh... Dont talk... Till now your birthday wasn't a happy day. I know. But from now on it won't be like that."

He stepped behind her, holding both her hands from both sides with the knife, as she is between his grip.

"And I believe, I have that right on you to celebrate your birthday..."

She looked at him with teary eyes...

"Come make a wish...and let's blow these candles together as a start of a new friendship... "

She did what he said. They both blew the candles together... And cut the cake together...
He sang a happy birthday song lightly making her cut cake and looking at it, while her eyes was completely focused on his face.  He took a piece and bought near her lips. She had it from him.

"Happy birthday..."

He said as he placed a light peck on her forehead...

Never in her life she celebrated her birthday like this. She was happy on this birthday... Maybe for the first time....

Birthday special updates for our beloved friends..!! 😛😛😛BgM dedicated to all those Arshi fans out here...😋

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