Chapter 11

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Continuing from the last part...

Mahir :

Mahir - oh so that means you are ready? Cool then I'll freshen up and come

Saying this I started getting up from the bed but Bela pushed me on bed and she was sitting on her knees just beside me while her hands are still on my chest.

Bela - what do you mean? Don't I look ready?

She asked me raising her eyebrows, my bad, I'm stuck again.. seems like she would again start saying I'm girlish and all stuff.

Mahir - no Bela, I din't mean that

I tried getting up but Bela pushed me again and locked me with both her legs making it look like a position while making love, god this girl dint realise her position also.

She was about to tell something again but I held her hand and turned her making her lie on the bed while I was on top of her. I locked her with my both my hands not giving her a chance to getup.

Mahir - how much will you talk Bela? I never knew you are such a talkative

She just pouted and I smiled seeing her cuteness.

Mahir - ok listen, you are looking very beautiful and it's very evident that you are completely ready.. I was just trying to pull your leg Bela

Bela - hm fine

I moved close to her and kissed her cheek to which she blushed hard. I dint know why I did this but I enjoyed seeing Bela blushing.

Mahir - do you know how cute you look when being angry

She wasn't speaking anything but just looking at me with her innocent eyes, may be coz of your closeness. I realised that I was too close to her. I was about to back off when I heard some sound, I looked at the door and saw maa standing there.

Reality hits me hard when I realised that maa saw me in this position with Bela, I was literally caging Bela with my hands and was too close to her. What would maa think seeing us like this?

I quickly got up from Bela and helping her getup we both stood together looking at mom.

Mahir - actually mom, I was just...

Sumi - I'm sorry Bela mahir, I just came to call Bela for breakfast but I din't know that you were busy

Saying this maa went away smiling and I could sence Bela glaring at me.

Mahir - why are you looking at me like that, it wasn't my mistake also

Bela - really? It wasn't your mistake? Now what would maa think seeing us like this?

Mahir - achha? So now you say that it's my mistake? If maa would have seen us when you were upon me then it would look more awkward

Bela stopped talking, may be she just realised her position a few mins ago.

Bela - sorry!

This time I stayed quite and slowly made steps towards her while she was moving a step back. She hit the wall and I pinned her, I kissed her cheek again and silently went back to my room.

Bela :

I unknowingly blushed when he kissed. I dint understand why he kissed me and why I din't stop him. It was only a cheek kiss but still my first one from a guy.

I went down for breakfast and din't know how to face Sumi maa. I saw maa and yuvi smirking at me. Yuvi? Why is he smirking? Did Sumi maa tell him also?

I saw mahir coming down, trying to avoid contact with him I silently went near the dining while I could sense Sumi maa and yuvi giggling looking at me and mahir.

Mahir - why you both are laughing?

Yuvi - mom don't you think it's high time Bhai needs to get married?

Sumi - yes yuvi, I also feel the same.. before something happens it's better we get him married

This made me blush hards, I knew they were talking about me. I looked at mahir and surprised seeing him also blushing.

Bela - maa it's not like that, yesterday I had fever na so mahir was just checking my temperature

I said stammering.

Mahir - yes maa, I dint even kiss her cheek

What? This man seriously can't keep his mouth shut I guess. Maa was looking at us being equally shocked and I dint know where to keep my face.

Sumi - oh good, nice progress mahir

Mahir - I mean maa..

Yuvi - it's ok Bhai, I'm hungry shall we start eating

Though they sounded normal I could sence them giggling and the sarcasm behind there words.

To be continued..

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