Chapter 14

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Continuing from the last part...

Mahir :

Should I ask her? No, she's happy now and I don't wanna spoil her happiness. I saw her coming near me, no! She came near the car. She directly sat in front of the car and started eating her ice-cream.

Mahir - I dint know you love ice-cream this much

Bela - yeah I love, but only chocolate flavor.. in my childhood also I used to eat only if I get it this flavour or else I used to just starve

Mahir - starve? Where did you spend your childhood?

Bela - I.. mahir let's just not talk about it, I.. I just got carried away with the situation

Mahir - it's ok Bela, I'll not force you.. if you aren't comfortable then..

Bela - it's not about being comfortable mahir, it's just that I'm not in a situation to share

Mahir - I'm sorry Bela, I spoiled your mood

Bela - it's ok mahir, it's not like I forget everything and now you got me back to those things.. that's ok

She wiped the tear which was about to fall and again plastering a smile on her face she continued eating her ice-cream.

Bela - why don't you also eat?

Mahir - no you carry on.. I'm not very fond of ice-creams

Bela - seriously? Please na mahir eat for me

Mahir - but Bela...

Bela - can't you do this much for me..

She asked me with a puppy face and I couldn't deny her. I asked for a strawberry flavour and sitting next to her I started eating with her while gossiping with eachother.

The best thing I ever saw is her smile.. but I wish that was true instead of a fake one. I wish I can remove all her pain in life. We soon went back home and I realised that she fell asleep in the car only. I smiled looking at her innocence.

I picked her in my arms once we reached home and silently took her to her room and made her lie on the bed. I covered her with the blanket and while I was leaving I heard bela's phone ringing.

I took the phone and saw the name, it was someone named 'Vish'. I didn't know if I have to pick the call or no so I just kept it aside and left from her room.

Bela :

Next morning I wokeup and realised that I was in my room. Shit! I just slept in the car yesterday then how did I come here? Obviously it would be mahir only. I should apologize him for troubling him yesterday.

I went to his room and knocked the door, but when I wasn't getting any response I slowly opened the door and found no one there. Suddenly I heard the bathroom door sound and understood that he was inside.

I was standing there only and I was shocked for what I saw. Mahir came out with only a towel wrapped around him while his upper body is naked. He still dint realise my presence there.. he turned towards me only when I spoke.

Bela - I.. I'm sorry, I dint know you would come out like this. I was came to apologize you for troubling you yesterday but..

I stopped talking when I saw him hiding behind the curtain. I dint understand what he was doing.

Bela - what are you doing?

Mahir - what should I do then? No one saw me like this, not even my mom. I have been hiding my body from many years and you just saw like that?

Bela - oh my god mahir! Stop behaving like a girl

Mahir - what do you mean? Only girls feel shy, boys don't?

Bela - fine sorry.. I'm leaving

I started moving out while I saw mahir coming out from the curtain through the corner of my eyes.

Mahir - get ready fast, we need to leave quite a bit early today

What does he mean? I turned towards him and moving towards him I pinned him to the wall.

Bela - what do you mean? You very well know that I'm not like you who takes hours to get ready.. even before you were your clothes I'll be ready

This is when I realised that mahir is still only in the towel. I looked at him and was hell nervous now.

Bela - I'm sorry, I actually dint realise

I was about to go when mahir pulled me through my hand and held my waist tight. I was too close to him, I din't know what he's upto.

To be continued...

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