Chapter 21

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Continuing from the last part...

Mahir :

She stood up immediately and I found her eyes almost moist, what happened to her all of a sudden? Is it because she dint like me going close to Bani?

Mahir - Bela are you alright?

Bela - ma.. mahir!

Mahir - Haan Bela, what happened to you.. I'm sorry if I said something wrong.. I was just kidding, there's nothing happened between me and Bani, we just spoke and came back. I just said to see your reaction, I'm sorry if I hurt you

Bela - no mahir, I'm sorry.. I just remembered something so...

Mahir - that's ok Bela, but are you fine?

She just nodded her head and left from there leaving me more confused. Why did her face fell when I told that I went close to Bani? May be I'm just thinking today much, why would she feel sad for that? She was the most excited person for my marriage after all. I laughed mocking at my own jokes about my mixed feelings now.

Bela :

I really don't know what happened to me a few minutes back. Why was I not able to bear that mahir was close to Bani, why is that effecting me? I just don't know why tears formed in my eyes and why I'm here sitting near the terrace crying. Tears are just flowing out making me confused of myself.

I wiped my tears and going back to my room and lied down on my bed hugging my pillow but seems like sleep is far away from me. I still don't understand the reason for my off mood. I closed my eyes to sleep thought I wasn't able to.  Somewhere in the late night I fell asleep thinking of all what happened in my life till date.

Next morning I wokeup with a heavy head, probably due to continues crying. I sat on the bed holding my head and slowly getting down I got ready for the office and went down. Everyone were already down and mahir was waiting for me to come. I'm late today as I slept late in the night and couldn't wake-up at my usual time.

Bela - I'm so sorry mahir, I'm late today

Mahir - that's ok Bela, have your breakfast we shall leave

Bela - no mahir, we will leave now coz its already late.. I'll have my breakfast later

Mahir - that's ok even if we are late, you have your breakfast first

Bela - it's ok for you since you the boss, but me? It isn't ok for me to go late so please I'll have it later now come

I said pulling him and he had to accept at last. We soon reached the office and I directly went to my cabin as there's a lot of work pending also coz there's a new deal going now from past a few days.

After almost half an hour later I heard a knock at my cabin door. I saw mahir coming in with a plate in his hand.

Bela - mahir!?

Mahir - I did allow you to skip your breakfast at home but surely not to skip it completely, here you go.. have it

Bela - thanks mahir, I'll have in sometime once I finish this

Mahir - no way, you are gotta have now and also infront of me, and only then I'll leave from here

I looked at him lovingly seeing the care he's showing towards me. I'm nothing to him but still he's doing a lot for me. He's the only one I can smile with in this big world. I wish all this can happen for real but I know that one day would come where again I need get back to my sorrow life.

I took the plate from his hand smiling and he too sat beside me. He sat with me till I completed my breakfast and only then he left not before asking me to have my lunch on time. I know that's coz a few days back I totally skipped my lunch and inturn I had to eat his scoldings that day.

Mahir :

A few more days passed by and as mom said today is my engagement.. everything is going on, but my mind and heart? I still don't know what's in my heart and what I actually want now. I just decided to go with the flow of my life.

I was getting ready in my room while yuvi was helping me. He said that Bela is busy with the arrangements helping mom, she indeed became a support system for mom.

To be continued...

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