Chapter 38

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Continuing from the last part...

Mahir :

I saw her going away with her bag in the cab. I quickly zoomed and noted down the cab number. Whatever the reason is and how much complicated things are, I'll surely get my Bela back to my life.

I know she loves me too.. may be she never admitted but her eyes can never lie to me. First I need to know the reason, only then I would be able to find her.

I took my car and drove to my house, coz I knew there is only one person who can answer to my questions.. Vish! Bela and Vish are friends since her childhood so she would obviously know about this.

I reached home and saw everyone in the living room only.

Sumi - mahir, are you fine? You seems so dull..

Mahir - Vish, I wanna know about Bela

Vish - means? Where is she first of all?

Mahir - she went away.. she just left me

Sumi - what?

Yuvi - Bhai tell us clearly what happened..

I explained them and also showed the letter Bela left for me. Everyone were shocked but Vish seems worried.

Mahir - I know Vish you know something about Bela which we all don't know.. please tell me, I just can't live without her.. I have to get her back to my life

Vish - mahir, Bela dint even inform me about this.. she should have atleast told me that she's leaving..

Vish broke down and started crying bitterly.

Mahir - Vish please calm down and tell me about her.. where could she go now?..
Wait! She wrote that she is going back to the place she came from.. it means dehli?

Vish - she isn't from Delhi mahir..

Mahir - what?

Vish - yes.. Bela is from Lucknow

Mahir - but the day we met she told that she's from Delhi..

Vish - coz may be she knew that one day she have to leave you.. and that time you shouldn't have any clue to find her

Mahir - but why?

Vish - mahir, I knew about you before I came to the house.. it's coz I know that Bela is gonna work as your PA.
She purposely joined as your PA coz she had to enter your life under someone's pressure..

Mahir - tell me exactly Vish..

Vish - Bela isn't an orphan, she have both her parents but unfortunately she could never get the love from them. I asked many times of the reason behind she coming in your life, but she always says that she doesn't want me to be in all this..

I don't know mahir the exact reason why she's here and now why she left.. but whatever it is I can say that she was forced to do all this.. I know about her family but I think you should know about it through Bela only..

I can give you her address, but remember one thing that you can't meet her directly coz her family isn't that good.. talk to her without anyone's notice.. I guess this is all I can do to you..

But promise me mahir that you will get my Bela back safe and sound.. she's isn't safe there, she have to be here with you.. I know you love her and even though Bela doesn't accept I know she too loves you.. so go ahead and get her back, and any help you need I'll be there mahir

Mahir - yes Vish I love her.. and at any cost I'll make sure she's back in my life with me.. I'm leaving to Lucknow now

Sumi - wait mahir.. it's already too late now, start tomorrow early morning and come back with my daughter Bela

Yuvi - yes Bhai, maa is right.. go tomorrow morning and I want my Bela Bhabhi back how tough the situation is also

Mahir - don't worry, she will be here soon

I'm dumbfound knowing that Bela isn't an orphan. She lied to me, may be a lot more things also. But why? Is it really coz she was forced to do so? But who could it be?

Thousands of questions but not a single answer. I went back to my room and soon as I opened the door finding it empty tears found its way down my cheeks. I caressed bela's side of bed and broke down hugging her pillows close to my heart.

I couldn't even imagine a minute without you and how could you leave me Bela? How could you? I went near her closet and found it all empty.. if only I had seen it before, Bela would be with me now.

I found some papers there.. I picked and realised those are divorce papers with Bela already signed. Is it that easy for her to end our relationship with just a paper?

To be continued...

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