Chapter 42

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Continuing from the last part...

Bela :

He said and immediately took me into his arms and once again and I cried in his arms.

Bela - I'm so sorry for everything.. I din't mean to hurt you mahir..

Mahir - shh Bela don't cry and please don't blame yourself.. I can understand and I know you can never do anything wrong

Bela - I love you!!

Mahir - my ears were awaiting to here this from you but dint expect it would be in this situation

I backed off listening to his words and he wiped my tears.

Mahir - now atleast don't lie to me Bela.. tell me what's the matter

Bela - mahir, years back my dad was having an affair with another women and none of us knew about this then.. he often used to go meet her and eventually due to lack of attention, his business underwent a lot of losses.

One such time, dad was offered a deal and in the last moment it was given to your dad due to dad's neglegence. But dad though he lost the deal coz of your dad and always hated him for it.

Two years later he lost everything coz he never cared about his business and except this house we had nothing left. Mom got to about dad's affair when I was young only, she confronted him but in return dad used to beat her daily coming home drunk.

And five years back it went to an extream and mom was suffering from paralysis till today, she can't walk not move her body.. she can only listen to us but can't talk also.

I was too young then to know what's happening, also couldn't do anything other than crying out of hunger everyday in my childhood. An year back vikrant saw me somewhere and asked dad that he wanted to marry me.. inturn he would pay dad enough.

And dad without a second though accepted to sell me to him just for the sake of money.. vikrant is just a slut who never respects women. The day I got to know about him I clearly denied to marry and since then dad always threatens me with mom's health condition.

But one day he came to me and said I had only two options now.. either I should marry vikrant or come into your life and make you sign the property papers in which it states that 75% of your property will be on dad's name.

Since he hated Andy uncle for that deal now he wanted to snatch you money to which I denied. I never wanted to cheat anyone and so I accepted to marry vikrant but Rehan dint allow me so.. he convinced me to go near you and I did the same.

I purposely got a job in you office but trust me mahir the first time we met when you gave me lift was truly a coincidence. I was shocked when you offered me to stay in you house but I accepted at last.

Everything was going fine till our marriage.. the day when Sumi maa asked me to marry you I was shocked coz that shouldn't happen. I know that one day I'll have to leave you coz my life was never according to my wish.. but that time I couldn't deny Sumi maa and accepted to marry but since then everytime I be with you I die with guilt for coming into your life mahir.

I couldn't make you sign on those papers mahir.. I know if I would ask you even without reading the papers you will sign but I can't cheat you, never.. so I came here and accepted to marry vikrant.

I had to do this mahir coz if I don't then I don't know what dad can do with mom. She's lying lifeless there and I can't risk her life for my selfishness.

I hugged him tight keeping my head on his chest and tears started flowing down my cheeks. He hugged me back and slowly wiped my tears and kissed my forehead.

Mahir - Bela you should have told me all this before.. but it's ok don't worry, I assure you that your mom will be safe and also you are not gonna marry vikrant.. you are just mine Bela

Bela - but mahir..

Mahir - shh, you trust me right!??

I nodded my head.

Mahir - so then believe me.. I'll make everything right.. but tell me who is Rehan!!?

I looked at him and his face expressions changed when he asked about rehan. I realised he was jealous of our closeness.

Bela - why do you sound jealous!??

I asked smirking and he rubbed the back of his hair smiling.

Mahir - yes I accept I'm jealous.. it's coz you are only mine Bela, I can't see someone close to you..

Bela - aww mahir, I love this possession side of yours.. well! But you need not be jealous of him coz he's my brother mahir

Mahir - what? He's your brother?

Bela - yes.. Rehan is my twin brother, we don't know who was born first so we don't call Di or Bhai

Mahir - oh I never knew this.. neither I thought also.. anyways it's good that he's your brother

Bela - yeah, if he isn't there I don't know what would happen to me.. since our children it was only Rehan who was there for me.. he's just like you, too protective for me..

Mahir - yeah I could sence that.. he loves you so much

Bela - yes I love him too.. remember I told that I have only Rehan and Vish but now I have you also.. I feel complete with you mahir

To be continued...

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