Chapter 51

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Continuing from the last part...

Mahir :

Everything was going so good, we were sitting in the car heading towards our home holding eachother's hands and thinking what to name our child.

I was looking at Bela and admiring her while she was continuously speaking something which I wasn't paying attention to.

Suddenly she shouted my name and coming back to my senses and looked front only to realize a truck almost right infront of us. Being a isolated road I quickly turned the stearing to the other side and due to the force the car hit the tree and my head directly hit the stearing.

I felt that I was loosing my consious and I slowly tried looking at my side, I hope Bela is fine.. I can't bear if anything happens to her. Before I could even look at her my eyes closed and I fell unconscious.

I opened my eyes which indeed felt like an eternity. I faced difficulty in opening my eyes which may be due to the bright light, I felt as if I was unconscious for a long time.

Once I adjusted my eyes to the light I looked around and found myself in a different place, I understood I was in the hospital. I looked aside and found the doctor along with mom, Rohini maa, yuvi, Vish, Rehan and Anu.

Mahir - maa where is Bela? She's fine right?

That was the first thing came to my mind, I can't let anything happen to her.

Mahir - maa please answer me.. where is Bela?

Sumi - mahir, you got your consious after a complete day.. doctor said you need a lot of rest untill you recover completely

Mahir - maa first answer me, how is Bela? Where is she? Yuvi atleast you say me

I asked hoping they would answer but they were just sobbing looking at eachother. Why are the sobbing? I'm fine, means Bela.. no no nothing would have happened to my Bela.

Mahir - Rehan please, you atleast tell me hows Bela and where is she?

Rehan - we.. we don't kn.. know mahir

He said stammering and the next moment he bursted our crying bitterly. I got up from the bed though yuvi and doctor refused me to. I went near Rehan and stood infront if him.

Mahir - rehan tell me clearly, what happened after the accident

Rehan - mahir yesterday we got a call from your number.. when Sumi maa picked it we got to know that someone who found your car damaged and called us seeing you in that state.

When we reached there we saw you in the car but Bela was no were. Me and Vish stayed back there and yuvi and maa took you to the hospital. We searched for Bela but we couldn't find her mahir.

Police suspected that she might have fell down as it was a hilly area, I even made the police to search there also but they couldn't find her.

Mahir - you.. you mean you don't where is Bela? You don't know if she's fine or no?

I asked and Rehan nodded his head in no. That moment I felt my world breaking down and I dint know what to do.

I immediately went from there ignoring all of them who tried to stop me. I saw our driver near the entrance and taking the keys I quickly took the car and went to the accident area.

You can't leave me Bela, I need you and.. that's when something stricked my mind, my baby, she's pregnant. The day I got to know and the day I was hell happy but all this, why only Bela has to suffer all the time.

I promised her that I would never let her in any trouble but now just coz of my carelessness her life is in danger now. I reached the place and getting down from the car and I moved forward and found all blood there near the edge of the road.

I was taken aback, did Bela really fall down from here? I couldn't digest this anymore, nothing would have happened to her.. but what if..

I couldn't control myself anymore, I fell on my knees and burst our crying thinking of Bela. All the moments we spent a day back stared flashing in my mind.

I wish I was in bela's place and she would be safe now. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned to find yuvi and rehan behind me.

I hugged yuvi and cried my heard out. For the first time I felt so weak, I feel I'm nothing now.. she was everything and my everything left me? No she can't do this.

Yuvi - Bhai please control yourself, let's first go home.. everything will be fine Bhai

Mahir - how yuvi? She can't leave me like this.. she promised to stay with me always.. it was my mistake, my mistake

Rehan - please don't blame yourself mahir.. let's first go home

They just pulled me and took me back home while tears were unstoppable for me.

To be continued...

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