Chapter Four

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Celesti's POV:

 The smell of food brought me back from dream land, and I was grateful for that as well. My dream was involved me witnessing Sting and Rogue getting hurt by their so-called Master after they lost something. They seemed upset, and I started to yell at the Master. Needless to say, I definitely deserved his wrath that time.

Either way, when there's food on the brain, my mind can't help but feel happy. I tried to get up, only to realize that I still had Lector and Frosch on me. I panicked at first because I thought I was being held down by something. I couldn't help but smile at their cute faces sleeping.

I turned my head and saw Sting and Rogue eating quietly, as if they weren't going to try and wake me up. Sting held a piece of paper to Rogue, and I heard him mumble, "This will be a great training opportunity! Taking out a dark guild will be a piece of cake."

"If you say so."

"Great! After we're done eating, we'll get going." Sting then turned towards the couch and saw myself, Frosch, and Lector laying there. I turned my head away as he spoke, "Who's going to wake them up?"

"I'm already up, I'm just laying here until they get up." I turned my head back to face the two dragon slayers, "Morning. Thank you for letting me stay here. I promise I won't be that much of a burden for much longer."

"You're not a burden, Celesti. You're going to be helping out Lector and Frosch. you sing? Both Rogue and I heard a wonderful song last night in our dreams."

"What song was it exactly?" Not even five minutes awake, and I already feel my face heating up.

"Um...something about a soul heart? Either way, it made me feel peaceful."

I nodded, "That was probably me then. I was starting to doze off when Frosch started to whimper because of a nightmare. I promised Frosch that I would sing a lullaby of some sort."

Rogue stood up and started to approach me. Not even thinking about it, I wrapped the cloak around the two cats. Somehow, they felt like my pets rather than things that help a so called Dragon Slayer. Rogue smiled softly at me and said, "Thank you for helping my friend out."

"No problem. Question: What's the best way to wake em up?" Sting came over and quickly grabbed both of them before I could react. I gasped at this action and lunged to grab them, "Wait, I've got it!"

Of course, me lunging over caused me to create a rather powerful thunk on the ground, and once the cats heard that, they sprung to life. Lector looked around and saw that Sting was grabbing him and shouted, "Where's Celesti?"

I started to get off of the ground and waved at all of them, "Relax, I'm right here. I can't Apparate around a place I know very little about!"

Frosch got out of Sting's grip and fell to the ground, okay, well, Frosch landed on my back. Frosch looked at my head and smiled, "I'm glad Lesti is okay!"

"Yup! Now you two eat up, alright? After all, both of you have got a long day ahead of you."

Frosch's arms wrapped around my neck and it commanded, "Alright! Can you please carry me over to the table?"

I sprang up from the ground and started to run towards the table, "Yup!" I could feel the two Dragon Slayers looking at me, but I didn't care. I didn't see Frosch and Lector as two talking cats, I saw them as something that needed protection and laughter. It felt like for once, I had two younger siblings.

We made it to the table and Frosch hopped off to eat its pancakes. Lector followed after his friend, and I just sat there and watched. My goodness, they can eat! Frosch even offered me a bit of its food as well. I refused at first, until Frosch said, "You have to be strong for today as well."

I nodded, "Alright, but I have one question: will I be allowed to go with you guys? I'm just a measly Auror who isn't a member of the guild."

Sting turned to me and nodded, "True, but there's ways to get around that."

"Like what? Without my wand, I'm really a Muggle, beyond some combat skills."

"How about this: Rogue and I will help you learn magic without a weapon, okay? Starting today, you're Sabertooth's new apprentice."

I swore I had never seen a creature as happy as Frosch was in this moment. Frosch jumped onto me and hugged me, "Yay! Lesti's going to be a part of Sabertooth!"

Lector focused on the task at hand, asked Sting, "What's the job for today?"

Sting smirked, "Taking out a dark guild. I got the job request from the guild hall. It pays well too."

"Alright! Frosch and I will help out by finding these guys." As Lector spoke, I walked back over and grabbed my cloak and wand, preparing for the day. I checked my reflection in the window and saw that my hair was a mess, so I braided it loosely, praying that it would hold together.

I walked back to the group and put my cloak back on, "Auror Gryffindor reporting. What would you like me to do?"

Sting looked at my outfit and nodded, " could try distracting them, or you could stay near Rogue and me and learn from us."

"I can do either task, just let me know which you think suits me better."

Rogue quietly spoke up, "Let's have her stay near us, in case of anything going wrong."

I pumped my hand in the air and smiled, "Righto! Let's get this party started!"

We left their apartment a few minutes later and walked out into the sunshine. It felt really nice to feel the sun once more and to have somewhat of a level head about it. I lagged behind Sting, Rogue, Lector, and Frosch because I had no idea where this mission would take place. People knew who the others were, but they were stuck on who I was. It felt...good to not be known for once. I didn't have to deal with the stupidity of wizards that tried to hit on a Ministry member. Unfortunately, I do mean both ways here too.

We ended up going outside of a city into a hilly area, near a crumbling building. My job was to make sure that the two cats were okay with reconnaissance, while Sting and Rogue talked to the town. Eventually, I was left with the two men. Before we were in earshot of the building, Sting waved Rogue and me down. Sting whispered quietly, "We need to lure them out here somehow."

I nodded, "I've got it. A Patronus should do the trick." I held up my wand and smiled confidently, "I just need to get close enough to the building where I can cast it."

"Will you be okay doing that?"

"If I can face Death Eaters, then I can face some punks like this. What will you two be doing?"

"The hard work. Celesti, if anything happens to you, give us a signal so we know to help you."

"I'll cast red sparks if that happens. Good luck to both of you." They nodded as I approached the building, wand at the ready. I managed to sneak around to the door and saw Sting and Rogue getting ready to fight. Sting nodded at me, smiling, and that's when I knew to cast my spell.

"Expecto Patronum!" I whispered that quietly as I could, but just loud enough for the spell to work. I saw a blue Stag starting to form and I pointed my wand towards the building. It went into the building, and I couldn't have been happier at that moment.

I heard screams and shouts from the building as my Patronus spooked the members of the guild. They came out in a flock, my Stag following behind them. I heard one guy exclaim, "Get that ghost the hell away from me," as he ran off.

I put my wand away and snuck away from the building in an attempt to hide who casted the Patronus. Unfortunately, someone found me and grabbed the hood of my cloak. The person flipped me and I hit the ground hard.

This man reeked of booze and smirked at me, "Don't tell me you're the dumb wizard that took up the request to defeat us. You're too pretty to be a fighter."

I kicked him square in the jaw and sent him flying towards Sting and Rogue, "Don't judge a book by its cover, bucko. Who's next?"

I threw off my cloak to reveal my outfit from earlier, my hands balled up in fists. I had a new plan-I would kick some ass, and send the members towards Sting and Rogue for a final blow. It worked for a few members, until some charged at me with swords and other weapons! I didn't even notice it until I saw the sleeve of my dress cut and felt the blood dripping down my right arm. Great, my right arm's injured. My fighting went down a bit, but it won't stop me!

I got furious and pulled out my wand and shouted out, "Sting, Rogue! Get ready for more! Flipendo!" I kept casting the Knockback Jinx to send the bad guys towards my partners in this battle, and was successful until I got jumped from behind.

Ironically, this was the lone fool left in the guild. He tackled me to the ground and my wand came flying out of my hand. He got up, flipped me over, and bent back down over me. He too smelt like booze, and had the confidence of a drunkard as he said, "You were just refusing my guildmates because you knew I was the strongest. Now how about you kiss me?"

He pinned my arms above my head and I had to keep cool about this situation. Fortunately, the git didn't pin my legs, so I kneed him in the gut. He flew back, and this gave me enough time to get into a fighting stance. The guy growled at me in an odd teasing manner, "Playing hard to get? We'll see about your confidence when I'm done with you." He pulled out his sword and ran at me, but I dodged it!

However, he still cut the side of my dress and the only way I realized this was when I saw it flutter off. I started to blush as the guy laughed, "You look way more hotter now. But I'm still not done with you yet."

He charged at me once more, but I was ready for him. As he swung at my waist, I jumped off of my left foot and kicked him in the face, sending him flying towards the Dragon Slayers. I yelled out, "He's all yours! Better luck next time, bud!"

The guy never even reached Sting because Rogue quickly took him out! He seemed mad, so I decided to approach them to check in. I picked up my wand and put my cloak back on to hide my lack of dress on and walked over, "Is that all of them?"

Sting nodded, "Yeah, think so. You okay?"

"Minus a minor scratch on my arm, yeah. Also, how much was that reward again? I might have to do some shopping later."

"I think a million jewels. First, we have to check in with the leader of the town about it, then the Master. I'll tell him you helped out while you get patched up in the infirmary."

"Do you know if shops accept gold coins like this?" I took out a handful of them from my cloak's pocket and showed it to Sting, "I really, really need new clothes. And a hairbrush. How much is an apartment at the place where you're at?"

"Not that much. Your share of the reward will cover it for at least the next year."

I jumped up and down as I pumped my left fist in the air, "Sweet! I'll be alright now! Also, did I pass the first part?" Except, as I jumped, some blood moved down my right arm and crept onto my hand.

Sting saw it and looked, "How big was that scratch again?"

"Erm...not that big. I'll get it treated when we make it back into town. I can try to heal myself, but I don't know if it will work." I grabbed my wand with my left hand and pointed it at my right arm, "Episkey."

I still felt the blood trickling down my arm, so I knew it was futile. I smiled calmly at Sting and Rogue, "I've got a temporary fix for now until we get back to the guild hall." I walked over to where my tattered dress was and took the broken sleeve of it away. I held the dress in my left arm as I gathered the broken sleeve. I got that and smiled at the guys, "I'll be right back! I'm just going to do some minor first aid!"

"Just be careful. We haven't gotten all of the members yet." I turned to face the sound of the voice, and it was Rogue speaking. I nodded as I found a secluded area to remove my cloak and to fix my arm. It was in the former hideout of the creeps we had just defeated, and as long as the wall didn't suddenly bust a hole, I would be safe from any wandering eyes.

I tried to tighten the sleeve by wrapping it around my arm, but I could not get decent leverage with just one arm. The only reason I stopped trying was because a hole got blasted into the wall right next to me! Next thing I knew, I heard someone say, "Aw damn it, I guess I'm out of practice. His head's still there."

The guy who had just got blasted through cried out, "I knew it! It really is you, the Twin Dragons of the Sabertooth guild in the flesh! White Dragon Sting, and Shadow Dragon Rogue, the Dragon Slayer Duo!" He then ran away screaming.

Sting replied back, "Hold up! Are you just going to ditch your pals? That's harsh man."

I got up and looked for my cloak and dress...and all I saw was their charred remains. I was going to show him what harsh really meant!  I marched out of my hiding spot, right up to Sting, Rogue, and the two creatures and shouted, "Next time watch where you're aiming! You destroyed my lone outfit!"

Sting and Rogue looked at my current state, so I crossed my arms over my chest. Fighting back the embarrassment of my current state, I shouted out, "Now you see why I was wondering about money. Can we just please get going now?"

Rogue took off his cloak and put it on my shoulders, "Yeah. Use this for now. Sorry about what Sting did."

"Please give me a heads up next time. Least my wand is still intact!" I ran over back to my hiding spot and picked it up, smiling to myself. Minus an injury and losing my clothes, I say this mission was successful!

Sting called out, "Celesti, ready to head back to the guild? We're going to collect the reward first from the local town."

"I'll stay out of sight then. Do you mind if I mooch some of it for a new outfit?"

"Damn straight you can." He smiled at me as he approached, "Just next time warn me when you're going to show off like that."

I was trying to not be steaming mad at him as we walked through the carnage of the battle. As we walked through, I saw a shiny bow, with plenty of arrows laying around. I looked at Sting, Rogue, Lector, and Frosch, and they were all too preoccupied with going to the town, so I picked the bow and the holder with all of the arrows, and kept on walking. Score one for Gryffindor!

Lector saw me holding the bow and arrows and yelled, "Lesti! Why do you have that?"

Sting and Rogue turned around and saw me holding both the bow and the quiver with my left arm. I shrugged, "What? Can't I have a weapon just in case my magic fails me?"

Sting nodded, "Good point, now let's get moving."

We walked the short distance into town and I smiled when I saw all of the people happy that the dark presence had been defeated. I wrapped the top of the cloak around my shoulders the best I can because I felt subconscious of everyone staring at me. We made it to the town hall, and the two men, with their creatures, went in. Now to stay out of sight.

I walked to a shop and looked inside, amazed at the outfits in there. They looked so cute, and steampunk like as well! The shopkeeper saw me looking in, and went to the door. I went to quickly walk away, my cover being blown, when I heard the ringing of the bells and a voice cry out, "Wait! I can't let a young lady walk away like that."

I turned and saw a young woman, around my age, smiling. She gestured to me by pointing into the shop, "Here, come in. The outfit's on the house. I'll patch up your arm too."

"Thank you so much, Madame. How did you know what happened?"

"Dragon Slayers aren't known for being quiet. Plus, I know the look of a young lady who feels she's indecent. Also, don't call me Madame either, just call me Karina."

"Alright, Karina! I'm Celesti. I'm Sabertooth's new apprentice."

Karina tisked at me as she shut the blinds to her shop, "Sabertooth, eh? Good choice. Take off that cloak, and we'll get started here."

A few minutes later, I walked out of the store, wearing a brown dress. The top had some white on it, while the skirt was two layer: the shorter skirt was ivory in color, while the longer skirt was golden brown. As Karina put it, "It matched your hair perfectly!"

I had on two long brown gloves, with my combat boots on. The bow and quiver were on my back, with my wand on its new holder at the side of my dress. Rogue's cape was draped over all of that. Karina even did my hair in a ponytail as well, with a few curls framing my face. I definitely felt like a badass now. Karina had different ideas. As I walked out of the shop, she cried out, "Go catch one of those guys that you were with!"

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