Chapter Six

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3rd Person POV

Sting and Rogue were the last two Sabertooth members to arrive to the training area, minus Celesti. Rogue shook his head as he sighed, "Do you think she'll be able to land five hits on Orga?"

Sting nodded at his fellow Dragon Slayer, "Of course she can. I'm sure she already has a plan."

"He's way stronger than she is, and taller. I kind of want to take her place."

Sting's jaw dropped as he looked at Rogue, "He's stronger than you as well! What makes you say that?"

Rogue shook his head, "Nevermind, I'll explain later." His red eyes looked at the training area, as he saw Celesti arrive, "It looks like her tryout begins soon."

Celesti came into the training area, a confident smile on her face. Orga, on the other hand, looked bored and unamused. Orga looked at Master Jiemma and sighed, "Can we get this started already?"

Master Jiemma nodded, "In due time. But first, some rules. Celesti will be able to enter the guild as a member if she lands five hits on you. No magic will be allowed, unless I say so." The master then turned to Celesti, "Finally, if you die, then it's not my fault. You may begin when ready."

Celesti then smiled at her opponent, "Good luck, Orga!" Many members of Sabertooth gasped, after all, it was unusual for a member to wish someone else good luck.

The petite female then charged at Orga and kicked him with her right foot, using her left leg to spring up onto him! Orga wasn't expecting that, so he grabbed her right leg and tried to throw her away. Celesti saw this and managed to get out of his grip by using her left leg to propel herself off of him.

Sabertooth was shocked that she had gotten two hits in on Orga quickly like that. This girl was stronger than they initially thought, and because of that thought, all of them started to secretly root for Celesti. Lector looked at Celesti in shock, "Wow, she's powerful!"

Frosch nodded, holding Celesti's wand, "Do you think she'll also teach us moves like that?"

"Hope so!"

As the two Exceeds talked, Celesti made another charge at Orga, but Orga was prepared. He easily wrapped his arms around the girl's torso, and tossed her to the ground. Celesti wasn't deterred by this, instead, she kicked Orga in the torso and popped up to her feet, feeling more confident than ever. Her attacks had hit him three times. She was more than halfway there to becoming a Sabertooth member.

Orga was rightfully mad, being irked that he was being beaten by a so called weakling. He grabbed her right arm and flung her towards Sting, Rogue, and the two Exceeds. She landed right in front of the two men and their Exceeds, looking knocked out.

Frosch ran over to Celesti and shook her shoulders, "Get up, Lesti!"

Rogue was hoping that she would open her eyes, but instead, he heard her laugh. She got up and popped her neck, "Nice try, but you're going to have to try harder than that to get through to an Auror."

Celesti got up and ran towards Orga again, her right knee connecting with his jaw. One more, and this stupid match would be over, she thought. She landed gracefully on the ground and smiled to herself, thinking of what her final move could be. Orga, meanwhile, charged at her, so Celesti used his own momentum and speed to take him down! She wrapped her arms around Orga's neck, and rolled over onto her back, causing the big man to fall!

She sprang up from the ground, smiling at Master Jiemma, "That's it!"

Master Jiemma couldn't believe that a petite, golden brown haired girl had taken down one of his toughest mages. He sighed as he nodded at her, "Welcome to Sabertooth, Celesti Gryffindor."

The smaller girl jumped up and down, her fist in the air, "Alright! I'm happy to be here!" She then approached Frosch and Lector, holding her right hand out to them, "I believe you two have something to give me."

Frosch handed her the wand, smiling, "Lesti's in Sabertooth! Yay!"

She took the wand and smiled as she approached Orga. Pointing her wand at him, she said, "Episkey." Any scratches or bruises that he had received were gone. She bent down to the ground and held out a hand towards him, "You okay?"

Orga looked up and smiled weakly at the girl and took her hand. She helped him up, and Orga did not care if he looked weak to Master Jiemma. He shook the girl's hand before he let go, saying, "You're quite an opponent! Thank you for letting me fight you."

"Thanks for your help with letting me join the guild! Can we just put this fight behind us? I'm sorry if I hurt you, but my healing spell should help."

"Sure, Celesti. You definitely earned your way into Sabertooth. Go get your guild mark. You deserve it."

Celesti walked away and approached Sting and Rogue, smiling, "I did it! I get to be guildmates with you guys!"

Sting nodded at her, "Congratulations. But this doesn't mean I'll stop teasing you. You looked kind of hot out there, fighting."

Celesti smacked the blonde hair guy on the back of his head, "One more comment like that and you'll be knocked to the ground."

"First I'll be strung by my feet in midair, now knocked to the ground? Celesti, you're too kind."

Celesti marched ahead after grabbing her bow and quiver, choosing to ignore Sting. She was happy to be fighting alongside them rather than against them. Excitement buzzed around in her mind as she saw the guildhall once more.

As for Sting, he was about to get an odd question from his fellow Dragon Slayer. Rogue walked up to Sting and sighed, "Why do you always tease Celesti?"

Sting looked at his friend and winked, "To get a rise out of you and her. I see how you look at her. You like her, don't you?"

Rogue nodded carefully, thinking of his next words. It was true, but if he let Sting know about that, then he would never hear the end of it. Rogue nodded ever so slightly, neither confirming or denying it, "I would rather not answer that."

Sting chuckled as he looked at his partner, "That's all I need to know. And just for your information, I see her as a little sister."

Rogue couldn't help but smile when he heard this. If anyone was going to take Celesti away from him, it would have been Sting, but after that, he knew he had a chance with Celesti.


I had no idea that this book would be so successful! I am sorry about not keeping the length of the chapters consistent, but I am just trying to find natural breaks in the story. Thank you so much for all of your support! Also, all of the fighting moves are based off of moves I have seen in All Elite Wrestling. If you recognize them, feel free to name them! Stay safe, and thank you once more!


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