Sabine's Conflicts

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The next morning, Sabine shook Ezra awake. He groaned and rolled over. "Five more minutes," he insisted. Sabine let him be and moved towards the kitchen. With her new splint, she could walk as long as she was holding onto something. She used the walls for support.

Ezra had washed her armor and carefully put it in a pile by the door. She strapped it on and shook Ezra again, more violently. "Ezra, if you don't get up, I'm going to go get some mud from outside and slather it all over your face." Ezra sprang up from the floor, got tangled in his blanket, and fell over again. "I'm up! I'm up!" Sabine smiled, then quickly shut it down. Last night, she had promised herself that she would be chill today - no teasing Ezra, no laughing at him. No anything that could be considered flirtatious. If he took any of it the wrong way...well, she didn't want to ruin their friendship if he didn't still feel the same way.

"We have to meet Ahsoka today, let's go," she instructed. Ezra rushed around the small hideout gathering his things - the Jedi book, a blanket, some food, the med kit, and a bag to carry it in. He took one last look at his house of five years. He had never called it home, because it wasn't, but he wasn't not going to miss the cozy hideout.

"Oh, by the way," Sabine said trying to keep her voice even, "I've been saving this for five years now. It's time you have it back." She unclipped his lightsaber from her belt and handed it to him. She tried not to smile at the way his eyes lit up, or when he pulled her into a tight hug, whispering, "thank you" in her ear, sounding so heartfelt.

They started towards the Bridger, Ezra holding Sabine's waist to support her, Sabine lost in her own thoughts. Neither one talked.

When they reached the Bridger, Ahsoka ran out and welcomed them back. She gave Ezra a hug and Sabine couldn't help but feel a twinge - even though she knew that Ahsoka didn't like him like that. She disappeared into her cabin for the rest of the day, while Ezra and Ahsoka caught up and made some last-minute repairs.

Ezra came in to check on her. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked. Sabine was on her bunk, wallowing in her own thoughts. "I'm fine," she snapped. Ezra moved closer. "You can tell me anything, Sabine." She turned away. "Not this one Ezra. I think it's best if you just leave me alone." Ezra's heart cracked.

He went and found Ahsoka, who was prepping for takeoff. "Ahsoka, do you know what's up with Sabine? She seems mad at me and says she doesn't want to talk to me right now." Ahsoka sighed, knowing what Sabine must have discovered within herself.

"I think she's just dealing with some feelings that she hasn't felt in years," she said carefully. Ezra was completely clueless and spent takeoff in his new cabin, wondering what those feelings were and if there was anything he could do to help.

Finally, the ship entered hyperspace and Ezra was distracted.

He was finally going home.

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