The Chimaera Returns

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"Okay," Ezra said, blowing out a breath. He looked the Ghost crew dead in the eyes. "Thrawn must die."

~Six hours earlier~

"What is that?" Kallus asked. A huge shadow was blocking Lothal's sun. Ezra swallowed hard. He and Kallus were in the marketplace, getting some supplies.

"It's the Chimaera," he replied shakily. Kallus's eyes widened. "We have to go."

The two jumped into their speeder and zoomed out of the marketplace towards the Ghost. "Hera!" the two yelled. The Twi'lek disembarked from her ship. "What is it, boys?" she asked.

"It's Thrawn. He's here." Kallus panted, out of breath. Hera sucked in a breath. "You two, get in the Ghost. Grab the others and meet me in the cockpit in five." Ezra and Kallus rushed into the ship, banging on doors and yelling, "Meeting in the cockpit!" Ezra stopped outside Sabine's room and opened the door. She was taking a nap.

"Sabine, you have to get up," he said, shaking her gently. She mumbled something and pushed him away. "Sabine, we need to go. Now." Something in the urgency of his voice stirred Sabine and she opened her amber eyes.

"Ezra? What's wrong?" Ezra dragged a hand down his face.

"Thrawn. He's here."

Sabine leapt out of bed. In a heartbeat, she had strapped on her armor. "Let's go." The two rushed to the cockpit, where the rest of the crew was gathered around a holo-image of the Chimaera. A second image was tracking its position over Lothal as a glowing red dot.

"Okay, let's get started," Hera said. She pointed to the dot. "Thrawn is obviously tracking our position. He is closing in. We expect he'll be here in less than ten minutes."

Ahsoka stepped forward and sighed. "Look, everyone, this is the final battle of the war. We have to make it count. If anyone has any plans, any input, any is the time."

Sabine bit her lip. It had been so long since she had really battled. Now her Mandalorian instincts would have to kick in.

"I think the best course of action is to fly onto his ship," Rex said. "If he gets above the Ghost, and if his weapons systems are working - which I'd assume they are - he could fire on us. We need to infiltrate his ship."

Sabine pointed to a place on the ship's hull. "There - you see that? A small hole. That part of the hull was probably ripped apart in hyperspace. I'll bet we could crawl through there." She shuddered at the thought of such a tight space. Sabine was very claustrophobic, but she tried her hardest to not let it show.

"That could definitely work," Hera said. She looked around the group. "Does anyone else have anything they want?" Ezra bit his lip and raised his hand.

"Yeah? Ezra?"

"Okay," Ezra said, blowing out a breath. He looked the Ghost crew dead in the eyes. "Thrawn must die."

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