Visions of Ghosts

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Hey everyone, sorry for the long wait today! Here's the chapter!

Ezra tossed and turned. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't sleep. Zeb's snores had eased back into a comforting familiarity for him, but his mind couldn't rest. Ezra had tried counting loth cats, fiddling with his lightsaber, and reading his Jedi book to make him tired, but nothing was working.

Finally, he decided to meditate. He sat cross-legged on the floor with his lightsaber in front of him and closed his eyes. "This is never going to work," he muttered to himself.

"Don't doubt the power of the Force," a familiar voice said. Ezra sucked in a breath and opened his eyes. He was still in his room on the Ghost, with Zeb sleeping on his bunk, snoring, but there was one change. Kanan was standing in front of him.

"Kanan!" Ezra exclaimed. He jumped up and tried to give Kanan a hug, but it was no use, he passed right through him. Kanan's form began to shimmer, and he was revealed to be a Force ghost.

"Ezra," Kanan said, in a hurry, "I cannot wait for long. I have been with you on this whole journey, but I have also seen...and sensed...some other things. You have to listen to me." Ezra looked Kanan dead in the eye. "I'll always listen to you, Kanan," he told him. Kanan nodded.

"I have lately been sensing something stirring on Dagobah," Kanan said. "I went over to investigate and discovered something - the Chimaera is gone. Ezra, Thrawn is on his way."

Ezra sat down on the floor heavily, leaning against a wall. "Kanan, that's not possible. If you were with me, you must have known what I did to him. I've been thinking about that ever since I left." Kanan sat down next to Ezra.

"Ezra, I know that what happened on Dagobah has caused you much guilt. But what you did to Thrawn was not permanent. He is-" Kanan gasped. "I sense it."

"What?" Ezra asked. He reached out with the Force and sensed a dark presence. Kanan looked Ezra dead in the eyes. "Ezra, listen to me, you have to stop him!" he yelled. Ezra blinked sluggishly. His vision was starting to blacken around the edges. Kanan's form started to shimmer. "Tell Hera I love her," he said, and disappeared.

Ezra blinked again, and Kanan was gone. In his place was Grand Admiral Thrawn.

"Hello, Ezra," he purred with an evil smirk.

Shouting and igniting his lightsaber, Ezra swung the laser sword in a green arc. And everything went black.

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