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AU earth

It was 9pm at night and Sabine entered her house after a long day at work. "*sighs* I'm tired. Think I'll just go straight to bed." She said as she took off her shoes and headed into her room. She took off her work clothes and laid down in her bed closing her eyes.

Seconds later her phone rings. Sabine groans before picking it up and answering it. "Hello?" "Sabine? It's Zeb." A reply came back. "Zeb. What's up?" Sabine asked. "Uh well, it's Ezra." Zeb said. Sabine sat up giving Zeb her full attention. "What's wrong with him?" She asked.

"Well me and Wedge invited him to hang out with us at the bar. Ezra got some drinks and went a little overboard." Zeb said. "A little?" Sabine asked. "Okay he's crazy drunk right now and we need your help." Zeb said.

"Look Zeb I'm really tired from work. Can't you get Hera or Kanan for this?" Sabine asked messaging her head. "I was going to but he only wanted you. Ever since he got drunk he's been talking nonstop about you." Zeb said. "He has?" Sabine asked. "Yep. Please can you come. We can't get him to leave." Zeb said making Sabine sigh. "Okay. Send me the address. I'll be over there." Sabine said. "Thanks." Zeb said. Sabine hung up and put on some regular clothes and headed out the door.

Sabine drove to the bar where Ezra was and parked outside. She got out the car and saw Zeb and Wedge waiting for her. "So he's inside?" Sabine asked. "Yeah. Try not to scold him. He's too drunk." Wedge said. "Okay. You guys go ahead. I'll take care of him." Sabine said. "Okay. See ya later." Zeb said and they left. Sabine entered the bar and looked around for Ezra. "Hello miss. Can I help you for nothing?" The bartender asked. "I'm looking for someone in here. He has raven blue hair." Sabine said. "Oh yeah. He's in the corner booth at the end." The bartender said. Sabine thanked him and headed to the end booth. Once she got there she saw Ezra with his head down and a bottle in his hand. "Hey Ezra."

Ezra sat up and looked at her. "O-Oh my lu-luck. *hic* An angel has c-come to *hic* see me. *hic*" Ezra said with his eyes slightly glazed over. Sabine sighed. "No Ezra it's me. Sabine." She said. Ezra squinted his eyes and smiled. "Oh *hic* yeah. Hey Sabs! How *hic* have you been?" Ezra asked. "Good. Come on I'm here to get you out of here." Sabine said. "What? No way. *hic* I want some more of this good stuff. *hic*" Ezra said holding the bottle up. Sabine took the bottle from him and and grabbed his hand. "Ah ah. You've had enough. Come on. I'm taking you to my house." She said leading him out the door and into her car.

Once they got to Sabine's house. Sabine helped him inside and into a spare bedroom. "Okay. Lay down and go to sleep. I'll be in my room." Sabine said. "Sabine?" Ezra called making her turn around. "Yeah?" She asked. "I need to get something out of me." Ezra said. Sabine went wide eyed realizing what he meant as she quickly led him to the bathroom. Once they were in the bathroom Ezra kneeled down in front of the toilet and started to throw up. Sabine kneeled down and patted his back in comfort as Ezra continued to throw up. "Jeez how many bottles did you have?" Sabine asked. "I-I *hic* only had three bottles." Ezra said holding up eight fingers.

Once Ezra was done Sabine flushed the toilet of all the throw up. "S-See, easy peasy, lemon squeezey." Ezra said. Sabine sighed as she guided him back to the bedroom. Once she did, she help Ezra take off his shirt and put him in bed. "Sabine?" Ezra said. "Yeah?" Sabine asked. "Are you *hic* mad at me?" Ezra asked. "No. I'm not mad." Sabine said. "Oh *hic* that's good. I don't want my favorite girl being mad at me." Ezra said making Sabine blush. "Ah, that's the alcohol talking." She said.

"Yes *hic* and no. I've always loved you but was too nervous to say anything. Poor Nervous Ezra." Ezra said. Sabine was shocked to hear this. "Ezra, I love you too. I was just worried that you didn't feel the same way." She said. "Hehe. That's silly. Silly Sabine." Ezra said as he reached up and poke Sabine on her noise. "Boop."

Sabine couldn't help but giggle at this. "You dork." She said. "Yeah. But I'm your dork." Ezra said. Then he grabbed Sabine and pulled her down in the bed to sleep with her. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. "Ezra. No." "Why? *hic*" Ezra said. "You're drunk. You're not in the right mind. Plus you're not gonna remember any of this." Sabine said. "But *hic* you're so soft. And you smell so good." Ezra said inhaling her scent.

"Please sleep with me. *hic* I love having you around." Ezra said hugging her tighter. "Okay." Sabine said as she relaxed and they both went to sleep.

The next day Sabine woke up to find herself still in Ezra's arms who was still asleep. Sabine smiled and kissed his head as she got out of bed and went inti the kitchen. She was making breakfast when she heard footsteps and turned her head to see Ezra coming out of the room with his hand on his head. "Hey Ezra." Sabine said. "Hey Sabine." Ezra said tiredly as he sat down in a chair. "Headache?" Sabine asked. "Yeah. This hangover is a pain." Ezra said.

Sabine sat down the plates of breakfast and walked over to Ezra. Sabine gently rubbed Ezra's head to try and sooth Ezra's headache. Ezra rested his head on Sabine's chest. "You remember anything from last night?" Sabine asked. "Unfortunately, Everything." Ezra said. "What do you mean unfortunately?" Sabine asked. "I was acting like an idiot." Ezra said. "True. But I thought it was pretty cute how you were acting. To me you're just one loveable goofball." Sabine said.

Ezra raised his head and looked at Sabine. Sabine smiled at him. "I love you, you dork." Sabine said. "I love you too." Ezra said as they shared a kiss. "But please don't tell Hera that I got drunk." Ezra said making Sabine giggle. "Don't worry I won't. Now let's eat." Sabine said as she sat and they ate the breakfast.

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