Hallowween special: Haunted House

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"Ezra, I don't know about this." Sabine said nervous as her and Ezra stood in front of a large old abandoned house.

Ezra and Sabine were out on Halloween night walking around the neighborhood watch as other kids went trick-or-treating. Ezra had on a black and red hooded jacket and Sabine had on one of Ezra's red hoodies. They were about to head back to the house until they came across the old abandoned house. Ezra suggested they go in and check it out. Sabine was hesitant to agree but Ezra promised her that nothing will happen and they walked closer to the house.

"C'mon Sabine don't tell you're scared? I told you everything will be fine." Ezra said. "I'm not scared! Just nervous that's all. We don't know what could be in there." Sabine said. Ezra leaned over and gave Sabine a peck on the cheek. "Don't worry. Even if there is something in there, you know I won't let anything happen to you. And I won't leave your side for a second." Ezra told her. Sabine smiled a little after hearing that. "Well, okay. The sooner we get this done, the sooner we can go home and watch Halloween Kills!" Sabine said excited. Both her and Ezra loved the Halloween movies and was excited about the new movie that was out. Sabine grabbed Ezra's hand as they walked into the yard towards the front door.

Ezra opened the door and they looked inside. It was dark and dust was floating in the air. Some dust got in Sabine's nose causing her to sneeze making Ezra chuckle. "What?" Sabine asked. "You're sneezes are always so cute." Ezra said making Sabine blush. "Shut up." She said as they walked into the old house.

They walked around the first floor for a bit. The floor creaked every time they took a step, there was cracks in the walls and spider webs. Sabine hated spiders and always relied on Ezra to get rid of any spider webs and any that got on her he would clear off of her to make her feel better.

"So Ez? Do you know what this place's history is about?" Sabine asked. "Well from what I know; this old man who was a former cult member who worshipped Satan lived here and before he died he placed a cure on this house saying that anyone who enters will encounter their biggest fears." Ezra explained and Sabine tensed up a little. She was now even more nervous than before. This place was creepy enough but if what Ezra said was true, she would see some of her fears. She tighter her grip on Ezra and hugged his arm. "Don't worry Sabine. It's just a story. It's not like it's real." Ezra said. "I hope you're right." Sabine said.

After looking around the first floor they decided to go up stairs and look around the bedrooms for a bit. Some of the rooms didn't have much in it. One had just a bed, one had a mirror, one had a bed and a chair. Ezra peaked his head into the last room but just saw a doll sitting on the floor under a window. "Ezra? What's in there?" Sabine asked from behind him. Ezra looked at the doll and shook his head while closing the door. "Nothing. Just an empty room." He told Sabine as they headed downstairs.

Sabine was ready to get out of the house until Ezra decided that they should go into the basement. Sabine didn't want to at first but Ezra told her that they would get one quick peak and they would leave. Sabine didn't want to go but she didn't want to be by herself while Ezra was still inside so she went with him. They opened the door to the basement. They slowly walked down the wooden steps that creaked at every step they took. Once they got to the ground they saw was pitch black and barley anything in view. Sabine had a tight grip on Ezra's hand so not to lose him in the darkness. Ezra moved his hand around in the air looking for a light switch, once he found it, he pulled down on it turning the lights on. Then they looked to the ground and saw a white circle drawn on the ground with symbols inside it. "Ezra." Sabine in a scared voice. "Yeah lets go." Ezra said back.

Suddenly the door slammed before they could go up the steps making them both jump back. Then the lights turned on and it was now pitch black. Ezra suddenly let go of Sabine's hand and she heard him scream. "Ezra!" She shouted but heard nothing back. She was then flung into the wall by something. She then got up and try and find a place to hide. She found her way underneath the steps inside a small storage closet. She put her hood over her head and hugged her knees to her chest trying keep as quiet as possible from whatever hit her. Then one light came on over where the white circle was and stood in the center was a very tall man dressed a button up shirt and pants. His skin was pale and he had no hair. When he turned his head around Sabine's eyes widened in fear. The man had red eyes and his face was deformed.

Sabine covered her mouth so not to make a sound hoping whatever that was doesn't find her. The man walked towards the steps giving out a sadistic chuckle as he went up the steps and out of sight. Sabine sighed in relief but then soon filled of worry. Where was Ezra? Why did he scream? Did he leave her? "No. Ezra wouldn't leave me by myself. Not him. Maybe that thing took him somewhere in this house." Sabine told herself. Before she could think any further she felt something on her hand. She looked down and saw webs on her hand. Then her arms were pulled to the wall restraining her there. Sabine tried to break free but she was really stuck by that webbing. Then she saw something repel down in front of her. She then saw eight legs and eight eyes appear and shd let out a yelp. Sabine really hated spiders. Especially big ones. The spider landed in her legs and started to slow walk it's way up to her. "No. Stay back." She said but the spider hissed at her.

Sabine was able to kick the spider off of her and free herself from the webs and crawled out of the closest trying to get away from the spider. As the spider was coming closer to her she remember something Ezra said earlier. She closed her eyes and repeated this one phrase to her. "It isn't real. It isn't real. It isn't real." She said. Once she opened her eyes the spider was gone. She let out a sigh in relief then got up off the ground. "Don't worry Ez, I'm going to find you." She said going up the stairs.

Once she got upstairs she started to look around the first floor for any sign of Ezra. She was scared to look around by herself. But her wanting to find Ezra pushed her to keep going. With no luck finding him on the first floor she was about to go upstairs until she heard groans from down a hallway. She went into the direction of the groans until she saw a red balloon floating at the end of the hallway. "Oh no."

The balloon popped and a tall man in a clown costume and makeup looked at her with a smirk. "Hello there." Sabine hated clowns, especially Pennywise. Her and Ezra went to the theaters and watched the movie. Sabine could not take her face out of Ezra's arm everytime Pennywise appeared on the screen.

Sabine was about to turn and run but Pennywise had something to say. "Hold on now. You don't want to leave so soon. Not without this." He said stepping aside for Sabine to see Ezra on the ground. "Ezra!" She called out. Pennywise grabbed Ezra by the back of his neck and lifted him up. "S-Sabine....help me." Ezra said. "This is a fine piece of flesh you have. So tasty." Pennywise said dragging a finger across Ezra's neck. "No! Please don't--!" Sabine then thought about something and had an idea. "Ezra! What's my favorite thing to do in the world?!" Sabine asked. "Uh, shopping for clothes." Ezra said. "Thought so. That's not Ezra!" Sabine said making Pennywise eyes go wide.

"Ezra knows my favorite thing to do is painting!" Sabine finished. Pennywise growled as the fake Ezra dissolved and he shot a tentacle at Sabine. Sabine was able to dodge it and run away but then another one grabbed her by her leg and started to pull her back. Sabine looked around and found a knife on the floor and picked it up repeatedly stabbing the tentacle until it let her go and she got up running away.

She was running past hallway after hallway trying to get at a good enough distance from the clown. Then once she rounded another corner she saw someone unconscious on the floor near a hole in the floor. Sabine looked closer and saw that it was Ezra. "Ezra!"

Sabine ran over to him kneeling down to him. "Hey, you okay?" She asked. Ezra groaned and sat up. "Yeah." He said. "What happened?" Sabine asked. "I don't know. Last thing I remember is I was with you and then here." Ezra said as they got up. "Come on let's get out of here. Follow me." He said but Sabine stopped. "Ezra? When's my birthday?" She asked. "Uhh, sorry Sabine. Guess all this stuff happening made me forget when it was. Why ask?" Ezra said rubbing the back of his head. "No reason." Sabine said.

Then Sabine stabbed him in the chest with the knife leaving Ezra in shock. "It's just that the real Ezra would never forget my birthday is on August 14th. No matter what." She said with an angry expression. The fake Ezra gave out a sadistic chuckle and his eyes turned yellow. "Anything else that gave me away." He said. "Yeah. Your bleeding from your hand where I stabbed you and you didn't have Ezra's twin scars from when he saved me from being mugged." Sabine answered. "Well well well. Clever girl. Too bad you'll never find the real one and get out of here alive. You'll both float very soon!" He said as he let out a scream and Sabine pushed him down the hole. Sabine let a tear fall down her cheek. She knew that wasn't the real Ezra but it still hurt her to do that.

"Behind you."

Sabine turned around and was soon knocked unconscious.

Sabine woke up on a bed facing the ceiling. She tried to move her arms but they were tied up along with her legs. She looked to the foot of the bed and saw the same man from the basement looking at her. He stepped to the side and Sabine saw Ezra tied up in a chair with a bloody head. "Ezra!" She shouted. The man held a large knife in his hand pointed it at Ezra. "No! Don't please!" Sabine pleaded. The man looked at her and chuckled. "Don't worry. I'll deal with you afterwards." He said then stabbed Ezra deep in his chest. Sabine had tears going down her face as the man turned his attention to her. Sabine was panicking trying to break free from the ropes but to no avail. The man was now on top of Sabine licking his lips as Sabine cried.

Then someone hit the man on the side of his head making him fall off of Sabine. Then the figure cut the ropes that tied Sabine up and helped her sit. "Sabine?! Are you okay?" The person said. Sabine focused more and saw the face of her boyfriend in front of her. "E-Ezra?" She said now half crying. "Yes it's me." Ezra said. Sabine then frowned and got out of his hold. "Sabine what are you doing!?" Ezra was about to walk over to her until Sabine held up a knife. "Stay back! First I saw you melt, then I stabbed you and pushed you down a hole then I saw you get stabbed! How do I know you're real!" Sabine said as more tears went down her face. "Sabine! It's me! I swear!" Ezra said. "No! No! Say something! Say something only the real Ezra would know about me!" Sabine said. Ezra sighed and looked at her. "You like to where my clothes all the time. Even when you're asleep. I say it's annoying but in reality I think you look really cute wearing my hoodies and shirts. And you know I love it when you do that. You never want to wear anything else but my stuff when we're alone." Ezra said.

Sabine dropped the knife and ran over to Ezra nuzzling her face into his chest. "Ezra. I was so scared when I couldn't find you." Sabine said crying. "I'm sorry I left you. When the lights went out I got pulled somewhere else. Guess the story was true about showing us our fears." Ezra said. "I saw spiders, Pennywise and just now I saw you get killed in front of me. What did you see?" Sabine asked. Ezra looked away for a second. "I only saw one of my fears. And it was loosing you." He said. Sabine turned his face to her and gave him a kiss. "Come on lets get out of here." She said.

Once they got down stairs, they finally left the house. Sabine held Ezra's hand the entire time they walked home with the hood over her head. "I'm glad we're out of there." Sabine said. "Yeah I'm sorry I dragged you into there." Ezra said. "It's okay. It was very, eventful but now I just want to go home." Sabine said. "What do you want to do when we get home?" Ezra asked. "I want to cuddle with you on the couch." Sabine said nuzzling her face into Ezra's arm making him chuckle. "Sure, we'll cuddle all you want. And I'll also put on Halloween Kills while we cuddle." Ezra said making Sabine smile.


I meant to publish this on Halloween night but never got the chance so here it is!
Hope you enjoy!

Scorch out!

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