The Prank

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"This is gonna be so good." Sabine said as she did a soft giggle. Chopper who was next to her made a beeping noise. "Of course he won't be mad. It's me who is pranking him. If it was just you, then he'd be mad." Sabine told him. The Ghost crew was currently on Lothal for the time being. Ezra went into town for somethings and Sabine and Chopper came up with the idea to pull a prank on him when he gets back. This was their plan; Chopper was going to lure Ezra into the hallway when he gets back once inside, Sabine drops a bucket of water on top of him getting him nice and soaked. Once everything was set into motion, Sabine told Chopper to go on the ramp of the ship and contact Ezra to come back to the ship. Chopper nodded and rolled away.


After calling Ezra, Chopper waited for Ezra to return to the Ghost. Soon he saw the orange figure running up to the Ghost. "Chopper. You said I needed to come back. What's wrong?" He asked and Chopper made some beeps. "Uh, okay. Lead the way." Ezra said and they went inside the Ghost. They to the door to the hallway and as they entered Chopper stopped making Ezra stop. "Chopper? What's wrong?" Ezra asked. Chopper turned around and gave out a chuckle in beeps. Then before Ezra knew it he was covered in water from above him followed by the bucket itself falling on his head. Sabine came from around the corner laughing hard along with Chopper. They then heard the bucket get thrown to the ground and looked up to see Ezra staring at them. Not happy. "So who's bright idea was this?" Ezra asked in a calm state. Chopper immediately pointed his robot arms at Sabine. "Chopper you snitch!" Sabine said and got a little nervous when Ezra was staring at her. "Sabine." Ezra said. "Yes." Sabine said back. "Run." Was all he said and Sabine took off running with Ezra behind her.

Sabine ran into the cockpit and saw Kanan and Hera sitting in the chairs. "Sabine what's wrong?" Kanan asked. "Ezra's chasing me. I pulled a prank on him." Sabine said and Hera chuckled. "Good luck with that. We're not gonna bail you out this time." Hera said. "Hera c'mon. It was..." Before Sabine could finish she found her being lifted in the air. She turned around and saw Ezra with his hand raised. "You and I need to have a nice long talk." Ezra said walking away with a floating Sabine. "Go easy on her Ezra." Hera said. "I make no promises." Ezra said going into Sabine's room

Ezra opened the door and walked in with Sabine behind him floating in the air. "Ezra lets talk about this for a second. I am a Mandalorian. And I have the power to break bones in your body." Sabine said as she was put on the bed. "If I had a coin for everytime you said that." Ezra said as he pounced on top of Sabine restraining her. "Ew! Ezra! You're all wet!" Sabine said laughing. "Oh really. I wonder why!" Ezra said shaking his head in Sabine's face. Then once he stopped, Ezra let go of Sabine and started to tickle her on her sides. "No! Ezra *laughs* stop! *laughs*!" Sabine laughed as she squirmed around on the bed. "You brought this on yourself Sabine." Ezra said continuing to tickle her. "Ezra *laughs* please! *laughs* I'll do *laughs* anything!" Sabine pleaded. "You have to say I'm sorry and I won't prank you again." Ezra said. "*laughs* no I *laughs* won't stop!" Sabine laughed harder when Ezra digged his fingers into Sabine's sides and stomach. "Say it Sabine." Ezra said. "Okay *laughs* okay *laughs*! I'm sorry *laughs* and I *laughs* won't prank *laughs* you again!" Sabine shouted and Ezra stopped. Ezra leaned down close to Sabine's face making her blush a bit. Ezra then kissed sabine's nose making her go really red. "Next time think twice before pranking me. Now where's Chopper. I need to go give him a piece of my mind. He's guilty by association." Ezra said running out of the room in search for the small droid. Sabine was able to catch her breath from all the laughing and smiled.

"He may be an annoying Lothrat. But he's my annoying Lothrat."

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