Master chief meets sabezra part 1

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As Sabine and Ezra was out on a date night they where walking back too the ghost ship but saw something falling down out of the sky of lothal.

Ezra's pov
I was holding Sabine's hand as she was holding mine we where having a great time together as Sabine said ezzy look a shooting star make a wish! Said Sabine, you know what my wish is said ezra as he kissed Sabine as she kissed her boyfriend back, they both stopped kissing as Ezra noticed something was wrong with the shooting star. Somethings wrong with the star said ezra, what do you mean? Said Sabine, LOOK OUT! Yelled out ezra as he jumped onto his girlfriend and proteaced her, the star hit the ground hard right besides the ghost and close to Ezra and Sabine. Ezra looked up as he helped his girlfriend up as Sabine said thanks ezzy but what happened? Said Sabine, I don't know said ezra as he walked to where the star fall down as there was smoke and fire as they saw someone laying on the ground, the person had green armour and he was 7 feet tall and on his chest he had a number in his chest, it was 117. Ezra walked up to the person as Ezra said he's probably hurt, help me remove his helmet Sabine said Ezra, okay said Sabine as she walked up too her boyfriend to help him to remove the person helmet but ezra felt something in the back of the person's helmet, ezra unpuded the chip as he said what do you think this is? Said ezra as he stood up as Sabine said I don't know said Sabine, then a hand grabbed Ezra's right hand as the person got up as Sabine and ezra gasped to see how tall he was. He noticed ezra had the chip in Ezra's hand, the person said to ezra give me that he said as ezra said sure it's yours said ezra as he give it back to him, he puged it back into the back of his helmet as he said where am I? Said the person, you're on lothal and who are you? Said Ezra, my name is master chief 117 said chief. Okay what type of name is that said Sabine, my real name is John said chief, okay said Ezra, you said I am on the planet lothal? Said chief, yes you are, come with us said Ezra, chief nodded at ezra as he picked up his battle rifle and put it onto his back. Let's go said chief.

Later as Ezra and Sabine got back to the base on lothal.

Hera was waiting for her kids to come back as she saw them walking as then she saw someone behind both of them as Hera said to ezra and Sabine, who's that? Said Hera, him? His name is master chief 117 said Ezra, ma'am said chief, who are you really are chief? Said Hera, I'm spartan 117 from a plant called earth year 2552 said chief, okay, both of you come with me said hera to her kids as Sabine and Ezra followed hera, I don't trust him at all said Hera, hera he's fine he didn't hurt us said Ezra, he looks friendly said Sabine, okay I'll give him a chance said Hera, thanks Hera said Ezra. He walked into the ghost with Sabine as she put on her mando armour on herself as Ezra put his battle clothes on as he put his blaster around his leg and his green lightsaber too, they walked out to see master chief taking to Hera. Hello chief said Ezra, chief nodded at ezra, chief saw a puge in as he took out the chip out of his helmet as he said too Hera ma'am my AI has to say something said chief, okay go ahead said Hera. Chief puge the chip into the hologram as it showed a lady as she said hello there my name is Cortana she said, (the new cartana)
Wow said Ezra and Sabine, nice to meet you both Ezra and Sabine said cortana, how do you know our names? Said Sabine. Chief told me said cortana, okay said Sabine. Oh captan Hera I see you have been fighting a empire? Said cortana, yes we have we're rebels the rebellion said Hera, fighting for hope for the galaxy said Ezra, I see said chief, we can help you and your rebellion said cortana, how? Your only two? Said Hera, we have more Spartans like me said chief, but the bad news is we need to make contact with our captain said cortana, will we can help you with that said Hera, aright May I go with Hera said cortana, yes said chief.

Later on...

Chief was with the two teenagers as he said I see incoming said chief, what do you mean? Said Ezra, he's not making it up ezzy said Sabine as she past ezra the holo too see far away as Ezra said it's the emipe said Ezra, we have to go back now said Sabine, right said ezra. Master chief grabbed his battle rifle as he was ready for them, ezra saw chief waiting for the stormtroopers to come at him, CHIEF WHAT ARE YOU DOING! WE HAVE TO LEAVE NOW! Said Ezra, i don't run from a fight said chief, oh the hell with it said ezra as he grabbed his green lightsaber and turned it on as Sabine said too her boyfriend I'LL COME BACK WITH TROOPS! Said Sabine, okay said Ezra, you ready? Said chief, yes said ezra, the stromtroopers pointed their blasters at ezra and master chief as the SGT said OPEN FIRE! As the stromtroopers opened fired at chief and Ezra, ezra dogged the shots and shot a couple of them with his blaster as chief killed a lot of them as Ezra saw chief killing them all but Ezra didn't see a stormtrooper behind him the stromtrooper pulled out a knife as he stabbed Ezra from behind as Ezra turned around as Ezra saw the stormtrooper as it was his friend Jason, Jason? Said Ezra as Ezra pulled the knife out of his back as he dropped the knife onto the ground. Ezra grabbed his lightsaber and turned it on but it was to late ezra got shot by his old friend, ezra was shot into his chest. Chief saw what happened to ezra, NO! Said chief as he ran up to ezra as he checked if Ezra if he was still alive and he was but Ezra was losing blood and badly, Jason pointed his blaster too chiefs helmet but chief grabbed Ezra's green lightsaber and stabbed Jason into his chest in his heart killing Jason. Chief pulled out the lightsaber out of Jason as Jason's dead body fell down onto the ground, the other stormtroopers though a Gernade at ezra as chief grabbed it and though it back at the stormtroopers killing them. Chief got up as he picked up ezra in his arms as chief said your not going to die ezra said chief.

Too be continued..........

I hope you guys liked this new part of the book. Tell me what you thought about it.

And remember the force will always be with you all...


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