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It was lunch time in the school, and Ezra was sitting a table having his lunch, which consisted of just pizza.

He was intrupted from his lunch when someone say next to him. He looked to his right to see his friend Sabine. "Hey Sabine" Ezra spoke.
"Hey Ezra. Do you like my new jaket" Sabine asked as she pointed to the jacket she was wearing.

"Yeah, it looks nice on you" Ezra replied as he continued his lunc. "Ezra" Sabine said, getting his attention. He looked to, seeing a smirk on her face.
"Oh no, what now" Ezra asked himself, knowing when she made that smirk, it ment something was up.

"Feel my jacket" Sabine asked as she lifted up her arm. "Em okay?" Ezra replied as he felt the sleve of her jaket. "Its soft, so what?" Ezra asked.
"Do you know material it's made of?" Sabine asked him.

Ezra then realised what she was doing. "Ohhhhnnnnoooo" he said in his head. "What?" He asked her.
"Boyfriend material" Sabine told him, keeping in a laugh. He was silent for a momont, before bursting out laughing, Sabine also did.

"Sabine, that's such an old joke" Ezra laughed. "I know, but it's funny" Sabine replied, calming herself.

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