The Fallen; Part 7, Revenge

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Ezra ran in that direction, ready to kill.

When he got there, he saw many doors.

Just like at Ursa's palace.

Ezra stormed back to the droid. "LIAR!"

"No, please! My master really is there! First door on your left!"

Ezra growled but went to the door.

He slowly opened it, and peeked inside.

What he found startled him.

It was Sabine laying on the floor, seemingly lifeless.

"Sabine!" He cried and ran up to her.

The door behind him closed, and when he looked back at it, he saw none other then an Inquisitor.

"Welcome, Jedi," He sneered.

"You're going to pay for what you did," Ezra growled.

"Am I?" He teased. "What are you going to do? Kill me?" He laughed. "I'm surprised that you can even be a Jedi, I mean, for your age."

Ezra roared in fury and ignited his lightsaber.

The Inquisitor just laughed. "You're kidding, right? You've got to be kidding."

Ezra's eyes turned from whatever color they were to the corrupt darkside yellow.

Ezra lunged himself at the Inquisitor, but the Inquisitor blocked.

He laughed. "You're going to have to do better then that, child!"

Ezra lunged himself at the Inquisitor again, creating so amyn attacks that the Inquisitor couldn't keep up, and Ezra struck his blade through the Inquisitor's heart, and he fell to the ground, dead.

(There you go, TFC_Legend)

Ezra ran back over to Sabine.

Sabine didn't move, and Ezra wiped tears out of his eyes.

He leaned down, and gently pressed his lips against hers.

Sabine's eyes fluttered open.
"E..e..Ezra?" Sabine coughed.

"Sabine?" He gasped, wrapping his arms around her. "You're...alive?"

Sabine hugged back. "I guess I am."

Touchy, touchy, touchy.

I think I'm loosing my touch of evil.

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