Ezra vs Nemesis Ezra

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(Pyrce pov)
I was waiting for the recovering team to come back with me son and hopefully the body of ezra Bridger and I was pasting back and forth well thrawn sit on his chair and Kallus was looking over the painting that the mandalorian left on the wall govern I ask you to please take a sit thrawn ask me no i can't I'm waiting for the new's on my son okay I told thrawn I know you are worry about your son Pryce but have fate that your son kill Ezra Bridger thrawn said then the captain i send to get my son pop up govern we have your son but it best with you see for yourself he said then hang up so we walk down to the hanger to see the drop ship landing down and the hatch open up well we're my son I ask him he turn and see his men walking down the ramp with a stretcher behind them and with a body on it and it was my son on it and he had blood all over him I walk up to him and I hold his hand has began to cry sir the govern son was strong how did he get beat that easy the captain ask me it seems that we didn't know how Bridger became a cyborg Kallus said what even made Bridger become that anyway thrawn said I don't care I want payback for my son I said has I face them with a mad face on Pryce your son failed to destroy ezra what you think that you can fight him thrawn ask me sir I may have a plan I said remember general grievous he was part human and robot so what every we can save of my son and me make a copy of Bridger I said like a clone Kallus said no even better but more evil I said okay pryce you can but don't fail me thrawn said has they walk away from me.

(two week's later)

(Ezra pov)
It been a two week and Sabine is getting better every day since the fight between me and wedge the people at chopper base has been asking me about the fight but I don't tell them and Sabine family and her clan has grow more bigger and even some of the other clans join them too even my mom sister and my aunt Bo Katan. I was in me and Sabine room and it was night time so we we're sleeping Sabine and sabby share her bed with sabby on top and Sabine on bottom and for me I was wide awake even since I became a cyborg I never was able to sleep so I stay up all night reading or practicing my shooting but i was sharping my sword and fixing it because wedge snap it off but it was easily to fix i look over to sabine and i smile she sleep beautiful

I got up and kiss her forehead and pull the blanket up more and she smile in her sleep then i walk out of our room and walk outside i see some guard's on patrol and sato was talking to the pilot's for the next attack so i walk to my target ranger where i use my old helmet's to shoot at so i turn my right hand into my blaster and began to fire at it. I hit one helmet and another one i fire at the last one you are getting better ezra i turn to see ahsoka walking to me indeed ahsoka i have i said has i turn blaster into my hand it good to see you that you are okay ahsoka said yes it wasn't for sabby and her family and hera and kanan i would have die i said hey ezra can i ask you something ahsoka ask me sure i said how did you became a cyborg anyway she ask me i look at her i don't like to talk about it i said why ezra she ask me because it one day i will never forget that why i said to her i understand ezra but you must face your fear one day or they came back and they will hurt the one's you love ahsoka said has she walk away that why i must keep them safe with my life i told myself has i make a fist.

(Pyrce pov)
I was in the lab that was hidden from the rebel's so they won't attack i was standing in the control room with the engineers and the droid's inside was hooking up the wire's to power up my robot are we ready i ask them yes but we need all the power to finish it he said then do it i told them then they grab the leaver and pull it down and all of the power from the city was being drain into my robot and i see the energy levels going up i look at the robot and see it eye's turning on but the alarm's went off what happening i task them we are in the red zone need to shut it off he said no keep going we need all the power i said has the robot start to shake sit it overloading the control he said the control start to spark then the room explode and we got down has the glass broke. I got back to see smoke and i see my robot eye's turn on so i walk out of the room and the robot look at me mother it said to me yes wedge it me i said to my son then the locks open and we walk but fell on his knee then he look at his self what happen to me wedge ask me you are reborn my son and you are stronger then before i said he look at me and look at a piece of glass on the floor and pick it up and he saw his face why do i look like the Bridger boy he ask me because we made a copy of ezra Bridger and i use your body to make you my son i said to him why mother i was better off looking like myself not a freak he said it was the only thing i could do but don't worry son you will forget every thing soon I said has I press a button on my wrist and cranes came out and grab his arm's and leg's what are you doing mother wedge ask me has he try to break free what must be done this chip was planted in your head to watch and learn what you learn and with all the fight move you have recorded you can out match any one even Bridger has well I said why mother I thought you care for me I am your son wedge said I know but we all have to make sacrifice my son I said has put the chip in his chest mother please don't do this to me wedge said then I close his chest and he fell to the ground and he turn off I'm sorry my wedge I whisper to him then his eye's open up and he got up and look at me what are my order mother he ask me I smile find the rebel's and destroy then all wedge I said I'm not wedge no more call me nemesis Ezra he said with a evil smile and I smile with him.

(Ezra pov)
I was in the common room with the other talking about a empire shipment of weapon's we could use okay that the plan the ghost can grab them well the fighter keep the ties off us hera said then my spark began to hurt really bad AAAAHHHHH scream has I fell to the ground holding my chest EZRA what wrong hera ask me has she put her hand on my shoulder then my eye's turn purple and i hit hera with the back of my hand and she hit Rex and sato knocking them to the floor then zeb wrap his arm around me ezra what are you doing he said destroy the rebel's i said has my mask cover my mouth and i head butt zeb and punch him in the face then ahsoka and kanan grab the light saber's and i turn my hand into my sword and block their strike then i kick then back but Rex and hera grab my arm's and sabby knock me down and they all hold me down SABINE CALM HIM DOWN hera told sabine

Sabine got on her knee's and i look at her ezzy calm down she said then i calm my breathing and i put my sword away that it ezra it me she said then i put my mask away and my eye's turn back to the same color i look around guy's can you get off me i ask them they got off me and i stand up ezra what happen kanan ask me i don't know my spark started to hurt then everything went dark next thing i know i'm on the floor i told them then chopper show ezra what happen ezra since when did you have a berserk mode zeb ask me i never had a berserk mode someone did this to me i said who ezra sabby ask me then i trace the signal it came from lothal sato with your permission i like to find out how did this to me i ask him yes you can but be carefully he said then i walk to my ship but i head some one running behind me EZRA WAIT i turn to see the crew we're coming with hera said you sure what ever made me go berserk may be dangerous i said we can take ezra kanan said i smile just like the old day's hope in i said has we walk in my ship and we took off to lothal. We enter lothal and i cloak my ship to get by the blockade they have then i land my ship right by cave i use since my tower has gone but it still home we walk out so where do we start hera ask me then i throw a bag at them and they look at me put those on and give my your weapon's i can hide them i said they give me their weapon's and put on the clothe then we got in the speeder where we going era sabine ask me i know a lace where the signal is hiding i said then i drove to the place. 

We got there and we exit the speeder and walk what is this place ezra ahsoka ask me this is what was left of a city that put up a fight against the empire but nothing survive the attack and the bomb they drop too i said the why are we hear hera as me because there was secret lab i know because i use to take things from there for my cave i said then i see storm trooper standing outside of the lab they found it i said so what the plan sabine ask me okay here the plan kanan said but i put my mask on and turn both of my hand's into my sword's and ran at them at cut all  of them down then i see everyone walking to me next time ezra wait kanan said i put my sword's back i know i said has we walk in the room and we see three empire droid's working on the control and i see what my scanner pick up there that what made me go berserk but one of the computer turn on and we see a face but it had a mask on have you fix the machine yes he ask the droid's almost sir the control are fix the droid said good hurry up i want ezra Bridger dead he said and left i turn my hand into the blaster and point it at the control say good bye to your computer empire i said and fire five shot's and all hit the computer and it exploded taking out two of the droid's and we ran outside to see the lab collapsing on top of the lab door disappearing there good the lab i said has turn my blaster back into my hand but a bolt hit the building and we see walker heading for us RUN i said has we all took off from the walker. The walker kept firing at us then i had a idea guy's follow me i know where to hide i said has i ran in front of them and we turn to my left and stop over a giant rock cover under here now the walker can't get over these or they get stuck i said has we all got under the rock and wait for the walker to go  away okay it going away i said has we caught our breathe thank's ezra hera said your welcome but we need to get out of here fast before it come back I said how we get lost and we can't get a signal this far Sabine said who said we need a signal I said then the rock that was covering us began to move then the rock broke and lift in the air has everyone was looking around and in the air to see a giant yellow robot with the rock on his back and it was getting up too

Then every one point there blaster at the robot has they stand up guy's wait he not going to hurt us I said to them hello the robot said to us has we look at him and he look at us back

Guy's meet canopy my friend I said with a smile has they put their weapon's away and look at canopy he is your friend Sabine ask me yes he is the one that made me into a cyborg I said really he made you into a cyborg zeb said yes when I was on the streets I found canopy and the empire was searching for him so I hide him but the empire want me to tell them so they shot me and left to bleed out but canopy grab me and fix me into a cyborg I said canopy can you help us get out of here I ask him has he nod his head and lead the way has we follow behind him this canopy is cool zeb said then he turn round and wave his hand at us let go canopy said so what us he to you sabby ask me he like a friend to me I told her how long has that been going on Sabine ask me I turn around more then a few year's I brought him here and he stay here and hide I said has canopy turn and face us hurry canopy said look let's talk about this when we are done okay I said then we heard something in the air we turn to see a tie defender heading to us then it fire a rocket and it hit canopy chest making him hit the building and stumble forward alittle EVERYONE MOVE I said has we ran back and I jump out of the way before canopy fell to the ground. I got back up and ran to canopy get up I said to him i-i can't canopy said no,no,no wake up canopy your going to be okay I said to canopy has he look at me has he bleed energon from his mouth

I look at my best friend dying in front of me I lost so many people dying around me I want to thank you... canopy said has his eye's turn off and he was dead my friend was gone

No canopy get up you all I got left I said has I put my hand's on his face and close my eye's I'm sorry I said then I felt a hand shoulder ezra we need to go now Sabine said has hera grab my arm and drag me with them to the speeder and we got in it and head back to my cave.

(Sabine pov)
I was in the passage seat well ezra drove us back none of said nothing we just watch ezra best friend the one who save his life get kill in front of us we stop in front of the cave and we walk inside and we see ezra walking to the his computer and began to search for something how do you think ezra is taking it sabby ask us i don't know but not well kanan said has we watch ezra type on his computer then every thing went dark and that face we saw was back people of lothal i have come for a message the son of Mira and Ephraim Bridger is still alive so i going to give him a choice you can turn yourself in and we let the rebel's live here alive or you can hide and wait until you are capture come to this location and come alone nemesis out the person was gone again nemesis his he a sith zeb said no he not a sith he is other cyborg like me the empire finally learn to make their own ezra said has we walk to the speeder wait ezra it a trap you know that kanan said has step in front of him a trap which i must enter alone ezra said wait i have a idea i said what is it kanan can sense people around there so hera and kanan will go there and see how they going to trap ezra i said yes i can cover kanan back well he use the force hera said fine but with this nemesis is there i ground bridging you two back here and i deal with him myself ezra said then the computer went off ezra walk to it what is it then a message came throw but it was in some different language what language is that i ask him it from fulcrum ezra said it said that govern pyrce was created a cyborg by using the body of wedge ezra said what how can they do that hera said i don't know but fulcrum message said they call him nemesis ezra ezra said hera,kanan head there now but be carefully this copy of me may be there too we be there when we get the clear for you two me sabine,sabby and zeb will show up ezra said they nod their head and left to the location.

(Third person pov)
Kanan and Hera pull up to the location where ezra was to come but they din't see a empire spy droid was watching them enter sir we got two rebel's the soldier said pyrce see them it the Jedi and the pilot look like the are the scout's pyrce said sir should we like them go no they would do release nemesis ezra pyrce said has they turn on. Kanan and hera walk around to see with it clear okay i don't sense anyone call them hera kanan said hera did so you think this nemesis guy was telling the truth hera ask him no but i know that ezra wasn't going to surrender kanan said has hera and kanan look at each other but you think ezra can beat him i mean he barely survive against wedge hera said with worry and scared in her voice kanan grab her hand hera it be okay and so will ezra he been doing fine before we meet him kanan said i guess your right they stared into each other eye's and they move their face together but before they can kiss they heard a voice kanan,hera they turn to see ezra standing there watching them ezra you waste the moment kanan said i know but be on guard my copy could be anywhere ezra said i know we got order from yoda saying to be carefully kanan said has hera and him ready with there blaster yes we follow yoda order's ezra said then what were they kanan said i'm sorry what ezra said then kanan and hera pull out their blaster's and fire at the copy but copy dodge their bolt's and hitting kanan in the face then hera jump on his back has kanan tackle him but the copy stood his ground and elbow kanan in the back hard then slamming his back with hera on it to a wall the punch her in the stomach and knocking them both out cold then the copy walk away to hide.

 Ezra,sabby,sabine and zeb walk up to the entrance where they see the speeder that kanan and hera took to get here hera,kanan we are here but we don't see you two anywhere where are you ezra ask throw his comm but they don't respond their in trouble ezra said has all four of them pull out their's weapon's search around and be carefully any thing that may look like me ezra said has they all split up sabine and sabby took the left, zeb took the right and ezra walk forward. Zeb walk and look around with his bow rifle in his hand but zeb doesn't see a shadow walking right behind him but zeb turn around and saw nothing so he turn around but only to be tackle in to a alley then nemesis hit zeb but zeb him back but nemesis hit him back then zeb hit him on the side but nemesis punch zeb in the face twice and zeb fell to his knee's and he was knock out so nemesis walk away and began to search for his next target to beat. Sabine and sabby look around for the copy of ezra they ran to cover trying to hide from it then sabby heard someone behind them she turn and saw the copy she pat sabine shoulder sabine turn and they  heard a blaster ready. Ezra look stop and look around then turn his left hand into his blaster then he walk around a oil rig then he was meet with the copy ezra Bridger we meet again nemesis said have we meet before ezra said has his mask cover his mouth yes i do because you were the one that almost kill me but you will remember my real name wedge nemesis said has ezra eye's widened impossible sabby shot you ezra said yes she did but my mother send a recovery team to recovery my body so they rebuild me into a copy of you and now we finish this fight between us no one else nemesis said but ezra see a helmet in his hand where did you get that ezra ask him oh this it belong to that girl that shot me here have it nemesis said has he throw sabby helmet and ran at ezra and fire his blaster ezra ran at him to and dodge nemesis bolt and fire back at him then they both hit each other in the face.

Ahsoka land her ship and jump from the soil she scan the area and found what she was looking for then she heard a loud bang she turn to see ezra go flying back and hit a soil then nemesis ran at him and ezra and nemesis lock their hand's together

Ahsoka want to go help him but she know that ezra is the only one that can beat him so she ran to the soil. Ezra and nemesis lock their sword's with each other and they both had the same strength with each other

Ezra move his sword away from his and nemesis too then kick him the chest making him go flying into a fuel pipe and the pipe exploded and smoke was every where has ezra jump in the smoke and cover his face from the fire and smoke.

A trooper was on the soil and he was watching the battle that going on down there but he felt something tap his shoulder so he turn and he was meet with ahsoka fist. Pryce watch the fight between her son and ezra  from her secret lab ahsoka climb down the ladder and she her so she began to climb down more. Ezra had his fist in the air has nemesis ran at him and start to punch him my new body have the your speed,strength nemesis ezra said has he punch ezra in the face and chest and fire power nemesis ezra said has he pull out his blaster's and point them at ezra and fire at ezra but ezra dodge them and tackle nemesis but he throw ezra off him thank's for my and your fighting styles I have become the greatest machine in the galaxy nemesis ezra said has his scanner lock on to ezra weak stop for him to hit then ezra went for a punch but he move his head to the side but ezra hit him in the face again nemesis ezra stumble back then climb up a pipe with ezra climbing after him.
Nemesis ezra reach the top and turn to see ezra behind nemesis Ezra pull out his sword and ezra pull out his sword too nemesis Ezra went for a strike but ezra kept blocking his attack soon they lock blade's again

But nemesis ezra pull his sword away and hold it well he stab ezra in the side and ezra eye's widened when he felt nemesis ezra sword inside him

Nemesis ezra lean his face forward to ezra and watch has his face was in shock the different between me and you body Bridger nemesis said has he look right at ezra face

My body doesn't feel pain Bridger nemesis ezra said has he push his sword in more in ezra said making ezra scream in pain by nemesis sword

Then nemesis Ezra pull out his sword and ezra fell to his knee's holding his side just image the empire with a army of cyborg so we find your base and destroy them all nemesis Ezra said has he raise his sword in the air but his comm went off wedge don't kill him we need him alive Pryce said we got order from thrawn and he want Bridger alive so we can open him up Pryce said think again pryce turn to see ahsoka walking to her this end now pyrce ahsoka said has she charge at her pyrce went for her weapon but ahsoka tackle her to the consul pyrce push her ahsoka off her and kick her in the arm has they fought nemesis ezra is hearing everything going on mother what going on mother nemesis era said but he doesn't see ezra getting back slowly. Pryce knock ahsoka to the ground were two storm trooper's walk to her and point their weapon's at her you think you stop me Jedi pryce said no i just need to by ezra some time ahsoka said then pyrce eye's widened and too back at to screen to see Bridger getting up so she ran to the comm WEDGE BEHIND YOU pryce yell nemesis look back to see Bridger fist he block his punch with his sword then ezra start to punch him left and right nemesis ezra system were breaking off by ezra punches so he couldn't scan for weak stop's,use his blaster's or nothing then ezra pick him up and slam nemesis to the soil then jumping in the air with both fist in the air and slam them on nemesis pyrce heard the roof break she look up to see the roof felling on her and nemesis ezra body too no,no NOOO pryce scream has she was kill by the all of the roof and nemesis felling on top of her ahsoka cover face from the dust then she look up to see pyrce hand sticking out and nemesis ezra body with pipe and pole's throw his chest ahsoka heard her name and she look up to ezra holding his side then he jump down and walk to the nemesis body he was barely on and he was trap now see what you have Bridger the damage you did and my mother death it all because of you and you are like me join me and together we can save the one we love nemesis ezra said has he hold out his weak hand to ezra i'm nothing like you wedge and never will be ezra said has he turn his right hand into his blaster and point it at wedge you betrayed yourself ezra said NO BRIDGER nemesis said but ezra fire at his chest then he fire at his head making a large hole between his face then lower his blaster nemesis ezra or wedge is no more ezra said has he walk to ahsoka let get everyone and head back to home but first to make sure the empire don't recover wedge or pyrce body ezra said has he plant a bomb this bomb will destroy everything even the fuel here too ezra said has ahsoka and him found everyone and head back to his cave then ezra blow up the soil and the fuel too and head back to to chopper base.

(Ezra pov)

I put the team in my med bay were my droid's are healing them i can't believe a copy of ezra did this you all of you Rex said to the team yeah that copy didn't hold back but glad he gone for good sabby said has she lay in bed how are you ezra sabine ask me after the fight i had still alive i said has a droid was welding my side then he move his arm away from me there you go sir he said and walk away i lower my arm and walk to hera and sit by her how you feel hera i ask her still hurt but the way he took me and kanan down i'm glad we still alive she said with a weak smile i smile back and look at everyone in the med bay i feel bad for bring you guy's into this i said don't be sad ezra we are a family and we have your back like you have our's my son hera said has she held my hand i smile thank's mom i said with a smile ezra you think the empire is making more cyborg kanan ask me i don't know but with they do then it up to us to get rid of them i said they nod their's head's get some rest everyone i take of mission well you heal i said has i walk out of the med bay to let them rest.

Hope you guy's like this chapter it a sequel to ezra vs wedge chapter. the next chapter  chapter i be working on for my girlfriend next. i like to give a special thank's to couple of my friend's who enjoy my book so thank's to










this are the people who in joy mt chapter's and my other book's too so thanks you all my friend's. so with that being said hope you guys like this chapter i made

Spartanleader out 

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