Rebellion meet the Vault Hunter

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Heads for you guys there will be alot of Lemon scene in this chapter.

*during order 66*

A little boy about 3 yrs old was playing outside with a 6 clome trooper keeping the boy safe well his family talk about something the clone captain grab his com and turn it on execute Order 66 Palpatine said the clone look at each other and nod their heads the little boy was to busy playing he didn't notice the clone point their blaster at him but before they could the captain was lift in the air by some energy ball the clone saw this one was shot in the head a large guy grab a clone by his head and the last three were shot the large guy rip the clone in half then throw his body on the ground the captain was drop to the ground he try to get up but a male with light dark jacket walk by him the captain look up as the guy shot him in the face a girl with red hair amd tattoo on her left arm ran to the boy and pick him up why were they about to shot a kid the girl ask as the guy with a sniper rifle pick up something and toss it the guy he turn on to hear execute Order 66 it repeat it self over and over all four of them look at each other what does this mean the girl ask it means he is special the guy said as he look at 3 yrs old who was holding the girl tightly more will come the big guy said let them but first we need to train our little guy to defend himself the guy said as everyone nod their head before they head back to the city.

Star Wars rebels: the Vault Hunter's

(No one pov)
The rebellion at Yavin 4 were going over a new plan to hit a Empire base on Mandalore with Ursa and Bo Katan with every supply transport we hit we still can't put a dent in they base Hera said even with we destroyed their ships or take their supplies we still can't get that base Sabine said what do we do Zeb ask Ursa have her arms cross as she began to think Bo Katan tap her shoulder with her fingers maybe we could pick hire someone Wegde said wedge we don't have credit to pay them Hera said no I mean okay look I was going over Empire coms when I found this Wedge said as he pull up the recording you want to be fight for your planet?do you want to take down anyone?then join the Crimson Raiders we are willing to help anyone come to the planet Pandora and fight to free the galaxy the recording said Pandora?Zeb ask I never heard of it Kanan said as Chopper scan for the planet but found nothing Chopper can't find it Hera said so what the plan Rex ask Senator with these people are fighting for their home mayhe they can be usefully for us Hera said you can try and talk to the leader and see with she let you bother a few warriors Ursa said Senator...we need all the help we can maybe with we talk to their leader maybe they let us take a few warriors Hera said Mon Mothma let out a sigh alright Syndulla you and your team shall go to this...Pandora and see with we can recruit this Crimson Raiders Mon Mothma said Hera nod her head Wedge do you have the coordinate for Pandora Hera ask I been going over the broadcast and everyone stop at the same so these have to be it Wedge said as he transfer the codes to Chopper alright Phoenix squad let move Hera said as they had to the ghost.

The ghost travel through Hyperspace so anyone what the plan Sabine ask we know when we get there Hera said as the ghost exit from Hyperspace to see the planet Pandora

So that Pandora Sabine said from Wedge coordinates it is Hera said as Chopper began to spin his head told you I was right chopper Wedge said there alot of radio chatter all heading to a large dessert area Hera said hang on let me see with I could patch in Sabine said as she press a few button on the console this clan leadfoot Vault Hunter's are attacking!KILL FOR THE QUEEN! A voice said Vault Hunter?Kanan said who every they are sound like their in trouble Hera said as she pilot the ghost to the camp. The ghost land near a camp the ramp lower Kanan Zeb and Sabine ran down the ramp and enter the camp to see alot of dead body what happen here?Zeb ask as they look at the body Sabine crotch down near a body she look at the mask all of these body have the same mask Hey they do Zeb said then in the distance they heard gunfire let go Kanan said as he and other ran near a cave. Kanan Zeb and Sabine ran deep in the cave they sae alot of body on the ground the gunfire is getting closer Kanan said as tjey ran to the right but Zeb and Sabine saw there was a large mech with a old guy on top firing the turret well a robot with a rifle fire and a girl with tattoos fire her machine gun

Kanan Sabine Zeb watch as all four people finish off the clan. One of the girl's saw them and point her gun at them hey who are you guys? She ask relax we not here to fight Kanan said as he turn off his lightsaber and put it away so did Sabine and Zeb the old man got off the turret then a girl with a helmet jump out of the mech before it dissappear she wall up to them my name is Mozze the Gunner

I am Zane Flynt

I am Amara the siren

I'm Fl4k the beastmaster

We are the Crimson Raiders Moze said as she cross her arms across her chest I'm Kanan this is Sabine and Zeb Kanan said well thanks for the help but your to late for that Zane said why are you here Fl4k ask we are here to find the Crimson leader Kanan said well we take you to our meeting point once we get our loot Moze said yeah youngly so wait outside Zane said as all four of them turn around and head up stairs. Kanan Sabine Zeb were waiting by the ghost with Hera chopper and Wedge what taking them so long Zeb said they are finding or getting loot Sabine said as Wedge zee them walking to them alright let go Moze said well come aboard Hera said as she walk to the cockpit. Hera pilot he ghost to a large ship now that a ship Sabine said as Hera land the ghost the rebels and vault Hunter's walk down the ramp our commander will be here soon Moze said when?Kanan said as Moze lead up a finger and look at her watch 3..2..1 Moze said as a fireball land between them there was a person standing between them she stood up and put a hand on her hip before she look at the rebels Sup she said to them

My name is Lilith commander of the Crimson Raiders aka the Firehawk what brings you to Pandora strangers Lilith ask we are here looking for you so we can ask with you can help Hera said sure the Crimson Raiders are willing to help what do you need help with Lilith ask it on my home planet Mandalore there base we need to brind down but we need someone who ain't scared to get dirty Sabine said well all of us are needed on Sanctuary but there is one Vault hunter who can help Lilith said go see Moxxie she head on left by the gate she help you with him oh and welcome to Sanctuary Lilith said the rebels walk to a bar that was name Moxxie bar they head inside to see female girl sitting on a chair

Hey sugars never seen your face here the Name Moxxie how can I help you Moxxie ask in a sexy voice Wedge just straightening at her with his mouth open Sabine saw this elbow him in the gut Lilith send of her saying you can help us find a vault hunter Hera said making Moxxie giggle oh your looking for my sugar well that easy just bring him this letter Moxxie said as she pull it out of her breast Hera just look at her before she took it what is it Hera ask it a letter he own me a favor for dealing with many of my problems for me so he help you oh and you find at the top of a mountain near the camp you landed Moxxie said as she walk away swinging her hips side to side Wedge gulp as he look at Moxxie alright let go Hera said as everyone left the bar Wedge stood there but Sabine grab him by the hair and drag him out ow!ow!ow!Wedge said as Sabine drag him.

The ghost head for the mountain so this guy think he help Sabine ask well from Moxxie nasty note she said he own her a favor so look like he will Hera said as they see a small house. The ghost landed and they made their way to the house I got a bad feeling Kanan said relax Kanan beside what could happen Wedge said as he reach for his Datapad but he was shot in the head Kanan and Hera got to the right well Sabine and Zeb got to left behind some rocks that to far bandits come any closer and it light our a voice said wait!are you birdman that Lilith told us about Sabine yelled from behind the rock she peek out to see a guy with a large rifle pointing at them and he was wearing a mask birdman?no it Mordecai

And yes why do you ask Mordecai ask Lilith said there be a vault hunter that live up here that can help us Sabine said Mordecai lower his rifle Brick let go Mordecai said as a large man with muscle walk out behind the house this is Brick Mordecai said

Hey newbie Brick said as he and Mordecai stop in front of them so what you want?Brick ask we are here for a vault hunter that lives here Hera said guessing from your shot and that you just killed Wedge your a good shot Sabine said Mordecai and Brick look at each other before they start to laugh really hard what funny?Zeb ask Mordecai and Brick stop laughing sorry it just that....we don't love here Mordecai said yeah we just here to bring supplies Brick said as he point at them He live here Brick said as the rebels turn around to see a guy armor on his chest and shoulder and you can't see through his helmet

Who are those punks?the guy ask just some people looking for you Mordecai said as the guy pull off his helmet his hair was light blue so were his eyes he had tane skin the name Ezra legendary Vault Hunter of Pandora Ezra said as walk up them Hera and Ezra shake hands my name is General Hera Syndulla and these are my team Hera said the rebels heard a roar they look to a pack of weird dogs walking to them slowly

What are those?Sabine ask those are Skags Ezra said anyway me and Brick got to head back see you around Ezra Mordecai said as he walk pass him hey see you around tough guy Brick said as he pat Ezra on back them Ezra punch his shoulder let go we talk in my house those Skags won't get near so you be safe Ezra said as walk up to his house leaving Wedge body to the Skags as they drag it away.

Hera sat down in a chair across from Ezra so what bring you to Pandora Strangers Ezra said as he walk back with a bottle of Beer we are here to recruit you Hera said Ezra look at her recruit me? For what?Ezra ask for help taking down a base on Sabine home planet Hera said Ezra put his beer down a base?lady I took a entire army down the children of the vault have numbers but I still kill their leaders and look they return to their camps Ezra said as he drink his beer look what we got a letter Hera said as she pull the letter and give it to him Ezra grab the letter and read it so Moxxie is calling that favor Ezra said as he put it down grean lady Ezra said it Hera said whatever....Hera I need t talk to you in private Ezra said for what Kanan ask with I'm going to help I need to talk to her about a few things it won't take then a few hours Ezra said go wait near the fireplace Mordecai and Brick should be there Ezra said Hera nod her head so the crew walk out of the house. Kanan Sabine Zeb head down the hill to see Mordecai and Brick by the fire hey look who join us Brick said as Kanan Zeb and Sabine sit down by the fire and Sabine took off her helmet so how long would this take Mordecai ask a few hours or two Kanan Mordecai nod his head

*In Ezra house*

A loud bang was heard so did a loud crash as we see Hera was shove to the wall by Ezra as he kiss her roughly and Hera kiss him back as she run ber hands on his back and his hair as Ezra pit his hands on Hera ass before lifting her up Hera wrap her legs around Ezra hips.

*back outside*

So how do you guys know about Ezra Zeb ask we raise him Brick said as Mordecai slap his arm raise him?Kanan ask look it personal mainly to Ezra me brick and Lilith agree it be up to him to tell Mordecai said as he take a drink but Ezra seem like he different Sabine said to them.

*back in Ezra house*

Hera was on a bed well Ezra was on top of her drilling kissing her well he pull down her suit just enough to show her breast off Ezra broke the kiss and went to suck on Hera breast Hera moan loud as she look at the roof well Ezra suck on her breast.

*a few hours later*

Sabine Kanan Zeb were talking to Mordecai and Brick well her a was still in the house not knowing what happening to her or what she doing. Sabine look down the hill those are Skags their scavengers they eat anything Mordecai said like?Sabine ask like people,weapons,each other,bandits anything Mordecai said it been a few hours should they come out Zeb ask as he look at the door relax what every there talking about must be important Kanan said.

*back in Ezra house in his room*

Ezra bed was making alot of squeaking noise and the bed shook too as we see Hera was completely Naked and she was on all fours as Ezra was right behind her pounding her ass from behind Hera moan louder as Ezra kept fucking her before Ezra cum inside her for the 5th time in a room Hera moan loud too as she cum too both Ezra and Hera lay down on the bed on their back breathing heavily wow...just wow Hera said as Ezra chuckle as he sit up and look at her so are we in a agreement Ezra ask Hera sit up and sit by the edge of course we do after a few hours of hard rough Sex and the multiple orgasm you give me Hera said as she stood up Ezra smile good glad to here that Ezra said as he slap Hera ass making he moan now let get ready and speak to the others Ezra said as he got out of bed and put his clothes back on so did Hera. Ezra and Hera made their way to the other's about time what was so important that it took a few hours Zeb ask going over my agreements Ezra said with a smile like what? Kanan ask simple I help you in your war and I do things my way and don't get in my way Ezra said is that the short version Sabine ask it is oh and what weapons we find I get half Ezra said why should we Kanan ask we are Vault Hunter's we get paid cash, weapons,or armor Mordecai said making Kanan sigh fine I agree Kanan said good now when do we leave Ezra ask them.

The ghost was land near Sanctuary Hera was in cockpit well Zeb Kanan and Sabine wait for Ezra who was saying goodbye to his family we miss you Ezra Lilith said as she broke the hug make sure you put your training to use Mordecai said yeah and show those soldier how vault hunter do things Brick said I will big guy Brick said Moxxie walk up before hugging him be careful sugar come home safe to your family Moxxie said as she broke the hug Ezra nod his head. Ezra made his way up the ramp but he turn around and look at his family one more time before he walk in the cargo hold as the ramp close then the ghost lift off the ground and head for orbit. Hera made the ghost travel through Hyperspace Ezra was sitting in the booth with his feet up on the table Sabine sat next to him so what the plan on this base Ezra ask we tell omce were at the camp but we need to get the supplies from Yavin 4 then we head for Mandalore Sabine said Ezra shrugs his shoulders. The ghost land on the airstrip and the ramp lower Mon Mothma Rex and Kallus so how did I go Mon Mothma ask it wemt well but Wedge didn't make it Hera said what do you mean Rex ask he was shot by one of them only because the Crimson Raiders were fighting Bandits so they though Wedge add a blaster Hera said as they heard footsteps they look to see Ezra walking down the ramp so your the Vault Hunter Kallus ask yes my name is Ezra Vault Hunter and General of the Crimson Raiders Ezra said Welcome Ezra to Yavin 4 I am Mon Mothma this is Captain Rex and Kallus Mon Mothma said Ezra nod his head now let talk Mon Mothma said as tjey made their way to the command room. The rebels were around the command room console as they go over the base so here hat we are dealing with Sabine said as she show them there alot of ground forces everywhere with three hangers on each side and one in the back for their destroyer that their guarding Sabine said so what we do Kallus ask my mother as scout the area and she said that the destroyer is powering up the entire base so with we take out that destroyer it will cause a chain explosion and destroy the rest of the base Sabine said Ezra look at the base with you can get near it Ezra said that ships as alot of anti-air turrets on it and those are smaller but it means it fire faster Ezra said he right those guns would take us down in minutes Hera said so that plan is useless Ezra said no maybe it can work with we attack from the air were the guns can't reach Sabine said as she close the image alright but before you go I need to ask Ezra something Mon Mothma said what is it Ezra ask what kind of weapons are you packing Kallus ask Ezra look at and at the rebels before he pull his revolver a Jakob revolver carry 4 shot does the damage of 144 Ezra said as he place it on the console

Ezra then grab a assault rifle this is Vladof assault rifle it can switch dual mode for more kills is damage is 368 and the mag carry 60 rounds in each mag Ezra said as he put it dowm

Then he pull out a shotgun this is a Hyperion Shotgun good for close quarters the damage is 2551 and carry 10 shells Ezra said as he place it down

Ezra grab his last weapon this is my favorite one a Jakob sniper rifle it does 692 damage and carry 6 rounds and this is a shock grenade Ezra said as he place it on the table

Ezra cross his arms and all of my weapons have different elements Ezra said element's?Rex said Fire Ice shock corrosive Radiation and explosives Ezra said these weapons are much different Rex said Vault Hunter's like to go big Ezra said as he put his weapons away alright General Syndulla you and your team will head to Mandalore with the supplies and the Vault Hunter too Mon Mothma said as Hera nod her head.

The ghost head for Mandalore I called my mother she and Lady Katan will meet us at our landing location Sabine said alright we got the supplies they needed too Hera said before Sabine left she notice Hera moving around in her seat a bit Hey Hera you Ok? Sabine ask yes I'm fine just need to sit comfy Hera said Sabine know she lying Hera what happen in Ezra house Sabine ask Hera look down before she let out a sigh we had.....Sex Hera said making Sabine eyes widened you what!Sabine said I had sex with him okay!after you guys left we had sex and it felt good Ezra know the right places that make your legs tremble and the way he move in bed and the way he make you feel so good when he make you get into position it feel so Good and he last as long as you can Hera said as she lean back in the chair with a smile as she day dreams then the console began to light up Hera grab the lever and pull it down so the ghost exit from Hyperspace and made their way to the meeting point. Kanan and Zeb climb down from ladder to see Ezra was already in the cargo hold ready for this Ezra Kanan ask I'm a vault hunter I'm ready for anything Ezra said as they felt the ghost land and the ramp lower Ezra put a hand up to cover his eyes from the sun damn it fucking hot Ezra said as his helmet visor cover his eyes well it Mandalore for you Sabine said as she amd Hera walk to them so where are these people Ezra ask they show up Sabine said. Before ezra can ask he heard something he look to see 5 people with jetpacks coming HEADS UP!Ezra said as he pull out his snioer rifle and aim for the middle one EZRA NO!Sabine said as she shove the sniper rifle away as Ezra his sniper rifle those are my family and Bo Katan Sabine said as Bo Katan and two of her clam member saw them
Bo Katan and two mandalorian land behind her then Ursa and Tristan land in front of them Sabine it good go see you Tristan said as he and Sabine hug Ursa point her pistol at Ezra who this?Ursa ask this is Ezra we ask him to help us to take the base Kanan said as Ursa put her pistol away so you bring the supplies Bo Katan ask yes we do Hera said good good we got a few men coming to pick it up well the rest of us head to the base Bo Katan said why what going on Sabine ask we got a few other warriors heading to the base we regroup with them and attack from the air Bo Katan said as she look at Ezra your not scared of heights are you?Bo Katan ask are you scared to face death as warrior you may never know when your time come to end Ezra said making Bo Katan men look at each other let go Bo Katan said as her Ursa Tristan and Sabine took off in the air Zeb chopper and I will stay here well you Sabine and Ezra go with them Hera said got it Kanan said as he climb on the speeder Ezra press a button on his wrist as two small jet appear before Ezra took off in the air he flew faster then Bo Katan Ursa Tristan and Sabine. Ezra land near a cliff as he look to see alot of mandalorian in different armor color look at him Bo Katan Sabine Ursa Tristan and Kanan was behind him what the plan Ezra ask we attack from the air getting the drop on them Bo Katan said as she walk to her ship.

The Mandalorian captain was in the control room sir we are picking up of of aircrafts coming this way he said so the traitors are coming active the anti-air guns on the destroyer and fire at those Ships the captain said. The Mandalorian ships flew high in the air as they get close to the base four ships door open and alot of Mandalorian jump off the ramp and active their jetpacks and flew forward soon the ships began to take fire Bo Katan walk to Sabine and her family well Ezra was leaning against the wall well he was looking through his Echo-Device they know we are here Bo Katan said as Ezra put his Echo-Device away so what the plan Ursa ask we try and get on the destroyer engines it the weak spot but we got to those anti-air offline Bo Katan said as Ezra look to see small grenades then Ezra got a idea he pick up the Satchel and put it around him then he open the ramp door Hey what are you doing Tristan ask Ezra look at him doing my job Ezra said as he mask cover his face last one down buy the first around Ezra said as he ran to the edge of the ramp and jump off before he drive straight down well Bo Katan Ursa Tristan and Sabine watch from the ramp.

Ezra was driving straight down to the destroyer he was dodging Mandalorian soldiers as well he saw the ships coming closer he deploy his grapple launcher on his right arm he fire the grapple and it hook on to a anti-air gun Ezra swings to right he let go off the turret and land on the engine he look up to see a squad of jetpack troopers landing Ezra ran to them as he fire his revolver at two of them he jump over the another one and shot him in the back of the head before he switch to his shotgun and shot the last one in the face come on give me a challenge Ezra said as a heavy trooper appear with a death troopers the two heavy trooper spoon up their mini-guns final a challenge Ezra said as he ran to them. Bo Katan force were taking out the ground force on the ground Kanan was on the ground too he was cutting down Walker for the Mandalorians Sabine land behind him where Ezra Kanan ask haven't seen him since he jump from the ship Sabine said as she shot a storm trooper a death trooper fell behind her she look up to see Ezra kick the heavy trooper back before he did a spin as he land on one k we and fire into the trooper cheat with his shotgun Ezra then kick him to the ground Ezra then grab the Satchel and place the bombs. Bo Katan use the Darksaber to cut the door down Kanan and Sabine ran to her let go Bo Katan said as all three of them made their way to the control room. Bo Katan army were dealing with the rest of the ground force by the base

The Mandalorian were dealing with the Empire and Saxon clan too Ursa was on the ground she shot one storm trooper and kick a blaster out of the second storm trooper befoee she kill him but she never see a mandalorian captain behind her pointing his blaster at her but before he can shot her Ezra was swinging on his grapple he let go of his grapple and use his sniper rifle and shot him in the head Ezra did a roll as he land on the ground he switch to his assault rifle and Ezra start gunning down the storm troopers on the ground a mandalorian kick Ezra assault rilfe out of hand but Ezra block his fist and kick him in the stomach as he duck the Mandalorian fist again as Ezra turn around and stab the Mandalorian in throat then use his body to shield as a second mandalorian fire at him Ezra throw the body at him making the Mandalorian stumble back he look up to see Ezra stab him in the chest where is heart is at Ezra grab his revolver and turn around to shot two Storm troopers in the head Ezra pull out his knife as he fire at two more troopers Ezra block as Mandalorian punch as he kick him in the knee making him scream as Ezra dodge a storm trooper punch Ezra stab the storm trooper in the throat and put his revolver behind the Mandalorian head and pull the trigger blowing off his helmet and making a large hole between the Mandalorian head Ezra pull out his knife as he turn to see three more Mandalorian with their fists up this won't be good for you Ezra said as he ran to them. Bo Katan Sabine Kanan breach the control room Bo Katan ran to a storm trooper grab him by his arm and slam him on the wall Sabine roll In the room and shot two Storm troopers a the Mandalorian who was in charge of the baae turn around and he grab his pistol but Kanan jump in and slice the Mandalorian in the chest killing him we're clear Kanan said as Sabine ran to the console and start downloading all of the base Sabine what you find Kanan ask as Sabine pull out the hardrive we know once we get out of here Sabine as her Bo Katan and Kanan ran to the exit. Ezra kill the storm trooper he look around to see body everywhere he see Sabine Kanan and Bo Katan running out of the base BLOW IT!Sabine said as Ezra press down on detonator the destroyer engine blow up sending a chain explosives through the ship and into the base the Mandalorians cheer as they watch the base collapses.

A few survivors were rounded up a few Mandalorians soldiers and one Empire Captain so what did we get from yhe base Bo Katan ask alot weapons movement, supplies run,blueprint for the base everything Sabine said good we could put those to good use Bo Katan said as they heard gunfire they look to see Ezra with his revolver he was executing the prisoner's Bo Katan was surprise wow where did you get him Bo Katan ask we found him on Pandora a planet fill with Bandits Sabine said as Bo Katan look at Ezra as she watch him loot from the body's damn wonder what he like with the lady's Bo Katan ask why were you thinking about mounting him Sabine ask maybe it about time I find a lover Bo Katan said as she look at Ezra but one of Mandalorians land bt her My lady there transports heading this way with more men with they get here then they can retake the base he said where are they Ursa ask heading this way coming down by the north west he said we take few soldiers the rest will head back to base Bo Katan said Ezra got anything to destroy a convoy Kanan ask as Ezra press a button on his Echo-device and a vehicle despond

Ezra look at them this will do the job nicely Ezra said as climb in the bricer seat Blind guy get in the gun Ezra said it Kanan Kanan said as he got in the gunner seat Ezra start the vehicle up then the back tires spin fast before Ezra took off with the Mandalorians behind him.

The Empire transports were heading to the base with more soldier's and heavy weapons once we get there kill everyone but I want Bo Katan alive the leader said as the transport shake what was that the leader ask as a transport beside blow up the leader open the transport door to see Ezra vehicle ram into it making it turn to it right before rolling Kanan hang on to the rilling that was stupid Kanan said quite and fire the gun Ezra said as he fire the mini turret in front of the vehicle Kanan grab the turret handles and fire at the transport the last four transport open up and Mandalorians flyers took off in the air they fire at Ezra and Kanan but there was a shield around them Kanan fire Ezra said as Kanan fire at the Mandalorians. Bo Katan and the other Mandalorians soon show up and they start firing at the Mandalorians and transport Sabine fire a rocket at the third transport blowing it up Ezra got close to the second transport Ezra flip a switch and a large spike appear from the tired then Ezra ram into making the spike go through the door them Ezra put a bomb on the tranport before he let go of the spike then Ezra put the vehicle into turbo as the transport blow up Bo Katan force finish off the last of the soldiers Bo Katan look around where the other transport Bo Katan ask as Ezra stop his vehicle.

The leader of the Mandalorians push the transport door then he crawl his way out of the transport well his right leg had a price of the door in his leg and his helmet was busted but a foot land in front of him he look to see Bo Katan going anywhere she said as Sabine and Tristan grab him and lean him against the wreckage you will tell me everything and you get to livr Bo Katan said as the leader put a hand on his stomach as he breathe heavily like? He said what does the Empire want with Mandalore Bo Katan ask the Empire want the clan he said what clan Ursa ask all of the clan they seen and heard of Seige of Mandalore your were rule under the strongest lord now he want the clans together under his rule he said as he groin in pain at his leg but he want you*point to Bo Katan*you are the one that get in his way and he can't allow you or your clan to live he said as he breathe heavily Bo Katan look at him through her helmet well you tell him he want me he better get me himself Bo Katan said as she stood up we got what we want let him live Bo Katan said Ezra walk up to her for you he live but not for me Ezra said as he pump his shotgun and point it right at his face WAIT he scream but Ezra pull the trigger and pull off his face killing him a few blood splated on his face. Ezra lower his arm down and wipe the blood off his face no witness Ezra said as he put his shotgun on his back before waking away damn he take this war very seriously a female Mandalorian said Ursa and Bo Katan look at each other.

Bo Katan force return to their hideout and they began to Celebrate a victory Bo Katan grab a mug TODAY WE DID A HUGE BLOW TO THE EMPIRE SOOM OUR HOM WILL BE FREE! Bo Katan said as everyone cheer or drunk their Ale Hera and Kanan were on the Ghost talking to Mon Mothma Zeb was in his room getting some rest well Sabine was talking to her family but for Ezra he was sitting on a rock cleaning his knife there you are a voice said as Ezra turn his head to see Bo Katan walking to him with a mug in her other hand I was wondering were you went Bo Katan said as she sit down beside him just cleaning my weapons that all Ezra said as he put his knife away so can I ask you something Bo Katan ask as she hand Ezra the mug sure for a girl like you ask me anything Ezra said with a smirk where did you learn to fight like that Bo Katan ask on my home planet Pandora it look like this but alot more evil alot of bandits everywhere which make good target practice Ezra said must be a good planet to visit Bo Katan said making Ezra chuckle but now can I ask a personal question Bo Katan ask like? Ezra ask with your good with all of those tricks then how are you good to a women Bo Katan ask with a smirk making Ezra look at her why don't you find out Ezra said as Bo Katan grab him and use her jetpack to fly above the hideout she land and push Ezra to the ground and they starting kissing roughly Ezra move his hand down to her ass and he cupped them making her moan in the kiss.

*earlier in the morning*

Sabine woke up she got her armor on and got something to eat she was going to say her goodbye before heading back to Yavin 4 Sabine walk down the ramp to see Ursa Tristan Alrich hey sis Tristan said hey I just came by to say my goodbyes Sabine said well your always welcome back home Alrich said as he hug her so did Ursa Sabine broke the hug hey have you seen Ezra?Sabine ask no not since after the party why Ursa ask well we need to tell him something Sabine as they heard jets they look in yhe distance to see Bo Katan land with Ezra next to her they wrap their arms around each other before kissing again Sabine Ursa eyes widened well Tristan mouth was open they broke apart come back come back anytime Bridger I may want to go another round Bo Katan said with a smirk after last last you be begging for me again Ezra said as he slap her ass before walking away. Ezra walk to the ramp before Ursa stop him how dare you Ursa said what is it Ezra said seduced Lady Bo Katan Ursa said she didn't mind after last night beside she needed Ezra said as he turn around from the look of you look like you can use a better men Ezra said making Ursa gasp Sabine got mad before she stomp up the ramp then the Ghost close the ramp and took off from the hideout.

*Yavin 4*

Hera and her crew were heading to command room to report but Ezra stay behind to go throw his loot he took from the battle Hera saw him by a crate Ezra Mon Mothma would like to speak to you to Hera said no thanks meetings aren't my thing Ezra said as he look a Empire grenade Ezra it important no one can't say no to her Hera said but Ezra was to busy Hera look to see Kanan Sabine and Zeb walking to the command room Ezra she want to you it about Lilith Hera said making Ezra stood up and ran to the command room. Ezra stop as he see a holo-image of Ellie Ellie what happen Ezra ask it Lilith she was attack by a guy in black armor with a red sword on the planet we land Ellie said what planet Ezra ask as Chopper show him that lothal we been trying to take break through the barricade but we never Sabine said where was she taken Ezra ask we don't know that why I'm calling we need your help Fl4k Moze Zane and Amara went after her but they need help Ellie said I'm on my way you tell Mordecai and Brick to meet up with then too and Tell Tiny we need a lot of the bombs Ezra said you got it sweet thing amd please hurry Ellie said Ezra look at Hera I need you to bring me to Lothal Ezra said you crazy we can't go there to many Empire ships blocking the way in Kanan said I don't care Lilith is out there and she need me Ezra said I know she important but I can't allow you this Vault Hunter Mon Mothma said as Ezra growl fine since your all about of Pussy then look like you need help Ezra said as he walk to tue ghost with the rebels behind him Ezra grab the large box he brought and drag it outside you want a weapons to take down a blockade you got it Ezra said as take off the top of the crate to show them two large rockets these are my protect both rockets are design to incinerated entire planet Ezra said it was made for Pandora to wipe out the bandit clans Ezra said as Sabine got on her knee and out her hands on it this baby pack a punch Sabine said yes we can use one to take out the barricade and the rebellion will have a clean path through through and there a second missiles in the middle once the large one launch it release the small one as a EMP blast on the planet disabling all electronics device Ezra said that include the anti-air cannons walkers Tie fighters and star destroyers too Hera said yes so are you still going to say no Ezra ask Mon Mothma sigh you have my permission Mon Mothma said how long would it take to get to lothal Ezra ask two hours Hera said give me a hour with this to reprogram the missiles so it will disable all of the Empire devices Ezra said as close the crate.

The ghost travel through Hyperspace Ezra was in the cargo hold working on well he was talking to Ellie it tje only why to save lilith Ezra said I know but we never tested it before Ellie said look like I be testing it Ezra said as he put the small missiles in the rocket any word from the others Ezra ask yes Fl4k radio in his Skag found the trail their waiting for you Ellie said good tell Mordacai Brick to meet them and Tell Maya too she need to know too Ezra said as he pick up his Echo-device I tell her too her and Lilith go way back Ellie said yes they do Ezra smile before he look down hey it going to be ok Lilith can handle on her own Ellie said I know but with anything happen to her I rip that guy head off Ezra said making Ellie chuckle becareful sweet thing we don't need to bury another one Ellie said I will and I make Roland proud Ezra said as he and Ellie close their Echo-device who Roland a voice ask Ezra turn to see Sabine on top of him Roland was a Vault Hunter who was killed by Handsome Jack Ezra said as he look down look it a personal Ezra said as he close the hatch to the missiles Hera voice came through alright Ezra we coming out of Hyperspace is the missiles ready Hera ask it is once we exit I fire it from here just make sure you pick your target to hit then release the second rocket Ezra said as he walk to the control get ready girl Ezra said as his helmet deploy and cover his face.
The ghost exit from Hyperspace and the Empire blockade open fire at them Hera dodge the Tie's Kanan was sitting next to her well Zeb man the Turret well Sabine fire the noise gun they shot down all of tue Ties near them Hera saw a Star destroyer EZRA I GOT MY TARGET!Hera said as the cargo ramp open and Ezra use his Magnet boot to stick to the floor Ezra grab the leaver FIRE!Ezra said as he pull it down the missiles claps open up and the missiles fire at the Star Destroyer but it open it hatch to fire the second missiles the first missiles hit the destroyer control room The rebels look to see a small orange glow then a large orange ball forming then it exploded sending a large blast that destroy Tie's fighters and Star destroyers too the Ghost got hit by the blast only to be shake everyone. The small missiles fell from orbit then it hit the city sending out a large EMP blast that knock out every Empire systems Tie's fighter on patrol got hit by the EMP blast his control shut off he grab his eject and pull it but it didn't work he look to see the ground getting closer he and his squad hit the ground the people of Lothal look in the air to see Empire ships and fighters felling from the sky.

The ghost flew pass the wreckage of what left of the Empire blockade it work Zeb said I'm not getting on my scanner Hera said it work the blockade is gone Hera said as she turn on the coms Ezra are you there Hera was cut off when they hear Ezra laughing it works!it works!not bad for a prototype Ezra said as he continue laughing it was a prototype?and you still let us fire it?Sabine ask I'm a vault hunter we take dangerous Risks you should know this rebels Ezra said as Sabine rolls her eyes but Hera just smirk well it work that good where are we meeting the others Hera ask near a camp it own by some old guy name Ryder Ezra said Ryder camp I know where it is Hera said as she pilot the ghost it the camp.

The ghost land near Ryder camp the ramp lower Hera what are you doing here Ryder ask we are here because of him Hera said as she point to Ezra to see him walking to the other Vault Hunter's where is she Ezra ask we track her to a small base near the mountains with we leave now we can catch them by surprise Fl4k said alright Maya it great to see you again Ezra said as he and Maya hug each other same here how you holding up Maya ask I'm worry about her Ezra said we get her back I promise Maya said with a smile Two Bandit tactical vehicles pull up Mordecai climb out from the top we got room for everyone including the rebels pals Mordecai said as every climb aboard Maya climb on the side so did Ezra too the rebels Climb in the back of one then they took off to the base. The vehicles pull up to base everyone got out of the vehicle to see a large metal door Zane blow it Ezra said as Zane pull out a Rocket launcher and fire it blow open a hole in the door Ezra and the other Vault Hunter's fire into the smoke well the rebels got down and cover their ears well they watch as the Vault Hunter fire into the smoke soon they stop when the smoke clear they look to see dead body of storm troopers got them Zane said as they walk forward The rebels put their hands down and follow them. Ezra the rebels and the others walk to the base to see three doors which way Brick ask Ezra felt something he felt cold Moze Zane Fl4k and Amara go left Maya Brick anf Mordecai go right me and the rebels go straight Ezra said as they head down the hallways.

Ezra walk in front of the rebels well he point his shotgun in front of him and he had his flashlight on Hera was behind him Sabine and Kanan were on his sides well Zeb cover them from behind Ezra stop and knee down as he pick up a cloth he rub his thumb on it slowly it Lilith a piece of her jacket it must have rip off Ezra said as he put in his pocket before he stood we are going the right way Ezra said as he continue walking Zeb look behind him before he follow them so any idea who have her Sabine ask I don't know but once I get my hands on him I going to crush his skull Ezra said as he grab a door and push it to the side to open it Ezra look inside before he continue walking but a small droid was above them it was watching then but Ezra stop he turn around and fire at the droid destroying it Ezra grab it what is this Ezra ask a Empire probe droid it must been shield from the EMP Sabine said we getting close with this thing as been watching us then we getting close Ezra said as he slam the probe droid on the wall before walking ahead. Ezra turn a corner to see someone in the distance who that Zeb ask Ezra zoom in to see Lilith on her knee and her hands in front of her LILITH! Ezra said as he ran to her the rebels follow them Lilith Ezra said Lilith look up Ezra you came Lilith said as Ezra ran to her yes I did are you hurt?are you okay?Ezra ask as he check for any scratches or wounds no just my leg it sprain Lilith said as Ezra grab his knife and cut the ropes off her let get you out of here Lilith Ezra said as he put her arm around her and help her down but a red saber was thrown at them Ezra pick Lilith up and toss her to See then he roll out of the way and grab his shotgun Zeb catch Lilith as the saber return to the person who throw it then he jump down Vader Kanan said as Vader stood up welcome Rebels to your room Vader said who is this punk Ezra ask it Darth Vader a Sith Lord he hunt down Jedi Kanan said as he turn on his lightsaber well he not so tough Ezra said as he pump his shotgun surrender and I spear your friends Jedi Vader said as two more figure drop beside them who these punk Ezra ask as he pull up his assault rilfe with his left hand we are the inquisitors Jedi the tall one said surround now and I promise not to hurt you much seventh sister said well I'm going to range that Ezra said as l know who you are boy and your real parent's Vader said making Ezra lower his guns what do you mean Ezra ask you don't know boy who you really are Vader said as Ezra look down but before he could can ask anything Moze Zane Fl4k and Amara were above Fifth Brother Maya Mordecai and Brick were above Seventh sister guys let go Lilith said as they open fire at them Seventh Sister do a back flip to dodge the bullet Fifth Brother switch to his dual mode to dodge the bullets Brick grab a large piece of the wall and toss it at them Vader jump back the rebels fell back well the Vault Hunter's fire at the Sith soon a squad of Death trooper appear and fire at them Ezra shotgun one before he turn and point his assault rifle at three at them then he fire at them Maya use her power jump in the air and slam on the ground sending a large blast back soon the rest of the Vault Hunter's ran to them don't let them escape Vader said as Seventh sister and Fifth Brother chase after them. Ezra Maya lead the way well the others follow them THERE THE DOOR Ezra said as they see the door they made it outside Ezra and Maya turn around NOW MAYA!Ezra said as both Maya and himself eyes glow so did there hands and they use their power to bring the mountain down Seventh sister and Fifth Brother stop as they see the exit being cover by rocks Ezra and Maya eyes return to normal but Ezra felt weak come on let go Mordecai said as Maya carry Ezra to the vehicle then they took off from the base head for the mountains we be safe Lilith said as she move over to Ezra how is he Brick ask as Maya put a hand on his forehead she close her eyes he okay but weak he need to rest Maya said as Ezra pass out.

The vehicle stop at the mountains everyone got out Brick carry Ezra well Maya help Lilith walk into the mountains here we make camp Lilith said as they stop near a cave the rebels sit down on rocks to rest well the Vault Hunter sit down too and Brick put Ezra down let get a fire started Lilith said as Fl4k Moze and Zane went to grab wood Amara and Mordecai grab some leaves too Fl4k Moze and Zane put the logs down then Amara and Mordecai put the leaves in the fire Lilith use her power to start the fire you okay Maya ask I'm fine I been through worst Ezra said yeah like that time you got capture and you escape the place then you cut the bandit clan leader head off Mordecai said as they laugh yeah like that time you took down a convoy with just your knife Lilith said making Ezra chuckleMan Roland would be proud Brick said earning a smack from Mordecai Ezra stop laughing before he got up and left the cave what wrong Zeb ask well talking about Roland is a touchy subject for me and Ezra Lilith said why Hera ask a long time ago Maya and her friends attack a Hyperion base to retrieve a vault key we need but it was a trap so Ezra Roland and me went to help them Lilith but after we won and the death of Angle Mordecai said Handsome Jack daughter Jack kill him in front of us Maya said Sabine look at Ezra who was sitting on a rock outside. It was late at night the fire still going everyone was sleeping but for Ezra he was on the side sharpening his knife hey a voice said Ezra look behind him to se Sabine bow you feel Sabine ask I'm okay Ezra said as as he put his knife away listen I want to say sorry for my mother being ride to you Sabine said ot fine I meet people alot worse then her Ezra said as he and Sabine look into each other eyes then Sabine and Ezra lean in before they liss each other Ezra put a hand on her cheek before Sabine put her arms around his neck before Ezra pick her up and place her against the side as they take off their clothes and armor.

Sabine woke up she was facing the sunrise she blink her yes as she sit up she rub her eyes Sabine look down to see she was still naked she look to the right to see Ezra laying by her naked too Sabine remember last night man Hera wasn't kidding he is a beast in bed Sabine said as she rub her ass she grab her bodysuit and put in on Ezra woke up and let out a yawn morning sexy Ezra said as he stood up hey Sabine said as she get her armor on Ezra put on his clothes one listen last night Sabine said it was great for your first time I know Ezra said as he put his last piece of armor on I know but we can't do it again it was a mistake Sabine said I understand no need Ezra said as he and Sabine walk into the cave to see everyone getting up. Ezra and everyone else got to the vehicle I take the rebels back to their ship and meet up with you guys Ezra said you sure you don't need to Lilth ask no I be fine Ezra said as he climb in the vehicle and head for the ghost. So Ezra I was thinking about something Hera said what is it Ezra ask well I was thinking that you should join the rebellion Hera said making Ezra laugh sorry but I'm not joining your war Ezra said why Zeb ask well I don't like taking orders I don't like working together unless I have to and I won't get paid Ezra said is that all you worry about getting paid Sabine ask yes I don't do things for free Ezra said Ezra listen we see what you can do you can put those skills in the rebellion Kanan said Ezra was getting mad my battle is different comepair to your wars they need me Ezra said and we need you your better then a vault hunter I can feel the force through you Kanan said as Ezra step on the brake hard as he pull up to the ghost the rebels got off the vehicle YOU KNOW WHAT WE DONE OUR DEAL IS OFF!Ezra said as he took off from the rebels camp. Ezra pull up to the ship how did it go Lilith ask well now let go Ezra said as he head up the ramp soon the ship took off from Lothal and head for Pandora. Sabine was in her room she was thinking about what Ezra said she let out a sigh can't believe I let me get to me Sabine said then the ghost shake we got Empire heading this way Hera said Sabine jump down form her bunk and ran outside to see a group of Storm troopers firing at them Ryder was firing his rilfe Hera Zeb Kanan and Sabine ran to him to help.

*back at Pandora*

Ezra head back to his house with a beer he got from Moxxie after he got back he give what loot he didn't want to Marcus to sell then he step by Moxxie and brought a case off her now he was drinking it well he walk stupid rebels think they know me Ezra said as he felt something Ezra stop and turn around he look around before he continue walking to his house Ezra a voice said making Ezra grab his pistol he look around before he saw a bright light as it walk forward who are you Ezea ask you grown the last time I saw you young one a voice said as Ezra lower his pistol it can't be Wzra said as the light turn into Jedi Master Plo Koon in ghost form and Yoda too how can this be Ezra ask Jedi are very mysterois young one Plo Koon said yes we come here to talk to you we are Yoda said Ezra walk to them after 18 years you final show up Ezra said as he chuckle after all these years now you show up why I am not surprise Ezra said you don't believe us do you Yoda ask yes I thought you guys were coming back but after I turn 10 I realized that you just forgot me like some garbage Ezra said as he look at them it not like that young one something happen to us Plo Koon said really something happen?that a lie Ezra said as he walk away from them but a lighting hit the ground in front of him Ezra stumble back he turn and look at them now you can listen Yoda said as Ezra sit down on a rock years ago during the Jedi order the clone's we fought betrayed us killing each one of the Jedi including me Plo Koon said I face lord Sidious but fail I went exile Yoda said but why come here?why come to me Ezra ask because young one you have a gift pass down from your real parent's Plo Koon said what do you mean my real parent's Ezra ask your real parent's young one they give their lives to protect you Yoda said as a bright light appear in front of Ezra what this Ezra ask I gift from your father Yoda said as Ezra grab it then it turn into a sword that glowed

Ezra look at his father lightsaber it feel powerful Ezra said indeed young one now it belong to you Plo Koon said now go young Bridger help the rebels you must Yoda said make the fallen Jedi proud and your parents Plo Koon said Ezra look at the saber then he felt two hands on his shoulder Ezra close his eyes as he felt two present with him a man with blue hair and a girl with light blue hair stood by him Ezra my boy a man voice said my dear boy a women voice said fight for us a man voice said make us proud a women said as the sword began to glow brighter you always be our son Ezra both of them said as Ezra raise the sword in the air as he was teleported to the Rebels on Lothal Plo Koon and Yoda watch from the ground as they disappear.

The rebels were pin down near a wreckage of a shuttle they were surrounded all around Kanan was behind cover well Zeb and Sabine cover Hera well she try to wake up Kanan Vader and Fifth Brother were marching to them Kill them all Vader said as the storm trooper kept pushing more bur then the wind began to pick up soon storm trooper stop as they see a blue light coming down so they back up but the blue hit the ground knocking them back Hera Zeb Sabine look to see Ezra standing up with a sword in his hand Ezra Sabine said with a smile Vader and Fifth Brother saw him this end now Vader Ezra said as he got into his stance*Obi-wan stance*Ezra charge at them the storm troopers open fire Ezra cut them down he mine Fifth brother said as he charge at them Ezra block the Fifth Brother lightsaber kick him back Fifth Brother wemt for a strike Ezra duck under it before he did a spin and slice off the Fifth Brother head off then he pick up his lightsaber your next Ezra said as he charge at Vader. Vader and Ezra block each other saber before Ezra kick him back Ezra throw Fifth Brother lightsaber and Vader but Vader block it away Ezra use his saber to slice Vader gauntlet Ezra caught Fifth Brother lightsaber Ezra look up to see Vader gauntlet sparking Ezra ran to him Vader turn and use the force to throw Ezra to the left Ezra hit groumd by he lightsaber to slow down Ezra turn on his let and flew to Vader tackling him.

Sabine Zeb were being fire at again but they were cut down a by lightsaber they look to see the Seventh sister landing on the ground as she caught her saber as she stab the last trooper you a good guy now Sabine ask the Empire will fall one day beside he change my mind Seventh sister said with a smirk as they watch Ezra jump over Vader and for a strike Ezra then went for back swing Vader block the swing and push Ezra back but Ezra did a spin kick kicking Vader in the Face then he turn Fifth Brother dual saber then throw it Vader Step to the side Ezra dis a side spin and went for a strike but Vader use the force to smack Ezra back to the ground makimg him lose his lightsaber Ezra roll to the side to dodge Vader lightsaber then again Seventh sister kick Vader back and block Vader lightsaber you fail me inquisitor Vader said my name is Sevy Seventh sister said as she did a back flip and kick Vader in the face but Vader use the force to choke her Ezra pull out his pistol and shot Vader in the chest but the bullet didn't go through Sevy drop to the ground Ezra got up it you and me now Vader Ezra said as he call his lightsaber to him no it just me boy Vader said as he call his saber at the end of the day one shall stand once shall fall Ezra said as they charge at each other Ezra lightsaber and Vader lightsaber collide with each other but Ezra lightsaber smash Vader blade breaking the entire Thing no impossible I'm the strongest Sith that even live how can this be Vader said Ezra charge his lightsaber this is Lilith Ezra said he slice straight down Vader body everyone watch as Vader body split into two before they fell on the ground Ezra stood up and out his lightsaber into his holder he walk to Sevy and help her up you okay Ezra ask I'm fine thanks to you Sevy said with a smile Ezra walk to the rebels you guys okay Ezra ask yes we are Hera said as Kanan stood up I felt great power coming from you Ezra Kanan said Ezra grab his sword and turn it on it was my father sword I found on Pandora Ezra said you know Master Yoda said that Jedi Master Ephraim sword was build with a holocron but only one word he spoke can open it Kanan said Ezra look at the sword then he felt the same present by him and put a hand over his Ezra close his eye's Til all are one Ezra said as the sword split into two and large blue beam shot out of the sword and form a map around them I can't believe it Kanan said it a map of every location he been and never told the council Kanan said as the sword close so what we do now Sabine ask.

The rebels were on a hill with the ghost behind them Lilith and Mon Mothma were done talking there with our EMP missiles you can now deal with the Empire easily Lilith said and we thank the Crimson Raiders with you need help give us a call Mon Mothma said as she hung up. Ezra put the last crate on the Ghost there last one Ezra said as he walk down the ramp thanks for everything Ezra we mean it Hera said as Kanan Zeb Chopper walk up the ramp Ezra look at Hera you know with things don't work well with blind guy call me Ezra said as he wink at her Hera smirk on you bet but if it does I don't mind stopping by for some fun Hera said as she kiss his cheek before walking up the ramp Sabine walk to him you know I don't get it how you got Hera to agree to sleep with you Sabine said Ezra chuckle I got the way with girls Ezra said as a shuttle land the door open and Seventh sister walk to the door and lean against it but the way she is now she may be freaky in bed Ezra said so what are you going to do Sabine ask well our deal is done now I return to my home and get rid of the bandit clans Ezra said so you will put your new power to free your planet Sabine said yes of course Ezra said as he look at her listen I got something for you Ezra said as he pull his shotgun wait your shotgun Sabine said as Ezra nod his head well I thought after what happen you could use a new firepower Ezra said as he hand Sabine the shotgun it heavy then I thought Sabine said with a smile well I made few upgrades to it so it be light weight you don't have to reload and it carry explosive rounds Ezra said really Sabine said yup so you do more damage in your war Ezra said thanks Ezra for everything Sabine said your welcome Sabine Ezra said as he walk to the shuttle Seventh Sister smile as she saw him she lean in and kiss him when we get home I show you how we Vault Hunter are in Bed Ezra said as he slap her ass as the door close and the ghost and Crimson Raiders took off from lothal and head back to their base/home to finish up their war.

Hope you guys enjoy the chapter snd this make chapter 99 time to work on chapter 100 but before I update my other books first.

Spartanleader out

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