True family part 1

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(This is a sequel to true love chapters just in case you were wounding)

(Angel pov)
It been 15 years since the empire was gone and the death of my father Ezra Bridger he die protecting me now I'm the leader of the defenders the army my father made we have join with the rebellion after the death of Vader,thrawn and Palpatine now with half of galaxy under the defender protections the people are living their lives like before the empire show up now earth is home to the defenders and the rebellion too I just hope*crashing noise*what now and log I said has I walk out of my room to see three little robot baby dinosaurs getting into the cables again

I grab the two land one and the flying one land on my shoulder MIRA ALEX I call my little sister and brother running in the living room I told you too to keep your pets in your room i told my little brother and sister they grab them we sorry sis Mira said hey don't be now go get ready mom will be here soon for us I told them today was dad birthday today and go visit his grave and put down new flowers for him. We wait outside of the house then my mom pull up mommy Mira and Alex said has they run to get and hug her hi my babies my mom said has she hug us ready she ask us yes mommy we ready the twins said I got in the front seat and the twins got in the back and we drove to father grave. We pull up to see my grandparent and uncle too hi angel hera said has she hug me it good to see you again Kanan said has he join too then Mira and Alex came running and hug them how are my babies doing hera ask them i'm good Alex said me too Mira said too hey Sabine hera said has they hug each other you ready she ask my mother yes i am my mom said we nod our head we walk to the grave hi ezra it been awhile hera said she place the flower on his grave then so did my mom dad it been hard running your army but thanks to you the defenders and rebellion have join together now the half of the galaxy is under our protect i said we all said our goodbye to him and we left his grave.

We park in the front of base door then soldiers guard use their scanners to scan the speeder okay your clear to enter the guard said has they open door to the command base to all soldiers and the titans even the army bot and autobots were in it general we have taking down another empire base the soldier said good any word from prowl and his team i ask him they back he said i turn to see a police car, a orange troop carrier, a yellow helicopter, a jet landing and a green sport car pulling up i walk to them prowl front and center i said has they transform into their robot army bot ready prowl said how did the mission go i ask him the mission was access but the empire spotted us and we had to attack to early prowl said yeah because Tailgate had to use Grenada to blow the walkers and they call in air support on us Cliffjumper said so it wasn't for Crowbar and Hot shot coming in we would fail the mission Prowl said okay enough your dismiss i said they walk away then Sato walk to me he was in a special armor that Captain fox made for him angel we have problem one of my spy's saying a a couple of ship sneak in Earth and we lost them in this part Sato said that a old abandoned town people move out of that town because bomb were drop during world war 1 i said Earth was many different wars in the past Sato said well that what you get for living on earth it different from your wars i told him okay we leave in a few days send a drone to scout out the place first then Sato get your team ready i told him Angel do we get to take your soldiers he ask me no we may combine force but you will never take command of them i told him and left for my quarters i enter it and sat down on the bed i sigh and grab the picture of me and my dad i was 3 years old me and him were smiling on my third birthday i wipe the tears away when someone knock on my door who is it i ask it me can i come in it was mother i open the door and she walk in what wrong sweetie she ask me it just that i feel empty without dad i don't think he not happy how i'm running his army i told her hey sweetie i think he be proud of you she said you think i ask her yes now you stay in here has long you want i handle the work she said has she left i sigh again i walk to the chest and open it to see the matrix of warrior is was glowing i pick it up and hold it i don't know why you choose me i'm not a warrior or a fighter when i was little it was my fault for the death of my dad i said then it glow again i guess you are right i said then i put it back in the chest and close it.

(Sabine pov)

I enter the control room to see the defenders soldiers working and i see my mom and dad hi Sabine my mother said i hug her and my father hey sis Tristan said has we hug too how are my grand babies my mother ask their fine the twins are hyper and angel is busy but she having trouble running ezra army i told them my poor girl i should go see her my mother said no it best with she be alone now after the visiting the ezra grave today i said okay Sabine then the alarms went off warning unidentified ships entering orbit stations Angel, Hera, Kanan, Zeb, and my son and daughter came running in WHAT GOING ON she ask general we are picking up multiply ships coming out of Hyperspace the soldier said i pop up a holo-map then wheeljack pop up on the screen Wheeljack what going on i ask him we don't know we get the anti-air cannon online wheeljack said then we see the ships exit Hyperspace it empire fleet I said has we all saw the empire ships

Captain fox and his men show up general what is your order he ask me GET ALL SHIP'S IN THE AIR NOW I order them all hands prefer for battle this is not a drill captain fox announce every fighter took off command this is silverbolt squad alpha ready, this is Jetfire bravo squad ready too, this is Air raid Charlie squad ready for a fight all squads get ready to attack I told them I ran to my fighter and got in it then I took off from base and I regroup with the squads all units follow me I said has the squads line up behind me all battleship open fire don't let them get in I order the ships and the orbit station yes general they said has we see the ties fighters heading our way ALL UNITS OPEN FIRE I said has we head for the fighters.

Hope you guy's like this chapter and enjoy it too my friends.

Spartanleader out

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