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Sabine's pov
Ezra was messing for a while we looked for him on his last mission he was on but only too find his lightsaber and some blood on the ground and dead Stormtroopers too, what happened here? I don't know Sabine said Kanan as the find one Stormtrooper alive but very hurt by a lightsaber cut. Where is Ezra said Kanan, that little Loth-rat he's gone know said the trooper bit Sabine kicked the trooper where he was hurt at, WHERE IS HE? yelled out Sabine, we took him as prisoner said the trooper. By who? Said Kanan, governor Pryce said the Stormtrooper. This made Sabine mad she grabbed one of her guns and shot the Stormtrooper in the head. SABINE! Yelled out, why did you do that said Kanan, I don't want Ezra hurt by her said Sabine as she started too cry as she hugged Kanan as he hugged her back and said we will find him I promise said Kanan as he hugged his daughter like.

Half a hour later.

Kanan! Sabine! Yelled out Hera, yes Hera as they both ran into the command room on choper base, we have a in coming call from Thrawn said Hera. They put Thrawn on, hello rebels it looks like your missing spectraler 6 said Thrawn, what did you do too him said Kanan, nothing but Lord Vader has him as he should Vader irrigating Ezra. So rebel tell me where your base is said Vader, I'm not telling you said Ezra, Vader used the force choke on Ezra, ezra put his hands on his neck and off the ground when Vader was doing too Ezra. Sabine started too cry seeing Ezra getting hurt by Vader, they all saw Ezra's eyes go up and Vader stop choking Ezra and Thrawn come back on and said your precious crew member will still be hurt more and more said Thrawn and the video ended.

Sabine's pov
I started too cry and ran too the ghost and go in my room and cryed in my room so no one can see me cry, then I heard a knock on my door, who is it as I tried not to sound sad, it's me said Hera, can I come in? Yes said Sabine, as Hera walked in too see her daughter like crying hurt her heart, come here sweetie said Hera as Sabine hugged Hera and said I want Ezra back as she continued too cry still, we will said Hera.

Ezra's pov
I was in a call and it was very dark, then the door opened and I saw Pryce, here too try too make me talk said Ezra as he smiled at Pryce, yes I did said Pryce as she rip off Ezra top and had a knife and put Ezra's chest on the wall and tied him up and she said this is going too hurt a lot she said as she cut Ezra's back and then whipped his back as Ezra cryed out of pain, Pryce stop and said know well you tell me where your rebel base is? Ezra moved his head and spat out blood in Pryce's face and said no I think I can't as Ezra smiled. Pryce just punched Ezra's face over and over again and she stop and grabbed a needle and she said this will make you tell me what I need to know as she put it in Ezra's vein and she wanted for it too work. So tell me what I what too know said Pryce, No...I can't...said Ezra trying too fight the thing what was in the needle, so know tell me said Pryce, fine I'll tell you said Ezra, tell me said Pryce, i yelled out I LOVE SABINE WREN! Pryce just looked at Ezra and walked up of the call and Ezra said now all I can think about Sabine said Ezra.

Too be continued... And remember the force will always be with you.

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