Plans on the death star

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As Ezra was in a under cover mission for Intel for a new weapon that can destroy planets (the Death Star) Ezra had stormtrooper armour on as Sabine helped Ezra put it on.

Ezra's pov
Sabine helped me with the stormtrooper armour on me as I felt something in sabine, "is something wrong Sabine?" Said Ezra, "no...their's nothing wrong" said Sabine, " don't lie to me sabine, I know what you are thinking about" said Ezra, Sabine just stop  what she was doing with Ezra's stormtrooper armour on, "fine I'm worried about you on this mission" said Sabine, Ezra turned around and looked at Sabine, "Sabine I'm worried about the mission but we need to get the intel for the super weapon" said Ezra as he looked into Sabine's eyes.

Sabine's pov
I looked into Ezra's blue eyes I loved so much, I couldn't hold it anymore, I grabbed Ezra and I kissed him on his lips, Ezra's eyes want wide but he closed them as he kissed Sabine back, they both stopped and looked at each other,  "I wanted to do that for so long" said Sabine, "I wanted to do the something too" said Ezra, the teenagers both smiled as they heard Hera's voice "Ezra its time" "ezzy?" Said sabine, "yeah?" Said Ezra, "May the force be with you" said Sabine, Ezra smiled and kissed Sabine's cheek and grabbed his helmet and walked out of Sabine's room.

Later on Ezra's mission.

Ezra's pov
I was finally in the Stardestroyer, I walked in as a stormtrooper asked me for my ID, rookie I need to see your ID, said the stormtrooper, here said Ezra as the stormtrooper looked at the ID then at Ezra, okay you can go said the stormtrooper, thank you sir said Ezra as he continued to walk.

Ezra finally found where the intel was as he contacted Hera. "Hera I found them" said Ezra, "good job Ezra, download the intel and get out of there" said Hera, Ezra finally download the intel as he put explosives in the room he was in and walked out of there.

Ezra's pov
I finally had the intel for the Death Star, I put it some were safe in my armour as I saw a ship to get out of the stardestroyer,

(The ship looks like this)

I walked to it but a stormtrooper said "stop!" I knew that something was wrong know, the stormtrooper put his gun up at Ezra as the stormtrooper said "we know who you are, Ezra Bridger" Ezra turned around and took off his helmet and said your right said Ezra as he used the force to move them away and Ezra ran into the ship and took off as they shot at Ezra's ship.

Sabine's pov
I was waiting for Ezra in a command ship as they made me captain, then I heard a call, "CAPTAIN WE HAVE A IN COMEING CALL FROM  COMMANDER BRIDGER!"Said a rebel trooper, "PUT IT ON!" said Sabine, "SABINE IF YOU CAN HEAR ME I NEED BACK UP NOW! IM SENDING MY  CORNEDS!" Said Ezra, " HANG ON EZRA WE ARE COMING!" Said sabine as they found Ezra's ship getting shot at, it was hit in the back as Ezra hit his head on controllers of the ship where he was piloting the ship, then a second shot made Ezra's ship go on fire as Ezra was really hurt. "EZZY NO!" Said sabine as she saw his ship in Space as tie fighters where going too finish off Ezra but Sabine's ship opened fired at the ties ships,
(Sabine's ship looks like this)

They finished shooting at the ties as Sabine's ship dock on Ezra's ship as Sabine ran to the air lock.

Too be continued............................
And remember the force will always be with you.
Mammal out!!!

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