The end of the ghost

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As the ghost crew was in outer space a startdestroyer and tie fights where shooting at the ghost crew Vader told the tie fighters too finish the fight as they did.

Sabine's pov
I was in the nose gun of the ghost as Ezra was on top of the gun he was shooting tie fighters down as I did too as kanan was helping Hera as for zeb he was helping with chopper, HEY EZRA! Said Sabine, WHAT IS IT?! Said Ezra as he continued too shot the tie fighters down, how many tie fighters did you get so far said Sabine, just 3 said Ezra, ha I got 5 said Sabine, the ghost got hit so hard the endings where not working, EZRA! Said Hera, WHATS WRONG HERA?! Said Ezra, I need you too fix the endings needs fixing said Hera, I'm on it said Ezra as he ran too the engine of the ghost to see it was on fire Ezra used the force too put out the fire, EZRA! HOW BAD IS IT? Said Hera, it's bad very bad said Ezra. I need help with fixing it Hera said Ezra, SABINE GO HELP EZRA, said Hera as Sabine ran to help Ezra.

Ezra's pov
I was doing my best to stop the fire again, Ezra I'm here said Sabine, I need your help with this part of the engine Sabine said Ezra, is that said Ezra, is that hyper Drive? Said Sabine, yes! And the bad thing too the ghost has nothing to protect from a other shot said Ezra but one tie fighter shot the ghost making the engine blow up making Ezra and Sabine hitting the walls of the ghost. Agh what happened said Sabine as she was okay because her mando armour saved Sabine, I looked at my arm it was bleeding but it was just a cut but where's Ezra? Then I saw him on the ground bleeding out with a metal Rod in his left side of his chest, EZZY! Said Sabine as she ran to him and shook him saying please don't be dead I need you Sabine said as she was crying, I'm...dead Sabine said Ezra as Sabine looked at Ezra and hugged him and said I thought you died? No but I'm losing blood said Ezra, then they both heard Hera's voice saying get to the phantom now! Come on Ezra said Sabine as she helped him walk to the phantom as she made Ezra sit down and waited for kanan and Hera with zeb and chopper too, then they both saw kanan and Hera and zeb with chopper running to the phantom but a explosion about in the ghost making kanan and Hera and zeb and chopper not too go in the phantom, NOOO! Said Sabine as Ezra got up too help them get in the phantom but only to be stopped by Hera pressing the button of the phantom door too close as Ezra and Sabine both cryed knowing what Hera was doing, please Hera don't said Sabine as she cryed, move over Sabine said Ezra as he grabbed for he's lightsaber but it wasn't with him, as he saw that kanan had it, NO PLEASE!!! They both said but the phantom detached from the ghost as Sabine and Ezra both watched the ghost blow up as the teenagers where by themselves.

Too be continued...

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