Chapter 1

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The picture of the book that a friend gave me today follow him how you follow me, Rogue_Divsion

Sabine's pov
I had nightmares of the day that I lost Ezra but the nightmare was about the stardestroyer exploded killing my ezzy but only to wake up in cold sweat because of it, I decided to live on lothal in Ezra's old tower, I cleaned inside of it and the outside too, I think Ezra will like it said sabine to herself. I walked outside to see the beautiful city of lothal as I put my hands under my chin (like this)

I saw loth-wolfs running and lothcats playing around, as I smiled but I made my remind me and Ezra playing with the lothcats together,
I made a little art painting of it after that day and I gave it too Ezra. I really miss my ezzy I want him home and here with me, I just can't live without him, I need my beloved ezzy back to me said sabine to herself. I heard a call, I walked in as I thought it was ahsoka but it was my mother, hello daughter said Sabine's mother, what do you want mother? Said Sabine, there's a man named wedge he asked me that he wants to marry you, what?! NO THATS NOT HAPPENING! Said Sabine, why not daughter? Because I...Sabine tried too say but Sabine's mother cut her off, you love that Jedi boy do you? Yes I do mother I was dating him before he made his sacrifice said Sabine, a mandolorian can't love a Jedi, I LOVE EZRA! MOTHER ITS MY CHOICE WHO I CAN LOVE OR NOT! Yelled Sabine at her mother, Sabine's mother just looked at Sabine and ended the call. There is no way I'm going to marry wedge said Sabine to herself as she heard a ship fly by the tower as I saw the ship's was ahsoka's I smiled as i ran to grab my things as I put Ezra's lightsaber in my bag and my other things.

Later as Sabine meet ahsoka.

You ready Sabine? Said ahsoka, yes I am said Sabine as she put her helmet on as she walked to ahsoka, you have Ezra's lightsaber? Said ahsoka, yeah I do, just in class I need to use it said sabine, good said ahsoka as they both got into ahsoka's ship and left lothal too find Ezra.

Too be continued..................
I hope you guys like this new book of mine, the picture of the book was sent too me from Rogue_Divsion make sure you follow him.

And remember the force will always be with you.
Mammal out!

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