Chapter 4

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Sabre POV
So today I and my brother will be spending time with light Steve rainbow steve and Lucas. So went roaming around the area of the forest when I sense three life sources and a steve. "Brother you feel it right" I said he nod. "Guy there someone around here let's be careful" I said sounding serious. "Ok I'll go check the area do you want to come sabre because you still wearing that chicken hoodie" Lucas said. "Ok I would love to" I said in a exited tone. "Be careful bro" said negative steve. "Ok let's go Lucas" I said. So me and Lucas went to find the source and we did there were actually three humans and weird blue core steve. "That steve looks dangerous" I said in a scared tone. "Omg it's moose Nathan and shark.... HEY GUYS" Lucas said. "Lucas long time no see man where have you been" said the guy with a shark outfit I think is shark, and I think the guy with the moose outfit is moose and the last one is Nathan I think. "Hello Lucas I presumed my name is god steve" god steve said. "Omg there's a god of all the Steve's so you must be stronger steve the entire Steve's" Lucas said. "No there two Steve's that are together they are stronger than me when they merge that's when he unstoppable" he said. "Oh woah do you know which steve it is" said moose. "No but Lucas who is that hidden in the bushes" he said I got scared I want my bro. "Oh yea hey sabre come out they are safe" Lucas said in happy tone. "O..k" i said in a scared tone so when I walked out the bushes. Then we heard lightning then nightmare steve appears at front me.
Lucas POV
"NIGHTMARE STEVE HE'S HERE" I said screaming scared when he was too close to sabre. "Well well looks like my prisoner escape" nightmare steve said while he turned around and look at me he chanted something and and chains appeared on sabre neck. "Leave him alone nightmare steve he didn't do nothing to you" I said getting mad. "Oh but Lucas don't you remember I want to capture all the strong Steve's and here one without his brother here" he said while smiling evilly then he disappeared with Sabre with him.
Nightmare steve POV (.-.)
"Now that I have you I fixed that machine that you exploded" I said dragging him into the machine he was crying but when I flicked the switch the machine locked him in there for sure...
Hola mi amigos que tengas un buen día i noche
Hello my friend have a good day and night

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