Flying Derby Lesson/Sabrina's First Blessing

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The next day, Sofia and Hugo were dressed in their new flying derby uniforms. Eric and Bryan were already good at riding flying horses, and Sabrina was ready for her lesson.

"Are you ready, honey?" Hugo asked.

"I'm ready," Sabrina smiled.

"Okay, let's find you a horse to ride," Sofia said.

The family looked in the stables, and Sofia and Hugo saw their old flying horses, Minimus and Electra.

"Sabrina, these were our flying horses when we were your age," Sofia said. "There's my horse, Minimus."

"And I rode Electra for our first flying derby championship race," Hugo added.

Sabrina and the twins looked in the stall and saw a little pony that looked just like Electra and had the same hair color as Minimus.

"Minimus, Electra, is this your baby?" Sofia asked.

The horses nodded. Sofia and Hugo couldn't understand them, but the horses managed to tell them that the pony was a girl.

"She's adorable," Sabrina gushed. Then the pony let out a sneeze.

"Bless you," Sabrina said.

"It sounds like the pony is a little sick," Hugo said.

Sabrina grabbed a blanket for the pony and wrapped the blanket around her.

"That was really sweet of you, Sabrina," Sofia smiled.

The pony was happy to be warm, and she was grateful of Sabrina's kindness. Electra gave Sabrina a lick on the cheek, thanking her for helping her daughter. Sabrina was really happy to help.

Suddenly, Sabrina's amulet glowed. Sofia and Hugo knew exactly what that meant.

"Mom, does this amulet always glow like this?" Eric asked.

"Once in a while, honey," Sofia said.

When Sabrina turned to Minimus and Electra, Minimus said, "Thank you, Lady Sabrina—we're much obliged."

Sabrina was surprised that she could hear Minimus speak. "Did you just speak?" she asked.

Eric and Bryan were surprised that their sister could understand the horses. Sofia and Hugo smiled at each other. They knew why their daughter could understand Minimus.

"How can you hear them talking?" Bryan asked.

"Maybe my ears are playing jokes on me," Sabrina shrugged.

"You can talk to animals now, sweetie," Hugo smiled.

"I can? How?" Sabrina asked.

"The amulet gives its bearer special powers for doing good deeds," Sofia said.

Remembering the amulet's rule, Hugo recited, "With each deed performed for better or worse, a power is granted—a blessing or curse. You helped Minimus and Electra's daughter, so the amulet gave you the power to talk to animals."

Sabrina was amazed, and she was really happy to wear the amulet.

"Lord Hugo, there you are," Cosmo, the palace steward, said. "I know you're busy with your daughter, but we need you right away."

"It's okay, Dad," Bryan said. "Eric and I can teach Sabrina how to ride."

"Okay," Hugo said. He went off with Cosmo while Sabrina stayed with the pony. Sabrina really liked the pony, and the pony liked her.

"Thank you, Sabrina," the pony said.

"You're welcome," Sabrina smiled. "What's your name, little pony?"

"Oh, she doesn't have one," Electra said.

Eric observed the pony carefully. "Maybe we should call her 'Lavender'," he suggested.

The pony really liked that idea.

"Great name," Bryan smiled. "But since Lavender is too sick, maybe Sabrina should ride another horse until the pony gets better."

"Okay," Sabrina nodded.

The twins helped Sabrina pick out a horse to ride. Then they decided to help her out before letting her ride by herself.

Bryan let Sabrina sit with him on his horse, and he helped her ride. Sabrina was doing so well that her brothers let her get on her own horse, so she can ride by herself.

Sabrina got on her own horse and started racing with her brothers. Sofia and Hugo went outside to see their children and saw how well Sabrina was doing. They were proud that the twins were helping their sister. The kids landed their horses near their parents, Tom, and Jerry.

"I'm having so much fun, I can't stand it!" Sabrina beamed.

"You're sure to make the team, Sabrina," Bryan smiled.

"It's too bad only two of us can be on the team," Eric sighed.

"Well, ever since your mother and I won the Flying Crown, there had to be a substitute because a rider might not be able to ride for some reason," Hugo reassured the children.

The kids knew their father was right, and they decided to just look on the bright side.

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