Princess Things

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Fifteen minutes later, Sabrina's aunts, uncles, and cousins had arrived. Eric and Bryan were really excited. Sabrina was a little nervous about meeting her relatives. The minute Sofia and Hugo saw their older brothers and sister, they happily hugged tightly.

Eric and Bryan were delighted to meet their aunts and uncles. The kings and queens saw Sabrina and were stunned.

"Is this Lady Sabrina?" King Axel asked.

"She's beautiful, Sofia," said Queen Amber. "She looks just like you as a child." Sabrina smiled at her aunts and uncles.

Axel, Amber, James, and Vivian observed the young lady carefully.

"Well, the child looks just like her mother and has her father's hair color," Axel commented with a smile. "The same goes for Bryan."

"Beautiful combination," added James.

Sabrina smiled and looked at her cousins. She saw that they looked exactly like their own parents while she looked like a combination of her parents. Eric looked exactly like Hugo while Bryan looked like a combination of their parents.

The families went inside, and Sabrina and the twins went to interact with her cousins.

"It's really nice to meet you," said Sabrina.

"Nice to meet you too, cousins," said Princess Kerry.

"We hear you're going to Royal Prep with us," said her twin brother, Prince Alex.

"Indeed we are," said Bryan.

Tom and Jerry came out to meet the princes and princesses cousins.

"You have pet cat and mouse?" asked Michael.

"Yes, this is Tom and Jerry," Sabrina introduced. "Tom, Jerry, these are my cousins."

Tom and Jerry bowed before the princes and princesses.

"So what do you do for fun around here?" Princess Cora asked.

"Well, mostly we just bond with Mom and Dad and keep Tom and Jerry out of trouble," Eric said. "We usually like playing funny little jokes."

"Oh, funny," Michael giggled. "What's that big space there?" He pointed to a big space in the garden.

"Oh, that's where we have our ice rink in the winter," Bryan replied. "Dad and Sabrina usually spend their time ice-dancing here."

"Uncle Hugo ice-dances?" Cora asked in surprise.

"Yeah, Daddy's a natural, and he and Momma world champion ice-dancers," Sabrina gushed. "I just love ice-dancing—it's one of my favorite sports." Her cousins seemed a little thrown off by her passion for sports.

"I don't suppose you're interested in flying derby, Sabrina," Alex said.

"Flying derby?" Sabrina asked.

"Yeah, Royal Prep has a flying derby team," Michael said.

"I want to try out for the flying derby team," Bryan said.

"Me too," Eric chimed in.

"Oh, fun! Maybe I should try out," Sabrina beamed.

Then Sabrina saw the weird faces her cousins were making. "What?" she inquired.

"Sabrina, only princes can ride in the flying derby," Cora said.

Sabrina was a little disappointed to hear that. "So ladies can't ride?" she asked.

"Well, they could," Michael said.

"But they don't participate in the flying derby," Cora declared. "It's not a princess thing—or a lady thing."

To get their little cousin to understand, the princes and princesses started to sing. Eric and Bryan just watched. Just as the song was starting, the parents came out to see them—and they recognized the song perfectly.

CORA: There are many things princesses do

Like hosting balls and dancing too

Or wearing gowns of pink and blue

That's what we like to do

MICHAEL: There are many things that princes like

Jousting polo and taking hikes

Suits of armor with lots of spikes

That's what we really like

PRINCESSES: We do princess things

PRINCES: And we do princely things

PRINCESSES & PRINCES: And no one crosses in between

We stick with our routine

SABRINA: But who knows what I could bring,

Flying high upon a wing?

I believe that anything can be a princess thing

Sofia and Hugo smiled at each other, remembering when Sofia herself wanted to try out for the flying derby team. Now their daughter was going through the same experience.

CORA: Read a poem

KERRY: Or pick daffodils

CORA: Sing wistfully in windowsills

ALEX: Derby calls for princely skills

CORA: It's not a proper princess kind of thrill

PRINCESSES: We do princess things

PRINCES: And we do princely things

PRINCESSES & PRINCES: And no one crosses in between

We stick with our routine

PRINCES: We climb trees and jump and swing

PRINCESSES: While we shop for royal bling

CORA: So don't make a fuss

Just stick with us

And do our princess things

The parents smiled at each other, remembering this experience. Tom and Jerry didn't like what Alex, Kerry, Cora, and Michael were saying—or singing—to their cousin. Eric and Bryan didn't like their cousins telling their little sister that she couldn't try out for the flying derby team just because she's a girl. Sabrina still didn't agree with her cousins and concluded the song.

But who knows what I could bring,

Flying high upon a wing?

I believe that anything can be a princess thing

Sofia and Hugo smiled at Sabrina, and Sofia understood what her daughter was feeling.

"Let me guess," Sofia smiled. "You want to try out for the flying derby team, but your cousins don't think it's a princess thing—or a lady thing."

"How do you know that?" Sabrina asked. Her parents smiled at each other.

"Your mother went through the same thing, sweetie," Hugo replied. "She was the first princess on the flying derby team."

The kids gasped in astonish.

"You, Aunt Sofia?" asked Michael.

"Yes, but everyone told me it's only a princely thing," Sofia recalled. "You know, sweetie, that's how I met your father."

The kids thought it was so cute that Sofia and Hugo had known each other since they were kids, but Hugo warned, "Don't get so cute about that—unfortunately, we got off to a bad start."

Sabrina and the twins thought it was strange how their parents disliked each other when they first met.

"When your uncle James was teaching me how to ride my flying horse, Minimus, your father would make fun of me for falling off," Sofia chuckled. She leaned to Sabrina and said, "He even made me fall off Minimus during the tryout race."

The kids were shocked, especially Sabrina, Bryan, and Eric. The children's reactions really didn't surprise their parents, especially Sofia and Hugo, who were very amused.

"Oh, yes, I was a bad boy," Hugo laughed. "Your mother and Uncle James even beat me to the finish line. It served me right for being a bully."

"How did you become friends in the first place?" Eric inquired.

"Well, your mother and I were going to race in the flying derby championships against the Junior Knights Academy, but I sprained my wrist," James explained. "So your mother and father got paired to ride in the championship race for Royal Prep."

"It took some time, but your mother taught me the importance of teamwork, and we won the Flying Crown," Hugo smiled.

The kids were fascinated, and Sabrina smiled happily.

"Well, that settles it," Sabrina declared. "If Momma can try out for the flying derby team, then so can I."

"That's the spirit," Hugo smiled. "You just need a good uniform and some lessons."

"You know, we found our old flying derby uniforms just yesterday," Sofia said.

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