What a Day

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During recess, Sabrina stayed inside, wanting to avoid Cora, Saffron, and Fiona. Eric and Bryan stayed with her.

Outside, Cora, Saffron, and Fiona were upset that they were in trouble for playing that joke on Sabrina.

"Cora, you did that on purpose," Kerry frowned.

"Well, she should've seen where she was landing," Cora smirked.

"Well, you should've been more careful," Michael glared at his sister. "You just want to make Sabrina look bad, and we all know why."

"Because she doesn't belong here since she's a lady and not a princess?" Saffron guessed.

"No, because everyone likes her more than all three of you," Alex blurted out. "I'm a little jealous of Eric and Bryan because they're getting a lot of attention."

"Me too," Michael admitted.

"I'm a little jealous of Sabrina myself," Kerry revealed. "But I'm not the one going around playing pranks on her. After what you did today, I like Sabrina more than you too!"

Alex and Michael agreed with Kerry. Cora, Saffron, and Fiona were flabbergasted. They couldn't believe Kerry and the boys liked Sabrina more than them.

"You don't mean that," Fiona gaped.

"Yes, we do," Michael glared. He, Alex, and Kerry walked away.

After school, Sabrina was still upset. Eric and Bryan wished there was a way to help their sister feel better. When the trio got home, Sofia and Hugo could tell that their children had a tough first day at school.

"I know that look—your first day didn't go too well," Sofia sighed.

Sabrina told her parents what had happened to her, and Eric and Bryan said their first day was tough because they saw Sabrina suffer. It broke Sofia's and Hugo's hearts to see their children so upset.

"We were each the new kids at Royal Prep too," Hugo explained. "It can be really hard, but we promise it'll get easier."

The kids hoped their parents were right.

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