A Trip Down Memory Lane

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Sabrina and the twins were playing with their pet cat and mouse, Tom and Jerry, when they saw a ladder jutting from the ceiling. Then they heard noise coming from it.

"I wonder what's going on," Eric wondered.

"What's going on down there?" Sofia's voice rang from the ceiling. She poked her head through a hole in the ceiling.

"What's going on, Mom?" Bryan asked.

"Your father and I are just digging through the attic," Sofia replied.

"An attic? What's that?" Sabrina asked.

"It's where we keep our old keepsakes from the past," Sofia told her. "Come on up."

Sabrina, the twins, Tom, and Jerry climbed up the ladder and found themselves in the attic. Sabrina and her brothers had never seen such an interesting place.

"I don't think I've ever been up here before," Sabrina declared.

"Me neither," Bryan agreed.

"Nor I," added Eric.

"An attic is a good place to keep all your treasures," Hugo declared. "You get to see what your life was like before."

Sabrina found a dusty chest and carefully removed the dust. The dust mites made her sneeze.

"Bless you," Eric and Bryan told her.

"Thanks," Sabrina smiled.

The chest had a picture of Sabrina's amulet, and on the chest was the name "Sofia". Knowing that's her mother's first name, Sabrina knew this chest had to belong to her mother. Sabrina opened the chest and found her mother's favorite keepsakes. There was a shiny little purple music box decorated with butterflies and flowers painted on it. Sabrina picked up the music box and opened it, and it played a beautiful melody. Her brothers and parents heard the melody and went to see where it was coming from. Sofia and Hugo were surprised to see what their daughter had stumbled into.

"Sofia, that's the music box I gave you," Hugo gasped.

"You gave this to Momma?" Sabrina asked.

"Yes, honey, your father gave it to me for my eighth birthday," Sofia recalled. "He said it took him two months to make."

Sabrina, Eric, and Bryan were fascinated. They really liked the song the music box played.

"That's a beautiful song," Eric smiled.

"It was my grandmother's favorite," Hugo recalled. "She used to sing it to me and your uncle Axel when we were little." He and Sofia sang the lyrics to the children.

Oh, the horse flies low

And the horse flies high, and so it goes

Up in the bright blue endless sky

Clouds try to measure

The days that we treasure

Wave hello and wave goodbye

The children loved the beautiful song.

"Great-Grandmamma had great taste in music," Sabrina remarked.

"She sure did, honey," Hugo agreed.

Sofia and Sabrina looked through the old chest. Sabrina pulled out a pink box. She opened the box and found a beautiful pink and purple dress. Sofia saw the dress, and she was astounded.

"Oh, my goodness!" Sofia gasped. "I remember this!" She pulled the dress out of the box, and Sabrina gasped at how beautiful it is. "I haven't seen this dress in years."

"I hear you—I still remember how beauteous you looked," Hugo smiled.

"It looks like your dress, Sabrina," Bryan remarked.

Bryan's comment gave Sofia an idea. She realized that her little dress was the same size as Sabrina's black and red dress, and she decided to do one thing.

"You know, Sabrina, I think it's time I passed this dress down to you," Sofia smiled.

Sabrina was surprised. She felt honored to wear her mother's gown. "Thanks, Momma," she smiled.

"You're welcome," Sofia smiled. "I don't know why I've been keeping this chest up here. It's time I passed it down to you—after I get all this dust off."

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