Dare to Risk It All

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Cora, Michael, Alex, Kerry, Bryan, and Eric went to find Saffron, who was with Fiona.

"Saffron, someone wants to see you," Cora declared.

Saffron turned and was surprised.

"Rapunzel?" Saffron gaped.

"Yes, I'm here to help," Rapunzel declared. "You started this Royal Astronomy Club to steal your spotlight back from Lady Sabrina."

"Yes, I did," Saffron admitted. "It really cost me my friends and popularity...not to mention Sabrina's respect. It doesn't feel good."

Rapunzel knew how to help Saffron fix her mess. "Well, I knew a thief once, and he had a lot of bad deeds to make up for," she recalled.

"He did?" Eric asked.

To help Saffron understand, Rapunzel began to sing.

Once, I met a man

A thief, a cad

With a selfish plan

That made me mad

Love set his heart aglow

So sweet, so strange

But first he had to show

That he could change

When I was in a spot,

My back against the wall,

He gave it all he got

And dared to risk it all

Things were getting rough

But he answered the call

He had to stay tough

And dare to risk it all

He was brave enough

To finally dare to risk it all

Putting yourself first

Led you astray

To keep this from getting worse,

There is one way

To make up for your deeds

And prove you've grown,

Try putting other's needs

Before your own

Sabrina is in a spot,

Her back against the wall

So give it all you've got

And dare to risk it all

Before things start getting rough,

You should answer the call

You have to stay tough

And dare to risk it all

I know you're brave enough

To finally dare to risk it all

To win back all your friends,

You've gotta make things right again

Just keep on standing tall,

So you can really dare, dare to risk it all

"Well, risking all the attention doesn't feel good, but losing my friends doesn't feel any better," Saffron admitted. "I think I know what to do."

"Oh, yeah?" Michael asked.

"What exactly are you going to do?" Bryan asked.

"Something that should've been done in the first place," Saffron replied. "Thank you, Rapunzel."

But then everyone saw that Rapunzel was gone. All that was left were pink and purple sparkles in mid-air.

"Where did she go?" Cora asked.

"Back where she came from," Eric replied.

Saffron went to find Sabrina, but before she knew it, recess was over.

"You'll have to wait to see her later," Kerry told Saffron.

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