Royal Astronomy Club

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Later, Saffron had her own booth, and she had Eric and Bryan with her.

"If you join the Royal Astronomy Club, not only will you get to look at the stars through telescopes at night, but you also get your own pins," Saffron told the twins. She handed each of them a pin.

"Thanks," Eric smiled.

"We'll be there," Bryan added.

As the twins walked off, Eric said, "Wait until Sabrina hears about this."

"I know," Bryan agreed. "She loves astronomy."

Saffron had heard the brothers, and she didn't like that sound. If Sabrina was in the club, that meant everyone would more attention to her than Saffron—again. Saffron had to make sure this didn't happen.

That night, at the manor house, the family was having dinner and talking about their day.

"Did everyone like your new dress, Sabrina?" Sofia asked.

"Yes, they did," Sabrina smiled.

"What have you got there, sweetie?" Hugo asked. He had noticed that his daughter had a pin on her dress.

"It's an Art Club pin," Sabrina replied. "I joined the art club at school."

"Oh, beautiful," Sofia smiled.

"We joined Saffron's Royal Astronomy Club," Bryan announced.

"Each member gets to host a meeting at his or her castle every Friday or Saturday night," Eric added.

"Oh, that sounds like fun," Hugo grinned.

"You should join the club, Sabrina," Eric told his sister.

"Yeah, you love astronomy," Bryan agreed. "Besides, we'll be meeting at night on Fridays and Saturdays, and your club meets at school."

"Okay," Sabrina agreed.

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