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The sound of footsteps echo through the abandoned hall of a forgotten castle. Within the midst of darkness, deep into the thick undergrowth, there sits a figure on a forgotten thrown.

"Ah, why hello there traveler. I see you have woken up. Now, what, may I ask, brings you to this story?" The figure called out. A smirk graced the figure's face. "Ah, don't leave! The fun has only begun! Grab a seat, eat a snack, and relax! I'm gonna tell you a story." The figure stood up and walked into one rays of light that came from the ceiling.

It was a boy who appeared to be a teenager. He had blonde hair with the bottom being a pitch black. A rotted rose thorn was around his head that connected to a rotted, black rose. He wore a ripped and torn shirt and pair of pants; both having a thorn vine wrapped around him. His skin was a ghostly pale, and he had bright emerald green eyes.

He sat down on the ground. "Once upon a time, there was a forgotten village. But this village was no ordinary village. It was surrounded by miles of miles of thick woods and was cut off from the rest of the world. Hmm? Why won't the villagers just leave? Well they can't! For you see, within the forest, there lives a curse. The curse of the rose." He started. The boy touched the rose on his head. "Why yes, I am cursed by the rose. Have been for a very long time. Huh? Yes, it is contagious, so make sure you keep your distance."

He gave an eerie smile. He continued," In that village lived a young girl. This girl was a curious little thing, and loves to wander into said forest. But one day, the girl had wondered too far and was cursed. She had returned to the village, only to be burned alive. The end!"

The boy clapped his hands together. Then a frown graced his face. "What? Don't like the ending? Well then, why don't I tell you a better version. A long time ago there lived a young girl...

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