Chapter - 3

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The evening sun casts a warm, golden glow over the Fiona Kingdom, making the flowers and trees look even more beautiful. Taehyung and Hoseok sat on the stone bench enjoying the sunset.

"Taehyung, I have been thinking about the future lately," Hoseok said softly, looking at Taehyung.

Taehyung turned towards Hoseok, "What about the future?" he asked curiously.

Hoseok's smile grew wider, "About you becoming a king one day."

Taehyung's eyes widened in surprise. "Hyung, it's such a big responsibility. I'm not ready for it," he said, shaking his head in denial.

Hoseok placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, "Don't worry Tae, you will be ready."

Taehyung shook his head, feeling unsure. "But what if I mess up? What if I make a wrong decision?"

"You won't. I believe in you." Hoseok said, comforting Taehyung.

"Hyung, I have an idea. When I become king, I will order you to take the throne instead of me," Taehyung smiled.

Hoseok shook his head, "No, Taehyung, I can't be the king, nor do I have any intentions to be. You are the heir of this kingdom and it's your responsibility," Hoseok said.

Taehyung pouted, "Hyung, but how will I manage everything?" he said sadly.

"Don't worry, Taehyung, I will always be there for you," Hoseok said, smiling at Taehyung, who nodded his head.

"Thank you hyung. I don't know what I'd do without you," Taehyung said smiling.

Hoseok smiled and ruffled his hair.

"I promise, I'll do my best. For you, and our kingdom," Taehyung said with full determination.

Hoseok smiled, "I know you will. I have seen you grow up and Tae. I know you will be able to manage everything. You have a strength in you that I admire the most."

Taehyung's eyes filled with tears but he immediately blinked them away, not wanting to ruin this precious moment.

"Thank you for believing in me, hyung. I will try my best," he said.

Hoseok pulled him into a tight hug, "Taehyung, I'm always here for you. Remember that, okay."

Taehyung nodded his head and tightened his grip around Hoseok. They both sat there looking at the sunset. The kingdom looked even more beautiful with the golden glow.

As the night began to fall, Hoseok broke the silence with a serious look on his face. "Taehyung, it's time for night patrol. I will have to go out," he said.

Taehyung widened his eyes. The last encounter with the vampire was still haunting him and he wasn't able to forget about it.

"Hyung, it's getting so late," Taehyung said in concern.

"But Taehyung, it's my duty and I can't step back from it," Hoseok said, trying to convince Taehyung.

"I will also go with you. I don't want you to go alone," Taehyung stood up from his place.

Hoseok smiled gently and looked at Taehyung, "No, Taehyung. It's dangerous outside..."

"That's what I'm trying to say. It's dangerous for you too. I am coming with you, Hyung; I will protect you if something happens," Taehyung stubbornly shook his head.

Hoseok laughed and ruffled his hair, "Taehyung, I'm not going alone. The guards are with me, don't worry," he said calmly.

"But Hyung..."

"Taehyung, it's my duty and I can't step back from it. Don't worry, I will be safe," Hoseok said and gently hugged Taehyung.

"Hyung, please be safe," Taehyung said and tightened the grip around his brother.

"I will," Hoseok said and patted his back. "I will go now," he said and broke the hug. Taehyung sadly nodded his head.

"Take care," Hoseok gently smiled while caressing Taehyung's hair.

Taehyung nodded his head. Hoseok gave him an assuring smile and left from there while Taehyung stood there, looking at his brother's retreating figure.

The king stood a little far from them. He heard all of their conversation. He looked at Taehyung who was still looking at the gate from where Hoseok left.

"I'm sorry Taehyung," He sadly whispered to himself and left from there.

The night was dark and cold, the clouds hidden behind the thick clouds. The narrow street was dimly lit by the flickering lantern. Jungkook stood in the darkness. His mind was filled with thoughts.

As he silently stood there, Yoongi approached him.

"Hyung, What did he say?" Jungkook asked in a serious tone.

"We need to change our plan," Yoongi rubbed his forehead in frustration.

Jungkook sighed in relief, "He changed his order?"

Yoongi chuckled, "Yes, he did. What can we even expect from him?"

Jungkook nodded his head. "Let's go. We don't have anything to do tonight," he said. Yoongi nodded his head and they both walked towards their castle.

On the other hand, Hoseok was walking down the alley with his bodyguards. The streets were quiet. As they walked further along, a bodyguard suddenly stopped and turned around to Hoseok.

"My Lord, earlier we were told to visit the main gate," the bodyguard said.

"Okay, you can go," Hoseok nodded his head. All the bodyguards bowed their heads and were about to walk away from there.

"All of you need to go?" Hoseok said in surprise.

"Yes, My Lord," the bodyguard said. Hoseok found it suspicious but shrugged off this idea.

"Okay, you can go. I will patrol in this area," he replied. The bodyguards bowed down and left from there.

Hoseok again started walking in the street. Suddenly, he heard someone's footsteps behind him. He immediately turned around but didn't find anyone there.

He then started walking again, but suddenly someone attacked him from behind, knocking him to the ground. Hoseok groaned in pain and looked behind him. A man stood there, his intentions clear in his evil smile.

Hoseok immediately stood up from his place, "What do you want," he said furiously.

The man laughed, "It's an order for me to kill you," he said, taking slow steps towards Hoseok.

Hoseok's heart raced as his eyes fell on the fangs of that man. He understood that he was facing a vampire and not a mere human.

The vampire attacked Hoseok, who was trying his best to fight the vampire's strength but the vampire was way more powerful than Hoseok because of the supernatural powers.

"Who sent you here," Hoseok shouted as he fell to the ground. The vampire stood over Hoseok, a smirk playing on his lips.

"That's not important right now. Let's just end this here,"

Hoseok tried to push the vampire away, but he was too strong. The vampire bit into Hoseok's neck. Hoseok's eyes widened in shock, his body went cold.

The vampire stood over him, wiping his mouth with a satisfied expression, unaware of the eyes seeing him in anger.

Hoseok's body lay on the ground. The blood oozed from his neck. The vampire looked at him for the last time and left from there. The street again fell silent.


The next day

In the morning, the sun shone brightly over the Kingdom. Taehyung woke up early and immediately ran towards Hoseok's room. He was waiting for Hoseok but fell in deep slumber.

"Where is Hyung," Taehyung whispered to himself when he didn't see Hoseok in his room.

Taehyung walked in the royal palace. Everything seemed so unusual to him. All the servants looked so quiet and worried.

He walked towards a servant, "Where is Hoseok Hyung?" he asked.

The servant immediately bowed her head, "Your Highness, he hasn't returned from the last night."

Taehyung narrowed his eyes, "What?" he said, surprised.

"Your Highness, his sword was found lying on the ground with some blood stains on it. There are chances that he was attacked by some vampires," The servant said.

"What are you even talking about? I won't spare your life if I find this information wrong. How can you even talk about him like this?" Taehyung shouted angrily.

The maid immediately sat on her knees. Taehyung ignored her and ran from the royal castle. His heart pounding in his chest.

He sprinted through the streets, shouting Hoseok's name. People turned to look at him, their eyes filled with surprise and concern.

Taehyung ignored their stares, his mind was only focused on finding his brother. "Hyung!" he yelled again, his voice breaking with desperation.

He searched every alley, every corner, his heart sinking with the thought of losing his brother.

Tears streamed down his cheeks as he ran, his breath uneven. "Hyung, where are you?" he whispered to himself, his voice trembling with fear.

He was running continuously. Suddenly, he saw a group of royal guards approaching him.

"Your Highness, you need to return to the royal palace," A bodyguard said, stopping Taehyung.

Taehyung's eyes filled with anger, "Get out of my way. I need to find my Hyung," he said, shoving the bodyguard aside.

The bodyguard didn't budge from his place. "Don't you understand? My Hyung is out there! I have to find him!" he screamed.

"Don't you dare to follow me," he said and walked away from there.

Time seemed to fly fast as Taehyung searched every corner of the kingdom. Taehyung's desperation only grew as the hours passed by, and still, there was no sign of Hoseok.

His clothes were wrinkled and his face filled with dirt. There were stains of dried tears on his cheeks. "Please Hyung, where are you?" he murmured to himself, his voice breaking.

Exhausted and barely able to stand, Taehyung finally made his way towards the royal palace. Without wasting any second, he went into his father's chambers.

He pushed the doors open and saw his father sitting on a chair, his face gloomy and tired.

"Where is Hoseok Hyung?" Taehyung demanded, his voice shaking in desperation.

The king looked at him, "Taehyung, he was attacked by the vampire's. We can't do anything," he said calmly.

Taehyung's eyes narrowed, "Why are you so calm? Tell the guards to find him. How can you sit so calmly," he screamed, his voice echoing through the room.

The king sighed, "Taehyung, what's the point in finding him? He might be dead already."

Taehyung widened his eyes in surprise. "How can you be so cruel? He was like your son," he shouted angrily.

"Yes, he was," the king replied. "But what am I supposed to do now? Should I go and imprison the vampires?" he raised his voice.

"Yes, do anything. Kill all of them if you can't imprison them," he screamed, his voice shaking.

"Taehyung, he is gone. You go in your room and take care of yourself. Now, you are not allowed to step out from this palace. It's not safe for you," the king said calmly.

"How can you be so selfish...?"

"Then what should I do? If I declared a war against those vampires then it's just the end of this kingdom. I can't risk that," the king shouted angrily.

"Do whatever you want, I won't stay quiet." with that Taehyung stormed out of the room, slamming the doors behind.

The king sat back on the chair. He rubbed his forehead in frustration. His breath was uneven due to shouting.

On the other hand, Taehyung ran down the halls. His heart pounding in his chest. His father's words echoed in his mind. How can his father be so calm? How could he give up on Hoseok so easily?

Taehyung went into his room and closed the door. He collapsed on his bed. Tears streamed down his cheeks. He couldn't believe what just happened.

"How can he be so heartless?" Taehyung whispered to himself, his voice choking with tears.

He lay there for a long time, the room around him grew darker as the night fell. His mind was a whirlwind of emotions. He didn't know what to do. He felt so helpless, so lost, without Hoseok.


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