Part 1-Season of sprouting Darkness

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Scott Lang (point of view)

" Scott Edward Harris Lang, It's time to go." The officer, tall, dark muscular figure strong enough to take down on more than two persons at the same time, grabbed the padlock hanging from the pivoted hook ,inserted the key then twisted it twice and the lock detached , making a creaking sound, the door opened ,if i think through and put into words I felt that the door is saying me see you later.

" Oh no bud,I don't want to see you later." I said while pushing the door and gave a slight swing to the hanging padlock. The officer turned and gave me that quizzical look.Yeah I kinda got this habit of talking to these non-living things.

" Me neither..." He said handing me few papers to sign on them ,after scribbling my name I passed it on to him. " You are a good man,Scott, Just invest in something better." He said and patted on my shoulder. I smiled, a smile is the symbol of politeness and I should act politely and changed man , after all I was being released from prison.


" Dad,I loved it..." My little angel jumped at me holding that soft teddy bear and kissed on my cheek.

" Anything for you, Cassie." I dropped her down when Maggie, brunette medium hair wearing burnt amber colored top with a pair of jeans,  approached me and nodded at me.I followed her out of the house .

" What are you doing here?" She hissed ,the wind blew and a strand of hair escaped it's way from back and landed on her face , I raised my hand but casually she just tucked it behind her ear.I took a deep breathe ,she was still glaring at me.

"It's Cassie's birthday ,what else can be the reason for my presence here."

" I don't want any bad influence on her." She said but I didn't like it, more like it was painful to hear that.

"I'm her father and you can't just shut me out from her life." My voice took a high pitch, the door opened and there comes the hero, Officer Paxton , her husband. " I'm not a bad influence on her." I said through my gritted teeth.

" Then, prove it." Maggie challenged me, held Paxton's hand and went inside.


With a defeated look on my face and lowered head I walked out of the Baskin Robbin's shop. Is there any place where I could be hired. I overheard raised voices, someone was shouting badly.I turned my head, A man in perfect suit with bald head was barking at the person standing in front of him , I tried to know the reason, overheard some words relating to electronics. As per my understanding they need someone ....and if my luck is good then that someone could be me. I went to them

" Hi, I'm Scott Edward Harris Lang." The Bald man didn't seem happy to see me definitely. " I'm an electrical Engineer and I guess you are in need of one." He didn't even flinch

" Okay, just make yourself comfortable in my car I'll be back." He spoke with his deep voice.I followed his instructions and walked toward his car , but then there was a roar of bullet shot. I froze , I knew what I will see if I turn my head ,so I didn't. I sensed someone stood beside me,with the corner of my eyes I watched that blood stained hands being wiped off of  it's blood. While getting inside the car I was feeling numerous things but comfort was no where near it.


I worked on their machines , all my gadgets where piled on the floor and it was a mess. I took screwdriver from my mouth and twisted it for tightening the screws. I fixed  all the wires then covered them and moved back to see the machine which looked as if  moments earlier  it was not at all disoriented. I pressed the switch and after ticking  couple of seconds, red color beamed and the machine activated. I smiled at myself . They was a pat on my back.

" Great job!." Darren said , yes his name is Darren Cross and beside him was a women with her blonde hair shoulder length. " I want you here for something else as well , so don't plan on leaving." He said and walked through a door which had a large restriction board for the rest of the staff, I was wondering what was going on in there.

" You can't break through that door ,if you are planning on it." The women said beside .

" No, I mean ... sorry what's your name?"

"Hope ."she replied curtly.

" So , Hope I wasn't planning to infiltrate, I left that job , but I don't think it would be difficult for me to enter." I smirked but she rolled her eyes.

"You're challenging me then" I said but she walked away , I stared at that same restricted room , I can definitely enter. 


I rotated the knob hearing the faint sound of it being rotated trying to stop it exactly on point .Click! on hearing that I stopped  and moved back.Boom! it opened.I walked in, it was dark , I searched for the lights but failed to locate the switchboard I took out my mobile, first I need proof to tell that women I infiltrated this stupid dump room. I opened the camera .

" Selfie time !." As I raised my hand to click the picture I saw a dark figure standing behind me ,giving me chills that Darren will kill me just like that man. Through the camera I saw that figure came closer and my eyes widened on recognition of the features.

"Great job!."came from a familiar voice.


I lowered the cup and placed on the table,got up from the couch a small ant crawled around the sugar spread on the table , I tossed it with my fore finger.

" Don't do that,care for the living things around." Hope said, I raised my brows,Okay! Noted.

" You wanted me to enter , but why?"

" Do you know what is going around the world." Hope seemed fully charged, there was something in her voice giving a hint that whatever it is, it's damn serious. "Darren is experimenting my dad's technologies using pym particles which help to change size of human and can make him the size of an Ant, My dad was an Ant-Man and my mom was the Wasp they saved lives ,become sacrificial victims , sacrificed their lives to improve others."

" I'm sorry about your parents, but I still fail to relate anything of my use here."

" I need your help to take down on Darren."

"Call the superheroes then.."

She clicked on the tv, some news channel Headlines Hydra has taken over the city ,People are calling out to Captain America but he is lost , Courts and Police departments are destroyed and now they appear like some graveyards, she changed to another channel , Robots are destroying the city, Tony Stark vanished,Robots can never be installed with feelings, they are emotionless here is the proof , A human shaped robot holding a man was standing at the top of the building released it's grip and that man fell with shrieking noise. Another channel showed the cruelty of Joker ,psycho path killer people are praying for their batman to return.The screen turned black

"This is not the world where you will find humanity,harmony and peace. It's a different world ,where living is worse  and painful than dying." She said with watery eyes.

"I can't help you." I whispered and left , they was now a hole in my heart , how was I so blind all this time , how come I didn't see all these dark gloomy cruelty around me just because I was not yet affected by it. On my right side I saw a women begging a man whose laughing , two little kids crying behind her , undernourished. I closed my eyes. My phone buzzed , I opened it and a picture popped with the  heading Missing . I know her blond hair,beautiful smile , teddy bear in her hands , I zoomed on the teddy bear's eyes and it resembled a figure of tiny insect which appeared in  yellow and black stripped suit.


I knocked the door rapidly ,tears blurred my vision.The door didn't open I waited outside ,it rained and soaked my dress but I was numb , I heard the door opened behind me.

" He kidnapped my daughter , Cassie , Hope please help me ." I pleaded

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