Sad and Broken [PG-15 2JUN]

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Title: Sad and Broken

Author: Hisa

Fandom: BEAST/B2ST

Genre: Romance, Fluff

Rating: PG/PG-15

Pairing: 2Jun (DooJoon/JunHyung)

Summary:It’s hard to say goodbye to a team that you worked with for 10 months, with whom you traveled around the world and helped others. What will you do, if that is no more, when that connection ends at the word ’CUT’.

Sad and Broken

It was the last day of recording Danbi. The whole stuff was anxious. Even if they tried to hide it, you could see it on their faces. Everyone tried to pull the shooting longer but it was no use, they were an oiled team by now (10 months spend together, each time 4-5 days – no wonder) managing to finish earlier then planned. DooJoon was resting in the shadows as the staff was packing up getting ready for a different shooting place. A girl walked up to him and he smiled at her. She was really cute and only about 7. She grinned at him and pecked his cheek before running away to her friends who squealed.

Yong-man approached the maknae of the stuff with a grin on his face.

“Seems like you are loved here too.” DooJoon looked up and smiled.

“I guess so.” He said and looked back to the working staff. Yong-man took a seat next to him.

“Today is the last day, huh?” He scratched his head.

“I will miss this.” DooJoon confessed adjusting his cap. Few seconds later he felt a comforting hand on his shoulder. 

“We all will. All of us will miss this a lot.” The older smiled weakly before walking to An Young-mi to help her with her bags.

DooJoon only stared hoping that the small tear that escaped his eyes wasn’t seen by anyone.


It was 11 P.M. when they wrapped up the last scene and finally the day of recording was over. There was no sentimental part in the show, where they all say good-bye they refused to do it, it was better that way. All members of the staff agreed.

When the cameras where off everyone gathered and they cooked one last time together. Most of the time they played to have dinner but not tonight. Tonight they will enjoy the time together. DooJoon settled with a few writers and the other MC’s. They laughed, enjoyed the food, made jokes…all of them refusing to think that from tomorrow, there will be no meet ups and dinners like this.

At 1 A.M. everyone went to bed aside from DooJoon. The Leader of BEAST settled at a spot from where he could see the camp and the wasteland together. He smiled even though he was sad. He watched the stars enjoying the light night breeze when his phone buzzed in his pocket.

JunHyung:Hey baby? How was your day? I hope none of the female guests made a move on you *glares*

DooJoon:I did get kissed on the cheek…

JunHyung:WHAT *get’s ready to slash some bitches*

DooJoon:*giggles* Don’t worry baby, it was only a 7 years old girl from here.

JunHyung:I don’t believe you…

DooJoon:You are the only one, whom I let kiss my cheek (aside from kids who ran up to me and kiss me out of nowhere) I wouldn’t let that happen, you know that right?



JunHyung:…okay…how was the shooting?


JunHyung:[/b]…when are you coming back? (JunHyung didn’t want to ride on the subject more he knew that his bf was too sad now, and he didn’t want him to break down there.)

JunHyung:I will cook something nice for you, so hurry back home. I miss you~~~

DooJoon:My flight lands around 11 P.M so you better go to bed. You have recording right? You don’t have to wait for me. 

JunHyung:Let me decide what I do, will wait no matter what!!! I miss you; hurry back home and now go to bed. You need some rest. I love you. <3

DooJoon:Okay, I miss you too. I love you baby. <3

DooJoon put his phone away and got up, moving to the tent. He should get a few hours sleep just like JunHyung said. He can’t look like KIKWANG, though he totally feels that way. 


The separation with the staff that morning was harder then DooJoon thought. Not all of them were taking the same plane so he had to say goodbye to a lot of them before he took his flight. He won’t say he didn’t get teary but at least he managed not to cry. He hugged with most of the people; a few got a comforting pat or a squeeze of the hand.

It was over and DooJoon was breaking. He just wanted to hurry back home, to his members, who are there for him, to his lovers arms what he really desires now. He wants JunHyung to hug him now like there is no tomorrow (there will be no tomorrow with Danbi that’s for sure).


DooJoon sad more goodbyes when they arrived in Seoul. He hugged with all his fellow MC’s. EVEN with An Young-mi, though he felt the glares of some B2UTIES in his back as he did so. After the emotional goodbyes, all of them promised to call and update each other trough phone. And hell they are in the same industry its not like they won’t see each other more. DooJoon nodded and made his way to the waiting Van. He had to hold back his tears till he got home and felt those warm and secure arms around him.


JiYong said his bye after dropping off DooJoon at the dorm. He told the Leader that he has a free day. He should take a rest before they start recording and practicing for the upcoming album. DooJoon only nodded, making his way up to the dorm. He tried to enter silently it was past midnight by now and he knew the others would be asleep. He put his shoes nicely aside not just dropping them after they were off (DOOJOON it for them filming Idol Maid – he just wanted to get them off and throw them to the side).

DooJoon walked into the living room and was surprised a little seeing his boyfriend on the couch, trying hard not to fall asleep with glaring at the silent TV (he couldn’t watch with sound, or the members can’t sleep). The leader chuckled and only then did the rapper see the other. The blonde jumped off the couch and pulled his lover into a bear-hug.

“Hey.” He greeted in a sweet voice tightening his hug. DooJoon returned the hug, burying his face in the others neck, letting those tears fall he has been holding back for far too long. JunHyung hummed a nice tone and patted the Leaders back in rhythm, trying to calm him down. (He always did this when the other was sad, a hug, a melody and small pats – it always helped.)

DooJoon calmed down a little and he pulled away to look at his boyfriend.

“Thank you.” His voice cracked and JunHyung stroked his wet cheeks, brushing the remaining tears away. Without saying a word he pulled the Leader to the free room. (They shared a room with those bunk-beds but still had another small room, for the couples if they wanted to have some private time “NO SEX while the other members are present in the room” DooJoon’s policy was kept intact “Oh and NO TOUCHING either” – that’s why that room existed.) JunHyung pulled the Leader there, he knew it was better to let the members sleep and he can’t really hug the other all night between KiKwang and HyunSeung.

DooJoon didn’t mind, he wanted his boyfriend now, to feel his presence beside him. JunHyung helped the vocalist to get out of his jeans and both settled on the bed. This time their pose was different (most of the time, JunHyung’s back would be against DooJoon’s chest, the vocalists breath tickling the rappers neck, strong arms encircling his waist). Now they were facing each other, arms around each other, lips only a breath away. DooJoon took a deep breath taking in his lovers scent. The scent that always managed to calm him down. JunHyung smiled and stroked his cheek.

“I am here now. With time everything is going to be alright.” The blonde whispered and DooJoon nodded.

He knew that. He knew that everything is going to be okay. Because…

If he is sad and broken there will be arms to hug him, a voice humming a melody, small pats on the back and much needed words spoken in a small whisper. 

If the usually strong Leader would be sad and broken the usually bad-tempered rapper would surely be there to take care of him and make him all strong again. 

A/N: Comments are love <3


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