Dangerous Love

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Another RiDe poem by Deviantart user GothicRosez. Written in Richtofen's POV

I know I will never have a chance
To fit into your perfect world
To fill you up with happiness
To give you what we all deserve
And no matter how much I love you
And how much I want to feel your touch
I know you will always see me
Like your enemy send to destroy it all
But in the ruins of my heart
Broken and roughly teared apart
I swear there lives another me
I wish I could show what you mean to me..
Your eyes so bright
But still no sign
Of love nor affection, that I want you to feel
Your body so hot
Like a damp summer night
Oh, I want to embrace you so tight..
your breath so warm, tingling on my skin.
But I know it's all just a dream.
You will never love me
Cause the hate is still to furiously
Instead of warm
Your so cold and unknown..
You're a danger to my love
You're a danger to my soul..
You could freeze the sun itself
With all the words you say..
Leaving me behind to whimper
In my longing to your love..

Pretty sad, isn't it? :(

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