Pert 1: Cutting

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Question: Why do people cut themselves when they are depressed and why is it so common among the symptoms and/or things to look out for in a depressed person?

WELL! This one needs a lil explanation for answer. For many of you who have and are still experiencing a form of depression (it is my belief that everyone goes through a different form for different reasons of depression and everyone has a unique way to quote on quote "cure it" a.k.a dial it back a bit). You will know that depression is a whole mess of emotions, not just one. The gist of it is your emotions, for your own reason, have been jumbled or confused. You don't know what to feel and when to feel them or just simply put, you've lost control of your emotions. Your unstable.
This results in a search for something, ANYTHING, to feel like you are in control of SOMETHING. There are many forms of self-harm like anorexia, insomnia (sometimes this is also a result), drug abuse, self-loathing, etc. and sometimes people like myself go through many of these at once. They do this on order to feel in control. Anorexia is in control of your dietary system and weight, insomnia is in control of when your can and will fall asleep, drug abuse is in control of how much..well...drugs you use, and self-loathing is knowing that no matter how much people try to hurt you with your words, you can hurt yourself even worse then that. This is similar to cutting, cutting yourself usually means you've been hurt. Probably multiple times, and the only way to feel in control of that pain and release all the stress is to be the one to physically harm yourself. You cut because you know YOU did it, no one else.
Now I am no expert and this is my own interpretation of it from experience. In fact just tonight my brother (the reason for what I believe is my minor depressional state) was being...well a huge dick. And I honestly ran to my room, grabbed my knife, stripped down to my underwear and was prepared to scar myself. But instead I grabbed it, laid in bed with it right in hand, and cried for about an hour in my pillow. Just having it in my hand made me feel like I was in control of my emotions, knowing I could hurt myself worse than he ever did. COULD. You must remember, when you get that deep into a state of sadness you get hit with this tidal wave of self-hatred. A voice in your head suddenly tells you that someone doesn't love you, that their lying, that you are unneeded and unwanted by anyone and that no one should ever love or care for anyone like you because you are a failure. These are just thoughts. Heavy and hurtful thoughts mind you but still thoughts. But that's the kind of mindset someone goes through when they are about to cut themselves.

Thankfully, I have helped many people including myself stop cutting or at least think hardly about it before doing it. It's hard to stop, it's a addictive. Once you make that first cut you can't stop, that control takes over you and eventually consumes you to a point where you have dug yourself a hole that is nearly impossible to get out of. NEARLY. But with a help of love, support, friends and family, and a little bit of chocolate cake. Everything will get better with time, be patient.





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