Episode 12~ Thinking about You

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Chotu got some biscuits and placed it on the small stool in front of Randhir and Sanyukta. He encouraged them to eat and then left. Sanyukta and Randhir bend together and placed their hand over the same biscuit. Randhir held the biscuit while Sanyukta had placed her fingers over his. They looked at each other and then at the plate. Quickly, Sanyukta retracted her hand and shifted in her place. Randhir took a moment before picking up that biscuit. She looked sadly at him while he avoided her gaze.

Why Randhir? Why this awkwardness between us?

You have no idea Sanyukta how difficult it is getting for me to face you

Slowly, Randhir and Sanyukta looked at each other. A moment of looking at each other, Feroz Chacha called Sanyukta. They looked away from each other. Sanyukta stood up first and then Randhir stood beside her. She avoided looking at him and walked towards the car. Feroz Chacha smiled at her.

'It is all fixed,' - He looked proudly at the car and then back at her, - 'You start the car and see.' He said. Sanyukta nodded and walked towards the driver's seat. She sat inside the car and ignited the engine. In the first attempt, the car started. She smiled and looked up at Feroz Chacha. She nodded.

Randhir walked up to the car and stood beside Feroz Chacha. Sanyukta picked up her purse from the passenger seat and got down the car.

'Thank you, so much.' - She unzipped her handbag and looked back at Feroz Chacha, - 'How much, Uncle?' She asked. She noted Feroz's Chacha's smile fade and her smile dropped as well. Randhir wanted to intervene but Feroz Chacha said.

'Nahin, Beta. I won't take money from you.'

Sanyukta shook her head.

'Arey, nahin Uncle aise kaise...?' Sanyukta and Feroz Chacha kept insisting for a while until Randhir interrupted them.

'Take the money, Feroz Chacha,' - He looked at Sanyukta, - 'She is a very stubborn woman,' - Sanyukta pressed her lips angrily and looked away, Randhir looked back at Feroz Chacha, - 'and it will take an eternity, but she will not stop arguing.' He commented.

Feroz Chacha shook his head but before he could protest, Sanyukta stuffed the cash back into her purse and looked back at him.

'Let it be, Chacha,' - She glared at Randhir, he looked back confidently, - 'Anyway, thank you.' She smiled at Feroz Chacha, he smiled back. Then, Sanyukta shot a glare at Randhir and got into the car. Randhir watched her back the car. Without sparing another glance at him, Sanyukta drove away.

After her car had left, Feroz Chacha looked at Randhir and he looked back.

'Chacha, if you don't mind I want to stay here tonight.' He said. Feroz Chacha nodded, smiling widely and patted his shoulder.

'Of course, beta.' - He gestured with his arm, - 'this is your home as well.' He said. Randhir nodded and smiled little. Feroz Chacha placed his arm around his shoulder and led him inside.


Sanyukta walked very slowly towards the main door of her house. She was still lost in the thoughts of everything that happened.

Kishore was pacing worriedly in the living room, accidentally his gaze fell towards the entrance and he sighed seeing Sanyukta walk into the house. He hurried to her.

'Sanyukta.' He called but she doesn't respond. She kept fidgeting with her nails and staring into oblivion. Kishore looked at her closely and placed his palm on her shoulder. Sanyukta came out of her trance and turned her head.

'Beta? What happened? You left in hurry-burry?' He looked concerned at his daughter. Sanyukta blinked at him for a moment and then smiled recollecting the good news Dr. Prasad had given her. Kishore suppressed his smile and kept looking intently at her.

'Papa,' - She looked at him, - 'There is some improvement in Parth's health.'

Kishore also smiled widely, - 'Arey, waah.' He said happily. Sanyukta nodded. He smiled placing his palm on her shoulder.

'Beta, I am very happy for you. Now, he will recover fully.' He assured her. Sanyukta smiled sadly and leaned forward. She hugged her father and closed her eyes.

'Everyone was losing hope, but your confidence has made this miracle happen.' He said hugging his daughter back. Sanyukta nodded, fresh tears pricked her eyes.

After a while, they broke apart and Kishore asked Sanyukta to freshen up while Vidhushi will plate food. Sanyukta was surprised to know that no one had eaten food and was waiting for her.

'Acha, beta. What made you so late?' He asked tilting his head little. Sanyukta looked at him and then looked away. She told him about the car breaking down and the mechanic repairing it. Purposefully, she doesn't tell anything about Randhir. Kishore observed her while she spoke.

But before he could say anything further, she smiled and left. Kishore turned around and watched her climb the stairs.


Later in the night, Randhir lay on a cot and looked at the night's sky. Sleeping out in the open was still a bliss for him. He recollected sleeping here many times in the summer. He placed his one arm under his head and one arm rested on his stomach. He sighed.

Oblivious to everything else, he doesn't notice Chotu walking sneakily towards him. Chotu sat beside him and looked up where Randhir was looking. He frowned and looked back at Randhir.

'What are you looking at?' His voice startled Randhir and moved his hand away and propped up little on the cot. He looked at Chotu, who was eyeing him with his hands on his hips. Randhir looked away and exhaled deeply. Chotu smirked.

'You were thinking about Sanyukta Didi, right?' He asked. Annoyed, Randhir looked at him. Chotu flashed him a cheeky grin and raised his eyebrows. Randhir frowned and looked away. To be honest, he was thinking about Sanyukta, but he can't tell that to him. He looked back and eyed Chotu.

'Don't you think you are talking too much?' He said sternly. Chotu chuckled and Randhir frowned harder.

'I caught you that is why you are pretending.' - He began chuckling again, Randhir rolled his eyes, - 'Bhaiya, I know you like her,' - Randhir looked at him, his expressions turned serious, - 'I can see it in your eyes.' He said and grinned again.

Randhir frowned picking up the pillow, - 'Chotu you are thinking too much, now leave before I hit you with this.' He threatened him by waving the pillow with one hand. Chotu chuckled harder and leaped. He stood up and continued to laugh, Randhir threw the pillow at him but he dodged, laughed some more and then ran. After he was gone, Randhir exhaled loudly and held his forehead.

After a moment, Randhir got down the cot. He picked up the pillow and patted the dust from it and carried it back. He dropped it on the cot. Then, he sighed and tugged his palm into his pants pocket. He began pacing on the ground and occasionally glancing up at the sky. He wondered if Chotu was right if indeed his love for Sanyukta can be seen in his eyes. If so, then why can't she see it.


Sanyukta kept walking in the room and thinking about Randhir. After a moment, she dropped on the bed and lay on her stomach. She pulled a small cushion and wrapped her arms around, resting her chin on it. A small smile appeared on her face as she recollected their first bike ride together. It was Randhir's birthday, but he was in a very grumpy mood. She had managed to lift his mood and they had gone for a bike ride. Even though it was raining heavily, she had enjoyed the ride.

Coming back to reality her smile faded when she recollected their recent bike ride. So much changed, but the only thing that remained constant was her feelings for him. She frowned and sat up on the bed.

'No, Sanyukta,' - She crossed her legs and placed the pillow on her lap, - 'I don't love him anymore.' She said determinedly. But strangely, her heart disagreed with her own words.

That night, both Randhir and Sanyukta kept thinking about each other until they fell asleep.


Awww, Sandhir are thinking about each other *_*

How was the Chapter, guys? Please, drop your comments *smiles*

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