Episode 14~ Why you came back?

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Sanyukta and Randhir felt slightly awkward as they accompanied the delegates for lunch. And to add to the uneasiness the two sat opposite each other. Sanyukta with Kishore and Ankit on either side of her and Randhir with Abigail and Harry on either side of him. Sanyukta had her head lowered and she kept clenching the fork tightly. Randhir kept stealing glances at her. Kishore and Ankit were talking with the delegates. Ankit was more interested in talking to Abigail.

Slowly, Sanyukta looked up and caught Randhir looking at her. She inhaled sharply and looked away. She clenched the fork tightly and tried concentrating on the talks. All the while, she felt annoyed because Randhir's gaze was affecting her so much. She looked at him and found him looking down at his plate. She sighed and looked away.

Soon, their orders arrived, and Kishore gestured them to have their food first. Abigail and Harry looked impressed by the hospitality. Sanyukta moved her hand to pick up a bowl of Bhindi Fry. Randhir held the bowl as well. Oblivious, both pulled the bowl at the same time, paused and looked at each other. Kishore looked at them and moved his hand, he held the bowl and took it from them. Randhir and Sanyukta snapped from their trance and looked away.

'Here.' Kishore said softly and plated some Bhindi fry into Sanyukta's plate. She smiled little and looked at her father. Kishore smiled and placed it on the table, then he looked sternly at Randhir. Randhir wasn't bothered and picked up the bowl.


'That was very wonderful lunch, Mr. Agarwal.' Harry commented with a warm smile. Kishore nodded humbly.

Abigail nodded. 'Yes, Mr. Agarwal.'- she paused and added, - 'We felt at home here, thanks to your hospitality and we are also very impressed with your factory.' She informed. Kishore's smile widened and Sanyukta felt relieved.

Harry nodded placing his hands into his pockets, - 'We will be making our report soon and leave for the US tomorrow.' He said.

Instantly, Sanyukta looked at Randhir but he doesn't look at her.

Randhir will be leaving again? - She thought with a sinking feeling in her heart. She kept looking at him while he maintained a dead-pan face. Once again, he will leave, and she will have to bear the pain of separation again. It was better he hadn't come back. Finally, she had moved on and he came and pushed her back into those dark days.

Sanyukta bit her lip and looked away. Kishore looked at Sanyukta and noticed her sad face. He moved his arm and held her shoulder.

'It was our pleasure. Hope to see you all soon.' Kishore said brightly.

Sanyukta felt hopeful.

'Of course, Mr. Agarwal.' Randhir spoke for the first time to Kishore. Sanyukta looked at him. Randhir looked briefly at Kishore and then at Sanyukta. She looked away and smiled at the other two delegates. She shook hands with both Harry and Abigail. Then, she looked at Randhir. She hesitated but he extended his hand with full confidence. Sanyukta moved her hand but before they could shake hands, Kishore interrupted them and suggested they should be leaving now. Harry checked his wristwatch and agreed. Harry and Abigail shook hands with Kishore and Ankit. Then, everyone made their way out of the restaurant.

Harry and Abigail sat in the back seat and Randhir opened the door to the passenger seat. But before he got inside, he turned around. Kishore forced a smile while Ankit didn't bother with fake formality.

'Our flight is tomorrow night 1 am.' He said and then looked at Sanyukta. She looked away. Randhir sighed and looked away.

I hope you got the hint, Sanyukta - He thought sadly and sat down. He doesn't realize why he was thinking this way. Why did he want her to come to see him off? Randhir felt his heart heavy with the thought of leaving her once again.


Sanyukta was disturbed after the lunch. Kishore asked many times but Sanyukta always dodged the question, but he got concerned when Sanyukta didn't eat much for dinner. Though, he doesn't object. After everyone had dinner, Kishore went up the terrace for walk while Sanyukta retried to her room.

All the while, as Kishore paced on the terrace he kept thinking about his daughter's sad face. He felt his blood boil knowing who the reason for it was. And he was happy that the reason was leaving.

'Hope he never comes back.' Kishore spoke bitterly and continued to angrily pace.

After the walk, Kishore climbed down and walked downstairs. As he passed by the living room he found Ankit watching a match while Vidhushi was beside him and applying nail paint. He frowned watching them, none of them were concerned for Sanyukta. One was her brother and another one supposedly was her friend but neither cared to comfort her. Kishore folded his arms behind him and exhaled sharply before walking up to them. He cleared his throat and instantly Vidhushi looked at him, but Ankit was very engrossed in watching the match. Kishore sighed.

'Vidhushi, go boil milk for all four of us.' He said sternly. Vidhushi sighed looking away. She wanted to refuse because of her freshly done nail paint but seeing Kishore's stern expressions she didn't dare.

'Ji, Papa.' She nodded and leaned forward. She capped the nail-paint and picked it up. She stood, smiled at Kishore and walked out of the room. After she was gone, Kishore sat next to Ankit and grabbed the remote from him.

'Hey.' Ankit protested but his scowl changed when he saw his father sit next to him. Kishore glared at him and changed the channel. Ankit sighed dropping his arms as his father began watching a news debate.


Sanyukta sat at her study table and was working with a file. She was engrossed in work when her phone rang. She doesn't look at the screen as she picked up the phone and placed it in between her ear and her shoulder.

'Hello.' She answered flipping a page of the file.

'Hi!' An over-excited voice greeted from the other side. Sanyukta paused and frowned. Then, she adjusted the phone properly and smiled.

'Even this late in the night you are so active, Tanya.' Sanyukta said in a mischievous tone. Tanya laughed.

'Ab kya karoon? My husband doesn't let me sleep.' She teased.

'Haww.' Sanyukta blushed and Tanya laughed. Sanyukta also chuckled. After their laughter died down Tanya spoke,

'Yoyo's wedding is coming soon. Let us plan shopping tomorrow. Are you free?' She asked excitedly.

Sanyukta sighed holding her forehead. 'I doubt,' - She massaged her forehead, - 'I have some work in the factory.' She replied wearily. Tanya groaned and began whining. She insisted so much that to stall her Sanyukta answered.

'Okay, I will think about it.' She said. Tanya was happy. The two girls spoke for a while before cutting the call. Sanyukta smiled placing her phone on the table. She looked at it and sighed.

She smiled reminiscing the college days. Though there was stress of the dream team when all the friends gathered together they did a lot of fun and momentarily forgot their stress.

Sanyukta leaned in the chair and tapped her fingers on the table.


She was startled upon hearing her father's voice. She turned her head and found Kishore standing carrying a tray with two glasses of milk. Sanyukta stood up and hurried as her father entered the room.

'Papa.' She took the tray from her father. Kishore smiled as she gestured him to come inside. He sat at the edge of the bed. Sanyukta forwarded a glass to him and took her glass. She placed the tray behind them on the bed and turned to look at her father.

'What brings you here, Papa? You could have called me.' She said. Kishore nodded.

'Yes, but I wanted to,' - He touched her cheek lightly, - 'spend some time with my darling daughter.' He leaned back and noticed few files were open and an excel sheet open in the laptop, he looked back at Sanyukta. He moved his hand and placed it on her shoulder.

'Beta, you are stressing yourself with the factory work. I don't want you to-'

'But, Papa-'

Kishore sighed and patted her shoulder, - 'I heard your conversation with your friend. And I think you should hang out with her.' - He said seriously, Sanyukta shook her head and he added, - 'It will make you feel better.'

Sanyukta looked away and nodded. She clenched the glass and sighed, - 'You are right, Papa.' She said staring at the glass of milk. Kishore moved his hand and exhaled deeply.

'Don't let anything or anyone affect you,' - Sanyukta looked at him, he smiled little while nodding, - 'Let the past be past, beta.' He said sincerely.

Sanyukta nodded and looked down again. Kishore looked at her momentarily before he began talking random things to divert her attention and it worked. Slowly, Sanyukta came out of her shell and participated in their random talks. Kishore cracked a silly joke and smiled watching Sanyukta laugh heartily. He felt his eyes moist as he watched his daughter laugh.


Oh, No! Randhir is going to leave *gasp* What do you think, will Sanyukta come to see him off or not? Should she?

What are your thoughts on the Chapter? Please, drop your thoughts in the comments *smiles*

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