Episode 16~ Secret is Out

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'Wear this Choli.' Tanya forwarded a shimmering golden blouse to Sanyukta. She held it and shook her head.

'No, Tanya. Look, it has a deep back.' Sanyukta pointed towards the back. Tanya sighed rolling her eyes but before she could say anything, the sales lady interrupted them,

'We can get it altered, Maam. Just try it.' She spoke in a well-rehearsed sweet voice. Sanyukta was still hesitant but Tanya literally pushed her into the changing room with the choli. Once inside, Sanyukta sighed.

Minutes later, - 'Ready?' Tanya knocked at the door.

'One minute.' Sanyukta huffed, the hook was creating trouble. Tanya held her forehead and then looked up and asked her to open the door. Sanyukta refused but Tanya was persistent. Sanyukta regretted deciding to come with her. She sighed and turned around. After unlocking the door, she got back to trying to hook her blouse.

'I think the size is small.' Sanyukta said looking up at Tanya's reflection. Tanya nodded.

'Let me look.' She said and lowered her head. Sanyukta was relieved, she moved her hand. A second later when she felt no movement from Tanya, she looked up.

'What the hell, Sanyukta.' She sounded surprised, more like shocked. It was then, Sanyukta realized what she saw - The Tattoo

Sanyukta picked up her clothes and covered her chest, then quickly turned around.

'Tanya, I think the size is small we will look for something else.' She said and pushed her shoulder. Tanya stumbled out of the tiny cubicle. Sanyukta closed the door and leaned against the door. Placing her palm on her chest she heaved a sigh of relief.

Sanyukta changed back to her clothes and stepped out of the changing room. She handed the used blouse to the security lady. After that, she looked around and found Tanya standing in the denim section. Sanyukta took a deep breath and clenched her bag tightly.

'Tanya, let us go. I don't think this place has the clothes we are looking for.' She said. Tanya looked at her and simply nodded. Sanyukta was relieved but was more suspicious as Tanya didn't bring up the topic of Tattoo.


As the girls shopped for more clothes, Tanya doesn't bring up the topic and Sanyukta let the thought fly out of her head. After they had shopped for nearly three hours, they got the clothes. Sanyukta requested they postpone jewelry shopping for some other day. Tanya agreed. It was a relief for Sanyukta as her feet were hurting very badly.

The two decided for some smoothies in one of the CCD outlets. They sat under the umbrella at one of the tables outside the café. Sanyukta removed her shoes and felt relieved as she wriggled her toes.

Sweet freedom - She knew her toes must be screaming. Sanyukta smiled to herself and looked up. Tanya was staring into oblivion. Sanyukta opened her mouth to interrupt but changed her mind at the last minute as she was reminded of the Tattoo incident. And so, she simply, she sat back. Soon, their orders arrived.

As Sanyukta happily sipped the drink, Tanya interrupted her blissful moment, - 'Sanyukta?'


'Why are you still having the Tattoo?' Tanya asked. Sanyukta choked on the drink. Tanya handed her the tissue paper.

'Sanyukta?' She called. Sanyukta wiped her mouth with the tissue paper and placed it on the table.

'I am getting late, Tanya.' She bent to pick up the shopping bags when Tanya held her hand and she paused.

'I am not letting you go without an answer,' - She paused for a moment and then continued, - 'You still love him, right?' She said seriously and Sanyukta looked up at her.

'No.' She replied with a straight face. Tanya looked annoyed.

'Then, why have you kept the Tattoo. Are you thinking you are Deepika Padukone?' She retorted, angrily.

'I am not' -Sanyukta slammed her palms on the table, and then closed her eyes, - 'I am not thinking of myself as anyone,' - She opened her eyes and looked straight into her eyes, - 'I just don't want to have to do anything with it. That is why I didn't bother removing it. It is not worth my time or money.' She said seriously and swiftly picked up all the bags. She stood up, then opened her purse and placed cash on the table and looked at Tanya.

'Thanks for shopping and everything. I am really sorry, but I have to go.' She said. Tanya nodded. Then, Sanyukta turned around and walked away. Tanya sighed watching her go.

For how much longer you will deny it, Sanyukta. The reason who didn't remove the Tattoo is that you still love him, and the Tattoo means a lot to you... and him - Tanya thought sadly in her head.


Kishore was sitting in the living room and reading newspaper when he heard a soft voice and lowered the paper. He was surprised to see Vidhushi standing in front of him. A sweet smile on her face and a cup of tea in her hand.

'Kya Baath hai? Today, I didn't have to scream thousand times.' He said. Vidhushi chuckled.

'Nothing special, Papa and sorry for always making you wait for tea.' She said sweetly. Kishore looked suspiciously at her. Vidhushi extended the cup and he took it. She fidgeted with the edge of her dupatta, she bit her lip and after debating for a moment, she opened her mouth but before she could speak Kishore spotted Sanyukta passing by the room.

'Sanyukta.' He called. A moment later, Sanyukta entered the room. He looked at the shopping bags and then at her. His smile faded upon seeing her angry face. He frowned.

'What happened, beta?' He asked softly. Sanyukta sighed.

'Nothing Papa. I am just tired.' She said holding her forehead. She sounded weary as well. Kishore nodded and asked her to rest. After she had left, Vidhushi looked at Kishore and then smiled to herself.


'Hmm.' He replied taking a sip of tea.


Later in the night, Sanyukta spent fifteen minutes and finally picked out a sea-green sleeveless knee length, pleated dress. Quickly, she changed in the bathroom and walked towards the dressing table. At first, she wore danglers but changed it to studs as she thought it was looking over-dressed. As she adjusted her wrist watch there was a knock at the door.

'Come in.' She replied and turned. Kishore entered the room and was surprised to see Sanyukta dressed.

'Where are you going, beta?' He asked as he walked towards her. Sanyukta smiled nervously.

'Actually, Abigail called, and she asked me to come to the airport. There was something.' She said avoiding her father's gaze. Kishore looked suspiciously.

'What something, beta?' He further asked. Sanyukta looked at him and shrugged.

'Patha nahin. I will know once I get there.' She replied. Kishore nodded thoughtfully. Then, he raised his hand and placed his palm on her shoulder.

'You have a minute?' He asked seriously. Sanyukta glanced at the wall-clock and reluctantly agreed.

The father-daughter duo sat at the edge of the bed. Kishore took some time before looking at Sanyukta.

'Beta, you know today morning I met Arvind Uncle.' He said with a small smile. Sanyukta thought for a while and then a smile appeared on her face.

'Oh, Arvind Uncle. How is Kanika? You met her too?' She asked excitedly. Kishore shook his head. Sanyukta looked on as he spoke.

'Beta,' - He looked at her, - 'I need to ask you for something.'

'What is it, Papa? Anything for you.' Sanyukta replied sincerely.

Kishore sighed, - 'I need your permission.'

Sanyukta was confused, - 'Permission? From me?'

Kishore nodded.

'Arvind Uncle has got an alliance for you and I was-', - He paused seeing Sanyukta smile fade, he shifted and held her hand, - 'Sanyukta, the alliance is very good. Adhiraj Shetty, he is a very successful heart surgeon in the US.' He said. Slowly, Sanyukta slipped her hands from his grip and looked away. She inhaled sharply and shook her head.

'Sorry, Papa. But I can't accept the alliance.' She said seriously.

Kishore sighed, - 'But why beta? Adhiraj is a very broad-minded man, he has no problem with working women.' - He held her shoulder and tried to make her look at him, but she doesn't, - 'Beta, just tell me the reason. I will,' - He placed his palm on his chest, - 'I will solve it, I promise. Look, beta,' - He lowered his head and held her hand, - 'Whether it is a man or a woman everyone needs a companion in life. Someone who would love them, support them, and just be with them along with all the ups and downs of life. Beta, I won't be there with you forever. I don't want you to lead a loveless and lonely life. You are too important for me, my child. And I know how difficult it is for you to move on from the past, but past can't be changed, right? One shouldn't spoil their future because of the past.' He explained. Sanyukta looked at him.

'Papa,' -She clasped his palm in between her palms, - 'I agree with what you are saying and it's-it's not that I don't want to marry. I would have agreed to Adhiraj but-but.' She stopped and looked away. Kishore took a moment and then held her chin and made her look at him.

'What is it, Beta? I know I am not your mother, but you can tell me whatever is bothering you.' He said seriously.

Sanyukta looked away, she closed her eyes for a moment and then stood up. Kishore got up too. She closed her eyes and entwined her fingers, she looked at her fingers and bit her lip.

Sanyukta I know it is tough, but this is the only way to make Papa stop talking about marriage - She thought to herself and then turned around. Kishore was looking at her.

'Papa,' - Sanyukta held her breath as she said further, - 'Papa, I-I-and-Ran-I-I married Randhir two years ago.' She said and closed her eyes. She expected a slap or a full-blown reaction but none of that came. Slowly, she opened her eyes and found Kishore gaping at her. More than anger, hurt was evident in his eyes. The look made Sanyukta feel guilty.


Haawww!!!! The secret is out. How will Kishore react? I am so tensed *bites nails* What are your thoughts on the Chapter, guys? Drop your thoughts in the comments, please *

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