Episode 17~ The Hopeless Case

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Dedicated to my dear friend @typoxqueen. Thanks so much for your love :*


Kishore listened carefully as Sanyukta told him everything about that night. He took a moment to compose himself, he folded his arms behind him and exhaled deeply.

'Papa, I know it was a reckless and impulsive decision. And I am sorry.' Sanyukta lowered her head. Kishore placed his palm on her shoulder and she looked up.

'And also, very irresponsible. You two were very young and still studying what was the need to get married?' He asked, his voice stern. Sanyukta lowered her head, again. Thinking about it, now she realized how stupid the idea was. Perhaps, then she was really very young and reckless. Sanyukta sighed.

'Anyway,' - Kishore huffed and Sanyukta looked up, - 'What happened has happened? But now, we must correct it.' He said seriously. Sanyukta held her breath as she got an idea where her father was going with this statement.

Kishore looked away and nodded, - 'Arvind knows a good lawyer. We will apply for a divorce.' He said and Sanyukta felt her heart drop.

Oh, No!

Kishore turned around and held his daughter's shoulder, - 'Once you are free from this-this relationship. You will be able to move on easily and be happy.' He smiled towards the end. Sanyukta looked at her father and shook her head. Kishore sighed moving his hand away.

'Why do you want to be trapped in this loveless marriage? If you can call it a marriage.' Kishore said and scoffed. Sanyukta bit her lip. She didn't know what to say. She agreed with her father and knew he was just concerned for her but also, she knew she won't be able to divorce Randhir.

'Sanyukta,' - Kishore called softly, she looked up again, - 'Have you two-I mean after marriage have you two -- You know what I mean?' Kishore was hesitant.

'No.' Sanyukta said in a small tone. Kishore was relieved.

'Then, why are you being hesitant? Waise bhi, you guys don't stay together, you two haven't even consummated the marriage. I don't think this marriage is even valid now. It's just on papers now. I think we should just annul the marriage.' He said seriously. Sanyukta kept shaking her head and he felt very annoyed.

'Sanyukta, what is wrong with you? Are you mad? Why do you want to keep clinging to this doomed relationship? I strongly suggest that you divorce that rascal who destroyed your life, your happiness.' He spoke angrily.

Sanyukta sighed, - 'Papa. I will think about it. But promise me that you won't go looking for lawyers.' She said seriously. Kishore protested but she interrupted him. She held his palm and smiled sadly at him, - 'Don't you trust your daughter?'

Kishore hesitantly nodded. She smiled and then accidentally, Sanyukta's gaze fell on the wall clock and she realized she was getting late. She bid hasty good-bye to her father, hugged him quickly and left the room. Kishore sighed sadly.

'I know why you are rushing to the airport.' He shook his head and slowly, walked out of the room.

Sanyukta sat in the car and switched on the engine, just then her phone. She clicked her tongue in agitation and picked up the phone.

'Hello... Okay...Really? Okay, okay. I am coming.' She spoke hurriedly.


Randhir, Harry, and Abigail climbed down the car. Nisha, the driver bid them good night and happy journey. Harry and Abigail responded to her but Randhir kept looking elsewhere. He was startled when Harry tapped his arm.

'Dude? Are you expecting someone?' He asked.

Randhir shook his head, - 'No.' He replied dryly. Then, they turned around and walked towards the entrance. After they showed their tickets and passport to the security they were allowed in. Before Randhir stepped inside, he turned back and looked around. He looked briefly, sighed and turned back. Disappointed he walked inside with his colleagues.

Since they were business class, their check-in was done quickly. Randhir pulled up the sleeves of the brown jacket and glanced at his watch. He wondered if there was some communication gap or was he stupid to hope Sanyukta would come to see him off. He looked up at the entrance, hoping she got the pass and has come in. He even looked around the airport hoping she was here already. He felt dejected.

Randhir, you are stupid. After what happened you were expecting her to come - He thought sadly. He shook his head and walked casually with his colleagues.

There was one hour wait for them before the boarding started. Randhir stood in the queue, still looking around. He knew now it was too late for her to come yet he kept being hopeful for a miracle.


Sanyukta hurriedly got down her car and climbed the stairs to the City Hospital building. She felt nervous and excited as she walked through the lobby. She clasped her palms tightly as she stepped inside the elevator. Nervously, she fidgeted with her entwined fingers. Her heart raced as she tapped her feet impatiently. Her gaze stuck to the LED screen above the elevator door.

The elevator door opened, and she dashed out. Then, she hurried towards the cabin. She knocked on the door and was asked to enter.

'Dr. Prasad? How is Parth?' She asked as soon as she entered. The doctor looked up from the reports and smiled at her.

'Miss. Agarwal. We have good news. Last time there was a movement of fingers, then hands and legs. Now, finally, he has awoken from the coma.' He announced. Sanyukta breathed a sigh of relieve. She clasped her palms tightly and silently thanked God. Then, she looked brightly at the doctor.

'Can I meet him?' She asked looking hopefully at him. Dr. Prasad shook his head as he stood up.

'We had planned to call you next day as it was very late in the night. But after he woke up, he was just calling your name, and someone named Randhir.' He informed. Sanyukta stiffened hearing Randhir's name. Then, she realized that he has left even before meeting Parth.

'Now, we have given him medicines and before you arrived he fell asleep. You can come meet him tomorrow.' He said positively. Sanyukta nodded. Then, she took her leave.

As she walked through the corridor, she stopped and glanced at her wristwatch. She noted the time and sighed. Now, it was too late. Randhir must have boarded and the flight would have been on the way to the US. Sadly, she stepped into the elevator. Then, she wondered why she was bothering so much with him. Clearly, he wasn't interested. For a moment she thought she should consider her father's advice. But then, Randhir hasn't initiated divorce so perhaps there was hope? Sanyukta slapped her forehead. Why should always she be the hopeful one?

Why can't Randhir make the first move? Anyway, it was late now. He has gone back and chances of him coming back looked grim. She wasn't even sure if he will come for Yoyo's wedding. That moment, she realized that she was a hopeless case who was waiting for someone who has no intention to come back to her.


Oh- No. Yeh kya ho gaya. Randhir left? And Kishore *holds forehead* But amidst all this, there is finally some good news *happy face* What do you guys think will happen next? And how was the Chapter, guys? Drop your thoughts in the comments, please *smiles*

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