Episode 24~ Phobia

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Hi, guys!

Sorry that I am posting after a very, very long time. But some things had come up and so I couldn't write. I will try my best to keep posting at least twice a week *hides face*


Kishore sat with the guests, while Sanyukta went to the floor to check on the machine. She gulped upon seeing the engine placed on one of the tables. The other employees were busy with their work, but they were occasionally glancing at it. In India, after only one top company, Agarwal Industry had this engine. Few other companies had come to have business partnership with Agarwals because of it. Sanyukta felt thankful for that as she had prepared the theocratical part of the machine but the practical part...

Sanyukta bit her lip and looked around, she spotted Raghu and called him. He was carrying a heavy tool-box to the other counter but stopped when he heard his name being called. He turned around and Sanyukta gestured him to come to her.

'Raghu, you were among the few other engineers who had taken part in the seminar for this engine, right?' She asked looking hopefully at him. She was talking about a seminar held by the original manufacturers of these engines, the Germans. Before handing this powerful engine to the factory they had given a seminar about it, the basic mechanism. Sanyukta had attended the theory part but skipped the practical part. She was now hopeful Raghu had attended it, so he could help her. The theory is very different from practical.

Raghu nodded and Sanyukta was relieved.

'Could you help me with this. Just the basic?' She asked.

'Sure, Come.' Raghu waved his arm gesturing her to follow him. Sanyukta closed her eyes and exhaled deeply. She raised her eyes up and thanked God before walking behind Raghu.


'I think we have been waiting for too long, Mr. Agarwal.' - Mr. Rai spoke slamming his palms on the arm-rest of the chair, - 'We should check the machine now.' He said. Renuka and Randhir looked at him. Ankit nodded while Kishore gulped.

'I-I will call-Sanyukta.' Kishore stammered as he clumsily tried taking out the phone from his pocket.

'I think we should go, Mr. Agarwal.' Renuka interrupted. Kishore felt helpless. Ankit also sided with Rai and Renuka. Kishore sighed and agreed. As they all got up, he glared at Ankit sternly. Ankit realized he did something wrong and made an apologetic face.

They all walked towards the floor. Sanyukta was with Raghu and both were working on the machine. There was grease on her forehead, cheeks, and hands. Same with Raghu. Randhir noticed that she had removed her black coat and was wearing a mustard sleeveless shirt. Every time her bare arm brushed against Raghu's arm, Randhir felt irritated.

What irked him further was the V-neck of her shirt and the loose bow tie, every time she leaned towards the machine it would come loose and few times Raghu's gaze was wandering there. Randhir felt his blood boil. He relaxed only when her hair fell over her chest blocking the view.

How can Sanyukta not notice where the man is looking. Oh, machines. When she is with them she doesn't care about anyone or anything.

Randhir straightened and cleared his throat. Sanyukta and Raghu stopped with the machine and looked up. Sanyukta pushed her hair back and smiled nervously at everyone. She clasped her shivering palms tightly. Raghu looked at her. She was visibly nervous. He had also noticed her as she handled the machines, her hands were shivering, and she was sweating very badly. This could be dangerous. He patted her shoulder and whispered, - 'All the best.'

Randhir watching this, clenched his jaw tightly.

Sanyukta thanked Raghu and asked him to leave. He nodded and took his leave. Angrily, Randhir watched him go. Then, Sanyukta wiped grease covered fingers on a handkerchief.

'Okay, everyone. Now, I will show you,' - She looked towards her father and he gave thumbs up, she nodded and faced others. Sanyukta got her theory part perfect. Renuka Saniyal and Rai were very impressed. Randhir was happy too. Kishore felt proud. Sanyukta felt confident about everyone's reaction.


After the theory part came the practical part. She had everything well-rehearsed in her head. She stood behind the machine and extended her hands. Slowly, she looked up at Randhir. He was looking back at her with a straight face. She looked down at the machine.

Just to win, I can't do what you did.

Everything that happened in the past two years flashed before her eyes. Sanyukta closed her eyes tightly, - Damn!

Everyone was little taken aback when she began to stammer and fumble. Even Randhir was surprised. The way she handed the theory part was the Sanyukta he knew, this Sanyukta was baffling him.

How can she lose all her confidence that too when she is in her comfort zone? - Randhir wondered.

Sanyukta was shivering, gulping, stammering and fumbling. Kishore felt very helpless and was in tears watching his daughter struggle. In utter tension, Sanyukta accidentally switched on the wrong switch and within seconds sparks started to erupt. She flinched back and froze watching the tiny flames.

'Sanyukta!'- Kishore yelled and everyone got alarmed. Sanyukta kept staring at it.

Just to win, I can't do what you did

I am sorry, but your friend is in a coma

Randhir moved but retracted when Kishore and Ankit rushed to her. Kishore held her shoulders and dragged her from there. Few staffs arrived with fire extinguishers. As Sanyukta was dragged by her father, she felt giddy and fell unconscious in his arms. Everyone was startled.

'Go get the doctor, Ankit.' Kishore yelled at his son. Ankit fearfully nodded and ran to set up the medical ward.

'We need to get a stretcher.' Vikram, the floor manager, also arrived. Kishore shook his head.

'We don't have time to wait.' Kishore said urgently. He scooped Sanyukta in his arms, but he was having difficulty.

Randhir quickly removed his coat and handed it to Renuka, who was taken aback.

Then, he hurried towards Kishore.

'Let me.' He said bending over. Kishore looked at him. He didn't have time to argue with him and so he agreed. Randhir gently picked Sanyukta in his arms and followed Kishore towards the medical room.

The doctor was ready, Randhir placed her on the bed. He took a step back and the doctor began examining her. He checked her pulse and shook his head.

'Her pulse rate is very high. It was another panic attack, Mr. Agarwal.' He said grimly, and Kishore sighed sadly. Randhir and others were clueless. The doctor went on.

'How many times I have asked you, Mr. Agarwal to keep her away from machines. Don't you know it gives her panic attacks? This one was serious.' He said. Then, he asked everyone to leave.


Outside the medical room,

'What happened, Mr. Agarwal. I hope Sanyukta is all right.' Renuka expressed her concern. Kishore avoided eye-contact as he nodded.

'Has this happened before?' Renuka further asked. Kishore sighed.

'She has been like this for two years now. Ever since that dream team competition.' Kishore revealed, and everyone was surprised. Randhir shifted uncomfortably in his place.

'How? Sanyukta was such a bright girl.' Renuka asked, surprised. Kishore nodded, shrugging.

'She is still a bright girl but just-'

'Just what?' Randhir interrupted, restlessly. Kishore looked sternly at him and then back at Renuka.

'Let it be, Miss. Sanyal.'

'But what happened?' She insisted. Kishore shook his head, but Ankit interrupted.

'She has developed a phobia towards machines.' He revealed. Renuka gasped covering her mouth and Randhir was super-shocked.

Sanyukta phobic to the very thing that was her life, her ambition, her passion? - Randhir wondered while feeling worried and shocked.

'She has been like this for two years now. Ever since that dream team competition.'

Could it be that she is like this because I left her? - Randhir felt numb with guilt. Then another thought came to his mind, - Or is it because of guilt of what she did to Parth?


Oh so, Randhir found out about Sanyukta. What next, guys? I am excited, are you?

How was the Chapter, my lovelies? Please drop your thoughts in the comments and Stay tuned for what happens next *_*

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